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Oficina de Bilingüismo

Fundación Universitaria Tecnologico Comfenalco


Teacher: Jessica Patricia Villalobos Hawkins

Welcoming paragraph:

Hello my dear students. I would like to welcome you all to this new experience,
first of all by letting you know that you can always count on me for whatever you
need through-out this process. I am sure we will have a lot of fun and also learn
many interesting things.


 As you already know we will be developing our classes online. For which
we will be using the platforms Teams and Ferrum.
 I will schedule meetings every week through the platform Teams.
 I will upload all the information regarding the classes on Ferrum.
 We will develop our classes in 10 weeks. Each week we will work on a
different communicative subject.
 Every three weeks I will share with you on Ferrum a self-study guide, such
as this one, with different activities in order for you to work on
autonomously. The guide is divided in 4 stages.

Stage 1: Warm-up.
Stage 2: Topic presentation.
Stage 3: Practice. INTERACT App
Stage 4: Project.

 We will cover each aspect of the guide each week on our meeting on

Sede A. Barrio España. Cra.44D No.30A - 91

PBX: (5) 672 3700 |Email: Cartagena - Colombia |

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