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Unit 1 General Test name

Part 1
Listen to the conversations. Then choose the correct answer for each question.

Conversation A

Example: What does Karen do?

a. She’s a teacher.
[b. She’s a student.]
c. She’s an artist.

Conversation C

1. What is the teacher’s name? 5. What is the woman’s last name?

a. Mr. Ryan a. Clark
b. Mr. Willis b. Brown
c. Ms. Karen c. Smith

2. Who is James? 6. What is the teacher’s name?

a. Karen’s friend a. Brian Brown
b. Karen’s teacher b. Ellen Clark
c. Karen’s brother c. David Smith

Conversation B

3. What is the woman’s first name?

a. West
b. Andrea
c. Anita

4. What is the man’s last name?

a. West
b. Young
c. Andrew

Level 1--Unit 1 Achievement Tests 1

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Part 2
Combine each pair of sentences. Start the sentence with the person’s name.

Example: 8.

Jason is a musician. He’s fantastic. Allen is a computer programmer. He’s great.

Jason is a fantastic musician . .

7. 9.

Alice is a chef. She’s famous. Marie is an interpreter. She’s terrific.

. .

Part 3
Complete each sentence with the correct word.

Example: A boy named Rochester is called Rocky, so his nickname is Rocky.

10. The town or city where you were born is called your .

11. If you come from Canada, your is Canadian.

12. The place where you grew up is your .

Level 1—Unit 1 Achievement Tests 2

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Part 4
Complete the conversation with words from the box.

she’s that’s we’re he’s

who’s what’s it’s

Example: A: What’s going on?

B: We’re just getting ready for school to start for the year.

A: Hey, that lady over there?

B: Mrs. Delgado. from Spain.
A: Really? interesting. But who will her students be?
B: her students this year, you and I and some others.
A: Do you see that new boy? Do you know where from?
B: I think a small town in El Salvador.

Part 5
Complete each sentence to answer the question. Use contractions if possible.

Example: A: Is Mr. Banks your teacher?

B: No, he’s not.

19. A: Are you from China?

B: Yes, .

20. A: Are you and Sally classmates?

B: No, .

21. A: Is your name Franco?

B: Yes, .

22. A: Is that woman British?

B: No, .
Part 6 Read the passage. Then check ( ✓) True, False, or No information.

True False No information

Example: Ms. Jaramillo’s first name is Inéz. ( ✓) ( ) ( )

23. Ms. Jaramillo is from Venezuela. ( ) ( ) ( )

24. Ms. Jaramillo likes Bogotá. ( ) ( ) ( )

25. Ms. Jaramillo lives in a house. ( ) ( ) ( )

26. Ms. Jaramillo has two sisters. ( ) ( ) ( )

27. Ms. Jaramillo does well in school. ( ) ( ) ( )

28. Ms. Jaramillo shares a bedroom. ( ) ( ) ( )

29. Ms. Jaramillo misses her family. ( ) ( ) ( )

30. Ms. Jaramillo enjoys working with computers. ( ) ( ) ( )

Unit 1 Writing Test
Write about a friend. Include information about his or her name, nickname, age,
occupation, and hometown. Write at least three sentences.
Unit 1 Speaking Test
You’re at a birthday party. Introduce a family member or colleague to your friends. Give
some information about him or her. Use complete sentences.

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