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April Ibañez Macario BEED- III

Ang mga Guro ng Malining

Reaction Paper

In the documentary of Kara David entitled "Ang mga Guro ng Malining" wherein it
showed us the hardships of being a teacher, they walked for 2 days to reach Malining
elementary school. Their walk needs to pass through the Sierra Madre which is a mountain
filled with tropical rainforest, so they need to go through heavy rains and crossed 6 rivers with
strong currents, as well as walking through the muds. They do this every month as being
required, eventhough it is a very long walk they need to abide because it's their duty, and the
location where they are going to teach has no signal and electricity, also they use their salary to
hire some people to carry their things.

Teacher Claudine, Mary Grace and Jericho are really determined to reach their teaching
destination just to teach the young ones that are waiting for them, eventhough they might face
danger along the way, they did not use this as a hindrance because they know that they have
responsibility to those childrens in Malining elementary school. In the video, they manifested
what is the real definition of a teacher, not just by merely teaching but also to give them proper
education and to be an inspiration for them to become successful someday. These teacher also
chose to be far away from their families and sacrificed a lot.

After watching the video I came to realized, that the teacher's are the one who help
shapes anothers life, they are the true heroes of our country. Each day, teachers make a
difference, one child at a time. They bring hope, encouragement, and the ability to dream
beyond the four walls of the classroom, transforming the lives of the students and the
communities in which they live.

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