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1. First, just go straight to the Aplha Avenue, keep walking, then turn left.

You can see the

Library is behind the Mosque.
2. From the Museum turn left and then keep walk to the Echo Avenue, after that turn right
to the Bravo Avenue keep walk until arrive to the Fury Avenue, turn left. The Mall is in
front of the Restaurant.
3. From Park, just go straight to the Bravo Avenue, keep walk until you can see the Mosque
is in front of you and the Mosque is between the Restaurant and Gas Station.
4. From Delta Avenue, go straight until you see the Museum turn left, just go straight then
you will arrive to the Charlie Avenue.
5. From where you are keep walk, until you see the Mall and the Restaurant turn right then
go straight, and you will see the Gas Station is beside the Mosque.
6. From The Police Office, turn right and go straight pass the Bravo Avenue to the Fury
Avenue, after arrived on Fury Avenue turn left and keep walk, then turn right. After that
turn right again, and you arrive in the Restaurant, the Restaurant is beside the Library.

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