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Intellectual property, good morning teacher, today I’m gonna talk about Intellectual property.

First of all, I'm going to define what it means, IP or Intellectual property relates to the creations

of the mind or idea, such as an invention, a written work, images or symbols used in commerce.

The types of intellectual property are:

Patent: It' s a right granted by the State, having a patent on a creation means you own it and

others need your permission to used it, also, the duration is 20 years.

Trademark: is a name, symbol, word or mark that identifies a company and its goods. For

example, Nike is a registered trademark, its logo stands out from the rest.

Trade secrets: include techniques, methods, or formulas that a company doesn´t reveal to the

public. In addition, disclosure of this information is considered an unfair practice.

License: A license normally explains very clearly how the Intellectual property can and cannot

be used. For example, the copyright of a song.

Counterfeit: is the manufacture and marketing of products that are the same as those of another


Finally, the Designation of origin: is given to products that are produced or prepared in a

specific region. For example, Nariño coffee is recognized as the first Designation of origin of

Regional coffee in Colombia.

thank you very much for your attention.

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