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Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras

Professor Armando Rivaldo

Level 7 – Quiz – SLO Infer implicit meaning in written and spoken texts

Name: ___Carlos Eliecer Herrera De la rosa________________________

Date:__12/05/2021_________ Score:_________

Respond to the following questions:

1-How important was Venice in the past in the world? Why?

Venice was very important in the past because it was the most important port city and the
most luxurious city in commerce.

2- How is life in Venice in reference to the cost of life?

Life in Venice is very difficult, especially because of the way of transporting oneself and
carrying out their obligations during the day, tourists have to carry their suitcases all the
time and there are not many cars in the city, to get there is by plane.

3- What is the main problem the city has?


4- What is the meaning of gondolas for Venetians?

In Venice the Gondolas are long and narrow boats are the means of transport in the City
and today they are also part of tourism. Each person decorates their gondolas to identify

5- What was the purpose of the altanas in the top of the houses in the past?

The purpose of the altanas in Venice was due to the little space and lighting that the
houses had, since they were very enclosed and did not have a space to meet.

6- What is so special about Venetian’s gold?

In Venice the gold is incorporated in the most striking parts of the city, inside the chapels,
in the sculptures, in the pieces of work, the gold is in the majority of Venetian handicrafts.
for this reason gold is special to them.

7- What is the Ghetto in Venice?

The ghetto was a place that arose through religion and with the condition of professing it.
It is a place with a foundry where there were some iron furnaces, where people were
forced to perform the actions that religion asked of them in order to "be free."
8- Where do markets get vegetables and fruits from?

Fruits and vegetables are imported from other countries.

9- What happens in Venice four times a day?

Sea level goes up every six hours and can be dangerous for residents

10- What type of architectural work was done on the water?

The project was acqua Alta.

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