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Module 3- Activity 3 GE108B/ 9548

1. Is bribery a big problem in the country where you live?

Of course, because bribery is an unethical practice and we cannot tolerate

such act. It taints the system of justice and equality, used as an instrument to
gain personal or corporate advantage and it destroys people’s trust.

2. When will you say “no” or “yes” in an invitation by your boss to a dinner?

I will say no if it just two of us will having dinner and I will say yes if it is a
team dinner or the meeting is for business matter.

3. Would you revert to bribery if your life is at stake?

If my life is at stake yes, but I will not make any promises and I will provide
and secure evidences that will prove that someone is bribing me and also
threatened my life. Then, I will report this to my superior and to the authorities.

4. Is there a sum of money that might persuade you to “look the other way”?

I can’t exchange my dignity as a person because of money. I am a type of

person who has principle and my parents taught to become independent, to be
responsible of my actions and to not accept anything unless I worked hard for it.

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