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To Jab or Not to Jab, That is the Question

I recently read a very interesting article describing the state of affairs in our nation today, and what a
mockery of common sense it has become. If you would like to read it, it is titled, “Covid theater: A
personal tale about the gaslighting of a nation and its schoolchildren.” Click on the title to be taken to
the article. It is actually very good, and I recommend reading it.
As I think about this whole thing, there is something that occurs to me. They tell us the jab is so
important that it is mandatory. They tell us the not-jabbed are now a threat to those who have been
jabbed because the not-jabbed may be asymptomatic and pass it on. Yet they also tell us those who are
jabbed may be asymptomatic and pass it on. So common sense tells us that there is really no difference
between the jabbed and the not-jabbed when it comes to being asymptomatic and passing it on.
They also tell us that the jab will not prevent us from catching the virus, so again, no difference
between the jabbed and the not-jabbed. They then tell us that being jabbed will protect us against
severe complications from the virus, which generally only happen to the elderly and those with co-
morbidities, however, they also tell us now that the jab can also cause severe complications for those
with co-morbidities, so it then becomes a "six of one, half dozen of the other" situation. In fact, all
three of the approved jabs are known to cause severe complications in some people. The one jab that
doesn't seem to cause any severe complications, and is more effective than the other three, is not
allowed in America. In fact, America has ordered the company to stop manufacturing it altogether. I
wonder why that is?
I have questions, but the only answers I get range from "Don't be stupid, just get the jab" and "Don't
ask questions, just get the jab" to "You must be a conspiracy theorist, just get the jab" and "YOU"RE
I know I am not supposed to talk about these things, not supposed to point out that the emperor is not
wearing any clothes, but sometimes you just have to speak up and not just follow the herd, willingly
going where we’re told, into the loading chute, the cattle cars, and without a valid reason why. Yes, I
know what comes with this kind of a decision. Vilification, ostracization, criminalization. In fact, I can
almost hear the torch and pitchfork herd at my door now.

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