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1. Be punctual. It is very important to be on time in the job interview

2. Make sure you dress to make the right impression. Dress comfortably and

correctly. Don´t wear casual clothes.

3. Be honest with yourself. If you don´t know how to do something say it.

4. Smile. If gives a good impression that you are interested in working.

5. Be respectful. Speak with respect to who interviews you and the people who

works here.

6. Listen more than you talk. Listen carefully to the instructions and questions

they to give you

7. Be positive. Don´t speak badly about the company in which you have

worked or your bosses.

8. Bring CV and important documents. If brings importants documents that you

show you preparation.

How to… make a good impression on
your first day in yoour English class

1. Be punctual. It is important to arrive early to locate your teacher and


2. Prepare your materials. Prepare your materials the night before to arrive on


3. Sleep early. Sleep the night before and get up early to rest with much


4. Smile. Be friendly with classmates and teacher will help you become a

better person.

5. Wear comfotable clothing. Wear comfortable and you can do different


6. Have a good breakfast. Having a good breakfast will help you to perform

better in class.

7. Have a confidence in yourself. Have fun in your clases so you can learn a

second language will help you not be forced to do.

8. Pay attention. Write things that you find interesting with different color in

your notebook will help you in the exams

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