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Tengo 16 años, estoy en la escuela en el décimo año, quiero tu ayuda, lo pongo en contexto.

estoy tratando de ganar una beca para estudiar en cualquier parte del mundo y mando muchos
mails y nadie me contesta, le escribo para que me colabore con una beca para terminar mis
estudios en Australia quiero mejorar mi educación y si no me preocupo nadie lo hará por mi, por
favor contéstame, mi número es +573147591815

I am 16 years old, I am in school in the 10th year, I want your help, I put it in context.

I am trying to win a scholarship to study anywhere in the world and I send many emails and no one
answers me, I am writing to you to help me with a scholarship to finish my studies in Australia I
want to improve my education I am a good student good not one that gets 10 in all subjects but I
make an effort I always e said. If I don't worry nobody will do it for me, please contact me, my
number is +573147591815 or answer this email please help me too much I want to leave Colombia
and the economy of my family is not very good because I live with my grandparents and my
grandfather is a farmer does not have a stable income and my grandmother works taking care of
children please help me I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

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