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Tugas 1 MKWI4201.


1. Identifikasi Paragraf
A. Proper Nouns
- Mickey Mouse
- Plane Crazy
- Walt Disney Company
- Steamboat Willie
- Disney film
- Flowers and Trees
B. Common Nouns
- Character
- Comic strips
- symbols
- Cartoon
- Sound
C. Verbs
- Celebrates
- Release
- Developed
- Appeared
- Evolved
- Grown
D. Adjectives
- The first
- Simply
- Recognizable
- anthropomorphic
E. Adverb
- Simply
- Tremendously
2. Sentence with a noun phrase
Be the best bodybuilder in the world is Andre deiu goal
3. Sentence with a verb phrase
Haris broken all off his phone cellular, but he never satisfied
4. Sentence with an adjective phrase
Hadi with his greatest personal trainer show up at Mr. Olympia competition

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