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Social and financial Literacy

Learning financial literacy boosted my confident and knowledge on

understanding the concepts including saving, investing and debt that leads to an overall
sense of financial well-being and self-trust. Financial literacy is the foundation of your
relationship with money, and it is a lifelong journey of learning. The earlier you start, the
better off you will be, because education is the key to success when it comes to money.

These outcomes reduce well-being by making it more difficult for individuals to

meet their basic material and security needs. Because a primary purpose of social work
is to "enhance human well- being and help meet the basic human needs of all
people"(NASW、2000、p.1)、it is appropriate for social workers to be concerned
about financial outcomes. Youths 'financial knowledge and behavior are important
because early behaviors create a foundation for future financial behavior and well-being
(American Savings Education Council ( ASEC ) 、 n.d.; Martin & Oliva 、 2001;
O'Neill、1992)and because youths can make financial mistakes especially with credit
that have long-term consequences。

In Conclusion financial literacy helps consumers to save and invest in the right
plans. Thus, it avoids debt, bankruptcy and getting broke. Although understanding
finance is not easy, once done, it can ease life’s burdens tremendously. Thus, financial
literacy needs to be emphasized by the government and companies for a better

The several types of social skills
Subjective standard of morality
Social literacy concern
Issue in teaching social literacy


Improving the Financial Literacy and Practices of Youths

Beverly, Sondra G; Burkhalter, Emily K. Children & Schools; Oxford Vol. 27

Submitted by: June Mark L. Aquino

Submitted to: Jelaine C. Balatayo

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