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1. I can easily visualize when I see pictures during lectures

2. I remember the spelling of a word by writing it in a few times.
3. I am able to visualize things easily.
4. I learn better by reading what the teacher writes on the board.
5. I learn better by watching video tutorials when I want to learn something new.
6. I find it easier to remember people’s faces than their names.

1. I enjoy listening music while studying.
2. I can easily follow verbal Instruction.
3. I can easily remember when I verbally instructed by the teacher without being
4. If I have vacant time I like to listen to music.
5. If I heard the name of a person I can easily remember them than their faces.
6. I enjoy discussing and hearing other people’s views.

1. I take down notes everything I heard in the lecture.
2. I use my hands when I speak.
3. I like to take objects apart and repair things.
4. I am skillful with and enjoy doing artworks after class.
5. I enjoy eating while listening to the teacher.
6. I like assembling things when I am bored.

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