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20, 2006


Lipitor and eye medications,

cyclobenzaprine HCL(Flexeril)relieves muscle spasms of local origin without interfering

with general muscle function. This drug acts by depressing motor activity primarily in the

ADVERSE EFFECTS AND INTERACTIONS include drowsiness, blurred vision,

dizziness, dry mouth, rash and tachycardia.It should be caution in patients with MI,
dysrhythmias, or severe cardiovasculaer disorder.

Feb. 25, 2006

A client with musculoskeletal injuries is complaining of pain and muscle spasm. The
physician prescribed FLEXERIL. Which of the following statements is correct about this

q 1 “I can have sips of wine while on this drug.”

q 2 “I will expose myself to sunlight to prevent dermatitis.”
q 3 “I will avoid foods which are rich in tyramine such as aged cheese and smoked
q 4 “I will avoid activities that require mental alertness while on this drug.”

The correct answer is 4.

The side effect of Flexeril is drowsiness. A client taking this drug should avoid activities
such as driving and operating heavy machineries.

Flexeril is a muscle relaxant which is used with rest, physical therapy and other measures
to relax muscles and relieve pain and discomfort caused by strains, sprains, and other
muscle injuries. Flexeril comes as a tablet to take by mouth.

Side Effects:
Muscle Relaxant (3 D’s)


Infrequent or Rare Side Effects: (ABC)

A bdominal pain
B loating and bad taste
C onstipation,
D iarrhea, difficulty sleeping, difficulty speaking,
E xcitement,
Frequent urination

Contact your doctor immediately if any of the following rare side effects occurs: blurred
or double vision, clumsiness, confusion, decreased coordination, depression, difficulty
urinating, fainting, hepatitis, hives or itching (without other symptoms of allergic
reaction), jaundice (yellow skin or eyes), low blood pressure, ringing in the ears, strange
thoughts or dreams, unsteadiness, unusual changes in mood or thought, water retention.

Overdose: The following symptoms indicate an overdose, get medical help immediately -
difficulty breathing, extreme nervousness or restlessness, flushed skin, hallucination,
racing or irregular heartbeat, seizure, shortness of breath, tiredness (extreme), unstable
temperature, unusual muscle stiffness, vomiting (in combination with these other

Allergy: Any previous drug or food additive allergy should be discussed with your
doctor. A previous allergic reaction to Flexeril, or a reaction while you are taking it, is a
contraindication to further treatment with this medication.

clchicine and isuprel.

about isuprel patient given 80 mg was it under dosage,over dosage or correct dose ??

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