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Alamat : Jl. Raya yang kamu mau, Lebak-Banten Kode Pos. 42393


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X/1 (Gasal)
Hari, Tanggal : ………., … Desember 2021
Waktu : 120 menit
1. Bacalah Basmalah sebelum menjawab pertanyaan
2. Kerjakanlah soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Bacalah Hamdallah setelah selesai menjawab semua soal
4. Bekerjalah dengan penuh kejujuran dan rasa tanggung jawab

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C, D dan E di bawah ini!
1. Dion : "Hello, Ma. This is my cousin: Erica " 4. What does Mrs. Wati like about Lina?
Erica : "How do you do? " A. grade D. job experience
Via : "How do you do? " B. helpful trait E. education background
C. language skills
What kind of expressions the underlined expression
is? Quations No 5 to 6!
A. greetings D. leave taking Mr Anton : "Good afternoon, Sir. May I introduce
B. hanking E. pleasure myself? My name is Anton. I am a
C. introducing technician of PT General Automotive. "
The secretary : "What can I do for you, sir
2. Jaka : "Hi, I m Jaka. What is your name? " Mr anton : "I want to see Mr. Rahmat, the mechanic in
Hana : "I'm Hana. " the workshop. Is he in today? "
Jaka : "What are you looking for? could "I help The secretary : "I am sorry, Sir. Mr. Rahmat isn't in today"
you. " Mr. Anton : "I see. Well, thank you. Goodbye. "
Hana : "I'm looking for a self-help book. "
Jaka : "I would like to recommend you this book. 5. What are Mr. Anton and the secretary talking about?
This is my favourite book. " A. a technician of PT General Automotive
B. a way of greetings
What do they talk about? C. Mr. Anton and the secretary
A. hobby D. profession D. Mr. Rahmat's hobby
B. book interest E. passions E. Mr. Rahmat's attendance
C. address
6. May I introduce myself? What does the Statement
Quations No 3 to 4! indicate?
Mr. Rudi : "Lina, this is Mrs. Wati, the head of A. greeting
purchasing division. Mrs. Wati, she is Lina. She B. Advice
is your new assistant. " C. Introduction of oneself
Lina : "Pleased to meet you. D. Complain
Mrs. Wati : "Pleased to meet you too. Areyou able to E. Introducting others
communicate in English!
Lina : "Yes, Ma'am. I am able to speak English Questions to 7 s.d 9!
fluently. I am an English Language and Reod the following dialog
Literature graduate, Danny :"Hello, Roy."
Mrs. Wati : "That's great! I hope we could work together" Roy :"Hi, Danny. It’s nice to sec you here.”
Danny : ''Nice to see you, too. How are you?
3. Where does the dialog take place? Roy : "Fine, thalk you. And you?"
A. office D. supermarket Danny :"I’m quite well, thanks."
B. classroom E. job fair Roy : "Have you met my friends?” This is Nani
C. university and Tom

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Danny : "How do you do, guys? Glad to meet you." B. You look great yourself.
Nani-Tom : "How do you do, Danny? Glad to meet you, C. That’s a very nice of you to say so.
too." D. Thanks you
Roy : ''Please, take a seat. I'll ask for the menu to E. I am not sure about that
the waitters”
Danny : "I am sorry. I am in a hurry." 13. Kiki : “ Sara, did you have hair cut?.
Roy : “Oh! Are you? That's bad. Hope to see you Sara : “ I did .“
again. Goodbye, Roy." Kiki : “................................”
Danny : "Goodbye, everybody." Sara : Thank you I really appreciate it.No one
noticed my new hair cut Except you.
7. "How do you do, guys? Glad to meet you
What does the underlined word mean? A. Do you really think that cut suits you ?
A. sad D. egotistic B. If you think you look beuatiful with that hair,
B. lazy E. uninterested think again!
C. pleasant C. It looks fine, but it will be better if you wer a
8. "May 1 introduce myself? " D. I hope it grow again sooner
What is the synonym of the underlined word? E. Well, it suits you. You look good with that hair
A. present D. annoy cut.
B. deduce E. dedicate
C. contest 14. Which statement is a compliment.....
A. It’s such a shame for you, dear
9. Who is the mutual friend between them? B. What a brililiant performence you did
A. Roy C. How disgusting your action is .
B. Tom D. You should practice more; sweetheart.
C. Nani E. If you want to be an actress think again.
D. Danny
E. The waiters 15. A boy : “ I heard your speech. That was so
inspiring.Superb !”
10. My sister is Dewi.....8 .years old. A girl : “ Really ? Do you think so ?”
A. He is D. We are A boy : “ Of course. Your topic about humanism
B. I am E. He does was very touching and you handle it well.”
C. She is A girl : Frankly speaking. I was very nervous.

11. Your friend come to the classroom with a sad face. Which statement indicate compliment ?
You notice it. A. I heard your speech
You : “ Is some thing wrong ?You don’t B. Superb
look so happy.” C. Really?
Your friend : “ I lost try phone on my way to school D. Do you think so
this morning .” E. Of crouse.
You : “ No way that’s awful .How did that
16. What can you get from the dialoque ?
happen ?”
A. The woman failed in presenting the speech.
Your friend : “ I don’t know. I din’t realize that it
B. Her topic of presentation is boring.
had gone until I got here.”
C. She was lack of self-esteem in doing
You : “ oh dear, what an unfortunate event.”
D. The girl is sharing resposibility with the boy in
Which statement is false ?
receiving the compliment.
A. Your friend lost his phone.
E. The boy gave the an advice about publict
B. You don’t care about what happened
C. You ask what happened because you notice
your friend’s sad face Quations No 17 to 18!
D. You care about your friend Tito : “ Wina I saw you on the debate competition
E. Your is in unfortunste situation yesterday. That was a heated debat.
Congratulations for your winning! What an
12. Maria : “ Sherly, what a nice dress you look amazing victory!”
stunning!” Wina : Thanks. It was actually a team has a really good
Sherly : “................................” skill and talent.”
17. What is the antonym of heated ?
What is the unappropriate respones ?
A. Impasstion D. Ragging
A. Thanks. This dress would make anyone look
B. Enthusiatic E. Dull
C. Intense

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18. What can you get from the dialoque ? E. What picture is this ? I don’t even know who or
A. She denies the compliment that she receive. what you drew.
B. She doesn’t want to accept the compliment
because she doesn’t feel confident 22. Rudy will ... to th cinema watch a film.
C. She want people to compliment her A. go D. went
achievement. B. gone E. goes
D. She doesn’t want to sound arrogant. C. going
E. She wants to give the credit to th who deserve
it. 23. Robbin : “ where will you go tomorrow ?”
Regina : “....”
Quations no 19 to 20! A. I will cut the grass.
Father : "Honey, Come here. i bought you a new pairrs B. I wiil you.
of show." C. I will clean my room.
Daughter : "Really? Oh my god, thank you so much, Dad. D. I will go to the shopping centre.
They so beautiful! I Love them" E. I will be fine.
Father : "Do you really like them?"
Daughter : Of course I do" 24. I visit my aunt....
Father : "Listen. I have to go to Rome for bussiness A. on Sundays D. to day
next week. So I wouldn't be here to celebrate B. next week E. at present
your birthday. I am so sorry." C. yesterday
Daughter : "How long will you be there?"
Father : "I'll stay there for 5 days." 25. Joko :” .....”
Daughter : "That's too bad" Joni : “ I will watch music concert in Cafe at 11
Father : "But promise you to bring something from PM.”
rome. What do you want? A doll? A dress?" A. Will you music concert in cafe ?
Daughter : "It's okey, Dad. You don't have to buy me B. What is you plan toninhgt ?
something, just come home safety." C. What is it ?
Father : "I will, dear. Hey, why don't you try your new D. When will you go ?
shoes? See if they fit!" E. What did you do yeserday ?
Daughter : "All right!"
Father : "Look at you! they look really good on you" 26. Do you come to my birthday’s party ?
Daughter : Thanks, Dad. A. Yes. I do D. Yes, I did
B. No, I do E. No, I didn’t
19. What is the false information from the text? C. Yes, I don’t
A. The daughter is disoppointed to receive a new
pairs of shoes as her birthday present . Questions to 27 s.d 35!
B. The father can’t celebrate his daughter’s
birthday sibce he will be BASE ON THE FOLLOWING TEXT
C. The daughter respons to her father compliment Ranu Kumbolo
by saying her Ranu Kumbolo is a lake with a breathtaking and
D. The daughter return her compliment to her exotic scenery that is located at the slope of the highest
father by saying “ thank You. “ peak in java. Semeru mouned or Mahameru. The edge of
E. The father compliment his daughter when she is the lake is usad as a rest area and camping ground for
wearing the shoes. Semeru Mountain Climbers.
Ranu Kumbolo is accessible from Malang or
20. How does the daughter respond to the father’s Lumajang East Java. You will pass a 5 km of slope with
compliment? edelwish growing every where and beautiful slep rock, the
A. Refusing and accepting valley and hills are evergrown with pines that look very
B. Accepting and showing suprise amazing from the track: sometimes the smoke from
C. Accepting and showing responsible Semeru peak can also be seen. In the rainy season, the
D. Accepting and returning the compliment climbing is closed due to the erosion and strom. It is closed
E. Accepting and giving humorous response for 4 months from December to April and it is will be
opened after the route survey by the BTS National Park
21. Your little sister drew a picture of you. She show crew.
you the picture. What kind of reaction should you
say in order to encourage he? 27. Where is wawan intending to go ?
A. You’d better quit dreaming about being a great A. His uncle’s house
actrist. B. His freind’s house
B. Your drawing is that good. C. Bus station
C. What agreat picture! You are really a talented D. His grandparent’s house
D. Is that me in the picture? Not bad! E. The driver’s house

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28. How will he go to his uncle’s house ? change yet, remain the same. As walt Disney said
A. On foot D. By bicycle “Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to
B. By truck E. By bus grow as long as there is imagination left in the world”.
C. By train
36. What is the main point of the text ?
29. What time will Wawan leave so he will not miss the A. Disneyland D. California
bus ? B. Dufan E. Happines
A. At 10 o’clock D. At 11 o’clock C. Amusement Park
B. At 8 o’clock E. At 9 o’clock
C. At 7 o’clock 37. What is the meaning of the word friendly ?
A. Kind D. Sad
30. How long will he stay at his uncle’s house ? B. Happy E. Fake
A. Two days D. Two weeks C. Angry
B. A month E. One week
C. One day 38. What is the antonym of the word grow ?
A. A.develop D. Large
31. What is the purpose of the text ? B. Decrease E. Extend
A. To entertain the reader. C. Expand
B. To tell the truth
C. To persuade the reader 39. Amara : “ Hi, Mariah. How is your holiday ?”
D. To inform the reder Mariah : “ It was great. I went to Paris. The weather
E. To retell past event was so....
A. Nice D. Terrible
32. What is the highest peak in Java ? B. Bad E. Annoying
A. Mahameru D. Manglayang C. Horrible
B. Bromo E. Papandayan
C. Limited 40. Tita : “ Sifa, why did you do yesterday ?”
Sifa : “ I just stay at home, it was rainning yesterday.
33. Ranu Kumbolo is accessible from Malang. The rain was so...............
What is the synonym of accessible ? A. Happy D. Burned
A. Deficient D. Retricted B. Small E. Cold
B. Reachable E. Inacessible C. Light
C. Limited
41. Flo : “ Eva I like your wallet. It’s lovely .”
34. Based on the text above, what is the author’s opinion Eva : “ It a homemade. My aunt made it “
about Ranu Kumbolo ?
A. Amazing D. Boring What type respons is used ?
B. Awful E. Messy A. Showing surprise
C. Horrible B. Happy
C. Returning the compliment
35. Which is the fasle information about Ranu Kumbolo D. Humorous respone
? E. Asking the truth
A. Ranu Kombolo is a camping ground for the
climber. Questions to 42 s.d 45!
B. Ranu Kumbolo can reach from Malang and This is Mr. Wibowo’s house. It is big, cleanand
Lumajang. comfortable. There is a garden in front of the house. There
C. The track is filled by edelwishes. are some flowers in the garden. The house has a living
D. The climbing is opened in every season room, dining room, two bathrooms, a kitchen three
E. It is located on the slope of Mahameru. bedrooms and a garage. Mr. wibowo has some pets, a dog,
and a parrot. Me. Wibowo takes care the pets very
Questions to 36 s.d 38! carefully.
Disneyland California
Disneyland California is most certainly a land of 42. What is the type of the text above ?
enchantment where children and youth find the dreams A. Procedure D. Spoof
really do come true. Disneyland park is seamless blend of B. Narrative E. Descriptive
yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Smilling train conducots, C. Recount
marching bands and the clip clop of horse drawn carriages
bring back you to carefree days. You can also rocket 43. What is the first paragarph of the text called ?
through the galaxcy, boar a runway train or trackthrough A. General classification
the jungle. Lhougter is always in the air, with friendly B. Description
smile all around. The secret to Disneyland is it’s ability to C. Orientation

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D. Event
E. Identification 48. Which of thefollowing sentences contains an
adjective ?
44. Which room Mr. Wibowo doesn’t have ? A. Many people like Jacob because he is a kind boy.
A. Three bedrooms D. A guess room B. Billy lives with his aunt Austria.
B. A living room E. A kitchen C. Dad always us to exercise on weekends
C. A dining room D. I hope I can a pianist one day.
E. You can’t scare me, I am a goalkeeper.
45. What is Mr. Wibowo ‘s pet ?
A. A snake D. A dog 49. Which of the following senteces doesn’t use an
B. A garden E. A kitchen adverb of time ?
C. A cat A. The contest will be held for three days
B. The winner will be announed on Sunday.
46. Which of the following sentence is grammatically C. Indonesia got its independence in 1945
correct ? D. She always look tired after working.
A. This is an expensive blue wool jacket. E. He told them politely to leave him in peace.
B. This an expensive wool blue jacket.
C. This is a blue expensive woll jacket 50. You should take the madecine ... ....a day.
D. This is a blue wool expensive jacket A. Everyday D. Three times
E. This is a wool expensive bue jacket B. Always E. Ussually
C. Never
47. Jonathant is a ... guy
A. Look good D. Looking good II. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!
B. Looking good E. Good-looking 41.
C. Good looking

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1 1 1 1 1
JAWABAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20
1 3 5 7 9
A √ √ √
B √ √ √ √
C √ √ √ √ √
D √ √ √
E √ √ √ √ √

2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
JAWABAN 22 24 27 29 31 33 35 37 40
1 3 5 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 9
A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √
C √ √ √
D √ √
E √ √

4 4 4 4 4 5
JAWABAN 42 44 47 49
1 3 5 6 8 0
A √ √
C √
D √ √ √
E √ √ √ √

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