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Charity is essential and meant to be done for public benefit, in order to

provide assistance to people at times of need, by supplying them with food,

shelter, medical aid, and other fundamental needs. Charity brings positivity in
life of the people around you and help them to become a better person and make
the world a better place. I think about the situation when you help an orphan child
with their homeworks and you give them a smile, that will give you satisfaction and
also make that child to understand that his not alone.

I wouldn’t say that prudence is a virtue, it depends on the situation. I belive that
being prudence can

I suppose that Steve Hurley works in the movie industry because in the interview
he specified BAFTA awards. I think he is a successful person in this industi and he
probably worked hard to get there. He loves his family because at the beging of the
interview he says that the people he admires the most are his parents. And also he
was the happiest when his child was born.

1. Envy is what you feel towards someone when he has something that you want.
2. Jealousy is what you feel when you have something you really like and don’t
want to share.
3. Covetousness is an excessive desire and greed for material gain

I believe that covetousness is one of the least forgivable vice because people who
manifest this excessive desire for material gain are blind by this wish and may
harm the people around them in order to get what they want. In general these
people don’t care about the others and they are not value the important things in

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