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Вариант 2

1. Переведите предложения, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect.

1) Вы уже обсудили этот вопрос? – Еще нет.

2) Я еще не обедал. Пойдемте в столовую.
3) Мы уже составили наш бизнес-план.
4) На этой неделе они купили новое оборудование.
5) Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне? — Нет, но я много читал о нем.
6) В этом месяце мы дважды ходили в театр.
7) Кто видел этот фильм? — Я.
8) Сколько деловых писем вы написали сегодня?
9) Я видел Джона очень редко за последнее время.
10) Дети еще не закончили работать над заданием.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1) I already (to do) my homework. Now I can go for a walk.

2) I (to do) my homework yesterday.
3) He just (to come) home.
4) He (to come) home five minutes ago.
5) Nick (to play) football yesterday.
6) She already (to come) from school. Now she is doing her homework.
7) I (to read) this book last year.
8) I’m sorry. I (not to do) my homework.
9) He is not at school today, he (to fall) ill. – When he (to fall) ill? – He (to fall) ill yesterday.
10) At last I (to do) all my paperwork. Now I can go out.

3. Переведите предложения, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect Continuous.

1) Где дети? — Они все еще играют во дворе.

2) Мой брат уже три года дизайнер.
3) Мой друг знает английский с детства.
4) Я уже полчаса читаю эту книжку.
5) Ваш брат еще болен? — Нет, он уже поправился. Он уже три дня занимается в
6) Мне уже два года хочется посетить Мадрид.
7) Она уже десять минут пытается найти свою сумку.
8) Они уже десять лет живут в Нью Йорке.
9) Моя тетя — врач. Она всегда любила помогать людям.
10) Ваш брат уже вернулся из отпуска? — Да, он уже неделю, как дома.

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или в Present Perfect


1) Maria … (to learn) English for two years.

2) Hello, Tom. I … (to look) for you all morning. Where have you been?

3) Why you … (to look) at me like that? Stop it!

4) We always go to Ireland for our holidays. We … (to go) there for years.

5) I … (to think) about what you said and I've decided to take your advice.

6) "Is Ann on holiday this week?" "No, she … (to work).

7) Sarah is very tired. She … (to work) very hard recently.

8) He (to live) in Russia since 1990.

9) She (to like) you since she saw you at the party.

10) How long you (to know) Rosa?

5. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующуюся форму глагола в Passive Voice.

1) Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.

2) This text (to translate) at the last lesson.
3) These trees (to plant) last autumn.
4) The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia.
5) The poem was so beautiful that it (to learn) by everybody.
6) The letter (to post) in half an hour.
7) Soon he (to send) to a sanatorium.
8) The composition must (to hand) in on Saturday.
9) Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare to a speech.
10)The lecture (to attend) by all of us tomorrow.

6. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Passive Voice или Active Voice.

1) Мне велели прийти сюда в пять.

2) Нам не разрешают включать этот прибор.
3) Они будут сдавать экзамен завтра утром.
4) Их проэкзаменуют в субботу.
5) Мама отправит письма послезавтра.
6) Письма из офиса будут отправлены в понедельник.
7) Эти вопросы обычно обсуждаются после работы.
8) Эта книга была переведена на французский 3 года назад.
9) Я дам вам эти диски в пятницу вечером.
10) Об этом фильме говорят уже всю неделю.

7. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя модальные глаголы

can, need, must и их производные.

1) Вы можете мне сказать как доехать до вокзала?

2) Где тут можно купить хлеб?
3) Мы должны упорно работать над упражнениями.
4) Вы должны были быть осторожны на улице.
5) Ей нужно было купить эти словари.
6) Вам не нужно приезжать так рано.
7) Неужели вам надо уже уходить?
8) Сегодня я смогу вас выслушать.
9) Мы не можем так рисковать.
10) Завтра врач не сможет вас принять.

8. Вставьте may, might, can, could, сделав необходимые изменения.

1) They … (to tell) me about the problem beforehand.

2) Look! There are clouds in the sky. It … (to start) raining.

3) Yes, she probably … (to hear) your name. You spoke loudly.
4) Their parents … (not to notice) us. We were on the corner of the street.

5) … I help you with your homework?

6) Our secretary says that I … (to rewrite) all paperwork.

7) We … (to help) you when you had some problems.

8) Where are the pupils? - They … (to have lunch) in the canteen.

9) Why isn’t Jack here yet? – He … (to lose) our address.

10) Their family … (to buy) a new house. They are very busy now.

9. Заполните пропуски словами в скобках, оставляя прилагательными или,

преобразуя в наречия.

1) The bus driver was … injured. (serious)

2) Kevin is … clever. (extreme)

3) This hamburger tastes … . (awful)

4) Be … with this glass of milk. It’s hot. (careful)

5) Robin looks … . What’s the matter with him? (sad)

6) Jack is … upset about losing his keys. (terrible)

7) This steak smells … . (good)

8) Our basketball team played … last week. (bad)

9) Don’t speak so … . I can’t understand you. (fast)

10) Maria … opened her present. (slow)

10. Вставьте частицу to, где это необходимо.

1) She had better … apply for this job.

2) I can … walk your dog this week.
3) He will … watch TV this weekend.
4) Let me … help you with your homework.
5) Jesse made her son … eat the porridge.
6) We would like … try this famous bottle of wine.
7) Would you like … know about that article?
8) Would you like … try our new dish?
9) I would like … some juice.
10) I like … draw.

11. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выполните задания.

Jimmy Valentine's
O. Henry

Jimmy Valentine was released that day.

"Now, Valentine," said the warden, "you'll go out today. Make a man of yourself. You are not
a bad fellow really. Stop breaking open safes and be honest."
"Me?" said Jimmy in surprise. "Why, I've never broken a safe in my life." The warden
laughed. "Better think over my advice, Valentine."
In the evening Valentine arrived in his native town, went directly to the cafe of his old friend
Mike and shook hands with Mike. Then he took the key of his room and went upstairs.
Everything was just as he had left it. Jimmy removed a panel in the wall and dragged out a dust-
covered suitcase. He opened it and looked fondly at the finest set of burglar's tools. It was a
complete set made of special steel. The set consisted of various tools of the latest design. Over
nine hundred dollars they had cost him.
A week after the release of Valentine there was a new safe-burglary in Richmond. Two weeks
after that another safe was opened. That began to interest the detectives. Ben Price, a famous
detective, got interested in these cases.
"That's all Jimmy Valentine's work. He has resumed business. He has got the only tools that
can open any safe without leaving the slightest trace."
One afternoon Jimmy Valentine came to Elmore, a little town in Arkansas. A young lady
crossed the street, passed him at the corner and entered a door over which was the sign "The
Elmore Bank". Jimmy Valentine looked into her eyes, forgot what he was and became another
man. She lowered her eyes and blushed slightly. Young men of Jimmy's style and looks were not
of ten met in Elmore. Jimmy called a boy who was standing on the steps of the bank and began
to ask him questions about the town and the people of the town. From this boy he learnt that this
girl was Annabel Adams and that her father was the owner of the bank.
Jimmy went to a hotel and registered as Ralf Spencer. To the clerk he said that he had come
to Elmore to start business. The clerk was impressed by the clothes and manner of Jimmy and he
was ready to give Jimmy any information. Soon Jimmy opened a shoe-store and made large
profits. In all other respects he was also a success. He was popular with many important people
and had many friends. And he accomplished the wish of his heart. He met Miss Annabel Adams
and she fell in love with him too. Annabel's father, who was a typical country banker approved
of Spencer. The young people were to be married in two weeks. Jimmy gave up safe-burglary for
ever. He was an honest man now. He decided to get rid of his tools.
At that time a new safe was put in Mr. Adams' bank. The old man was very proud of it and
insisted that everyone should inspect it. So one day the whole family with the children went to
the bank. Mr. Adams enthusiastically explained the workings of the safe to Spencer. The two
children were delighted to see the shining metal and the funny clock. While they were thus
engaged Ben Price, the detective, walked into the bank and stood at the counter watching the
scene. He told the cashier that he was just waiting for the man he knew. Suddenly there was a
loud scream from the women. Unseen by the elders, May, the smallest girl had shut herself in the
"It's impossible to open the door now," said Mr. Adams in a trembling voice, "because the
clock of the safe hasn't been wound. Oh, what shall we do? That child – she can't stand it for
long because there isn't enough air there!"
"Get away from the door, all of you," suddenly commanded Spencer. And it must be
mentioned that Jimmy happened to have his suit-case with him because he was going to get rid
of it that day. Very calmly he took out the tools and in ten minutes the vault was opened. The
others watched him in amazement. The little girl, crying, rushed to her mother.
Jimmy took his suit-case and came up to Ben Price whom he had noticed long before. "Hello,
Ben", he said, "Let's go. I don't think it matters much now." And then suddenly Ben Price acted
rather strangely. "I guess, you are mistaken Mr. Spencer," he said. "I don't seem to recognize
you. I think your fiancee' is waiting for you, isn't she?" And Ben Price turned and walked out of
the Bank.

1) Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1) Who was Jimmy Valentine?

2) What did he do after being released?

3) Why did the warden ask Jimmy to become an honest guy?

4) What happened when Jimmy moved to Elmore, a little town in Arkansas?

5) Why did Jimmy start a new life there?

6) Did he succeed in making new friends in Elmore?

7) What happened when Jimmy decided to get rid of his instruments for ever?

8) What was Jimmy’s reaction when he noticed Ben Price in the bank?

2) Дайте русские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний.

1) a warden

2) to think over something

3) to shake hands with somebody

4) burglar's tools

5) to get interested in something

6) to cross the street

7) to blush

8) a safe-burglary

9) to make profit

10) to get rid of something

3) Согласитесь или не согласитесь.

1) Jimmy Valentine has always been an honest guy.

2) In the dusted suitcase there was a set of burglar’s tools.

3) Ben Price, a famous detective, didn’t think that Jimmy organized new safe-burglaries in
Richmond .
4) Meanwhile, Jimmy decided to continue his dishonest life.

5) When he moved to Elmore, the first thing he did was burglary.

6) He fell in love with the daughter of the owner of the bank.

7) He became very popular in Elmore.

8) Finally, he got rid of his previous lifestyle.

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