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JCA Nicaragua & Managua, 21 de septiembre 2021 T2AICASPY2O20 cam Arlee Maronco Vice-Minitra General Iinistero de Relaclones Exlrores dela Replica de Nicaragua ‘Sus Manos “REF Long-TermFoodSecurity” Estimada Sefiora Marenco: De la manera més atenta me dijo @ Usted, con el objevo de presentar oficiaimente Ia Informacion General del curso del Programa de Co,Creacin del Coneeimiento come parte dela CCooperacion Tecrca elecutada por nuestro orgaismo para el ao fiscal japones 2021 En esta oportunidad tongo abn presenta ante su insttucion ol curso de maesta “Agrteulture ‘Studies Networks for Food Security (AgriNet), 2022 Autumn” a ealizarse.onmadalidad vital {e septiembre de 2022 a seniombre de 2024, ol cual sera imparido en INGLES y ost dgido a ‘quienes se dedican al camo relacionado con Cadena de Valor Alimenticia (CVA) y el desarroto {de capacidades en industies para contribu l desarrollo de Nearagua, Se estpula como fecha line para la postlacon ofa del candidato el dia 29 de octubre de 2021. E segundo de los Objetios de Desarolo Sostenible (SDGs) es "Acabar con el hambre,lograr la Seguridad almentra y una mejor nut, y promover la agicultura sostenBle”. Esto requec poitleas agicoias adecuadss © invoduccn de tecnologlas apropiaas para una producion ‘slab do ‘alimentos. Con esto fn at desarrollo humano on ot mbio de fa Cadena de Valor ‘Aimentcia (CVA) es una deasesferasestatéicas de cooperacién paa fortalacerlared humana ‘entre los paises en desarroll y Japon en este campo. En esto seni, slcitamos sus buenos ofcos a fn de hacer lara informacion General adunta 4 la Universidad Nacional do Ingenieria Facultad de Tecnologia de la Industia (UNE-FTI) y ‘onvocar a funlonaros a ss postulacin, Para mayor Informacion por favor contactar al St Humberto Picado,Ofial de Programa, al siguiente coreo: Pcacohunbarie No@ilea cop. No tenlendo mis a que hace referencia aprovecho la ocasén para ritraie la muosia de mi ‘estima y consieracin, Atentamente, (6, Sr. Néstor Gallo Zeledin~ Rector, UNL = (Ce. Sr LaonelPlazaola Praca - Vico ectvia de nvestigalén y Dasara, UNL (Ce. Sr Lester Artola Chava ~Decano FTI, UNL = (Ce. Archvo (I). Sepomber 2021 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Long-Term) General Information for All Applicants on Agriculture Studies Networks for Food Security (Agri-Net) 2022 Autumn ‘This information pertains to one of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JCA) nowedge Co-Creation Pogram (Long-Term). This program wil be implemented 8 pat of the Offeial Development Assistance ofthe Gavemment of Japan based on bisteal agreement ‘between both governments. Each county may have sown schedule andor qualifcations fr the program. The addtional Infoemeton fisted on the separates paper mo 4. Background ‘The second goal ofthe SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) sims to “End hung achieve food securiy and improved nutton, and promete sustainable agreuture. This wll ‘equi adequate agicultral poles and inteducton of appropriate technologies for stable foot production “Tathis end, human deselopmentin the fled related to Agicuture and Rural Development PPoicy, Sustainable Agrcutura Producten, “One Heath. Marine Resourees/risnery DDevelepmant, Food Value Grain, and Nalure Conservation sa strategic area of cooperation between developing counties and Japan, taking advantage of wie knowedgeftechnologies accumulated in Japan's universities, 2. Program Outline T | Objcives Develop human resources of public and private sectors the field related to Agriculture and Rural Development Policy, Sustainable Agricultural Production, One Health, Marine ResourcesFishery Development, Food Value Chain, and [Nature Conservation ara developed. ‘Strengthen a human network between developing counties and Japan inthe above-mentoned fed. 2 | Language Engish 3 | Duration Formasiers denres” Sapembar 27% eae Fordoctr’ m ‘adlional morihs at ongest asa research student requred from university (See 4.(1)) Note: Some universty set more than 3 years for doctor's couse. lease check unversty information and be careful when you ask 2ermision to your belonging organization, | lie Applica | Appteanis are those who Rui al oT he Tolowing, ‘belong to govemmental organizations, unhersiies and esaa?ch centers, o lated organization in private sector lengagein the fed related to Agricuure and Rural Development Poley, Sustainable Agreutural Producton, One Heath, Marine Resourcesiishery Developmert, Food Value Chain, or Nature Conservation, and ‘wish 10 conibute to own country's development through Culiating strong network wh Japan. “Aapptans trom private Secor shoul be fom the field related to" Agriculture and Rural Development Poley, Sustanable ‘Agialtural Production, One Health Marine Resources/Fshery ‘Development, reed Vaive Chain, ang Nature Conservation. | Adaibonat Daring your stayin Japan] Program ICA wil roglary offer onine_ seminars such a6 “Japan's Development Experience inthe Fei of Agreuture and Rua Development’ Partcpants are recommended to ratipate His. [ator returning to your county] 2n0 a = Pareja Rave appartuniy 16-9 pn the natu af a pariepants, “and i) receive information on agricul evelopment Japan and ICA's cooperation in agriculture an rural development Relalonahip wih the Mian the | nity of Detense ‘The Government of Japan wil examine applicants who belong tothe miltary or oter mitary-relatad organizations ‘andlor who are enlsted int may, aking io ‘consideration oftheir des, postions inthe organization and tthe olevant information Ina comprehensive manne 0 be Consistent wt tha Develogment Ceoperaion Chaar ot ‘scan if your organization andor your status i related to the itary ‘or he Ministy of Defense (se the detats beow, ts Fequosted to form your etatus on the applleation form /A) he Mitary, an active mitary personnel or mitay personnel liste in the muster olltry register ‘an organization sflated wth the Miltary, or personnel who ‘oes not belong to the mitary at preseet buts istod inthe ‘muster rollmitary register (©) the Depariment or the Ministry of Defense, an organization ‘flted th the Ministry of Defense, o ttf of he Minty of Defense a chillan organization but with miler personne o a mitary ‘sion win the oganizaton ©) an organization which wil be aitated wih or under the "onto ofthe Miltary in tines of emergency 26 spociiod ‘leary ins organi awa of establishment p) “Qualfeations and ‘Rpplcants must satis ta Toowing rquremenis: Requirements {7 Nationality | Nationals ofthe target counties" where JIGR offered ths Program, * Each trgot county can send two (2) applicants. mae ese than fort (40) years of ape (as of Apri, 2022) (@) Eaueational Bachelors degree fr Master's degree course Background’ | (Gquivalont to at east 16 years of academic background) Masters dopree for Doctor's degree course (Equivalent to at east 18 years of academe background) For more information, please chock the webste of the Uniorites, working To fave werking expariences more tan ve (5) yea, experience status |: tohave more than 6 monthe woking experience at thelr Curent belonging organizations, to obtan permission for appicaton, to socurereinsatnnent nn the aren rgericab Br Engiah ‘Adoquato English eke bai in wien and oral commuricaion language to.compete the Master's Degree suchas Proficiency TOEFL IBT 00, CEFR: 2. Each university sels Is own requirement and deaine for English score, Many of them reque offi cerficae such as TOEFL. IELTS and otc. For more information, please check unwversiy information (Append! Univers bt for Apia). sno ICA? sapan intar TIGA wl NST Baar he coal nacassary er abaining such Soa ifthe desired university judges that the candidate poscesses English proficiency oquvalent to the required. score, the candidate may be qualified atthe discretion ofthe accepting ‘riers, wore Rppieants must be in good health conaton to compte the program, = conte to networking wih Japan, and = not recelve or plan te Teceve a scholarship offered by other exganzatons, 3. Required Documents for Application ach applicants requred to submt the folowing JIGA's Applicaton Documents by the doadina excopt for Heath cerca Isted below (6). The applicants who pass the 2nd ‘Selocton ae required fo check necessary application documents set by the univers. The applicants need fo submit hem dct othe university by the deadline set by te university “IGA wit NOT cover the cst of postage. JICA’s Application Documents [ti abptestonrorn coisa oe ‘Applicaton Guile fr the JICA Knowledge Co-Creaton Program Official Applicaton Form 2. Nomination rom te Organization 3. dividual Application Form 4 Questionnatre on Medical Status and Resiclons 5. Terms and Condtions, and Declaration ‘Altachment Sheet covists of 4 Personal information| 2 Declaration ofdesred uriversty placement i é a 8 e Educatonal Background Work Experience Decaraton ‘Confirmation of te nomination by the applicants present organization Check List ch Plan of Curran and Previous Work 10. Annex: Carer Plan afer Graduation 1, nord: Applicaton database fie ‘Apolcants select desred universes from Appendhct University List. Each ‘Noe: Applcantcannot slect other universes not writen i he ist ‘Undergraduate degre graduation certfeate that oficaly cece 1A copy of “Ofaly ceri’ copies ofthe orginal is accoptate ~ wit n Engish & aesompantea with English ofl rarsiaton ‘Acacemic vanseept “Must contain all the grades eamed in the unWersty. * A-copy of ‘Oficial cerified copes ofthe origina is acceptable + Wette in Engish accompanied with English offcialrarsiation (©) A.copy of Vala Passoort wih photo for checking nationally, name, sex, and date of bith, Vas Natonal ID and beth caticate are acceptable you do nathave Passport CCrtfied Engi trarelaton must be atachod # ID fe not writen in Engh, French, Bortuguese or Spanish) ® « ano a) FUCA? saver rxsatonal Cooperation Agency Two Phas (& ca rn) pale on pean tm (OAgiAT and BO (0) Heath corticat tote submited afr the Sra Selection [A these documents shouldbe typed, printed out and signed bythe applicant inal pages, hand wet fms wil NOT be accepted ‘The applicants shoul! submit two sets ofthese documents (Original and copy), ‘Adltionalv, (1) Annex 4: Application database file should be sentin dial form {@JICA county off. 4, Selection Procedures ‘There are maint folowing thre salecton processes: (A) Selection by JICA in each county, (8) Watching with Japanese unvesites, and (C) Selacion by Japanese universes (entrance examination). “There are no fees to be charge direct by JICA at the selection proces, “The eeasons for squaicaton on each selection procedure will NOT BE DISCLOSED. (A) 1 Selection: Selection by JICA In each country [Necessary Actions for Apaicants fortis section} Each applicant needs to submit JICA's Application Documents by the deadline set by JICA ‘ofce in the appicants’ ecu. ‘Pica —[ No lar han Mandiay, 6th Novenibar 2027 ‘Contents Screening of submited JICA's Appicaton Documonts Apolcant may be requested tobe inlaviewes. ‘Objectives | To check quifications and requirements of each applica ‘To check applicants understanding ofthe program objectives and working experiencesieducational background in. he context of the “Elgibe Paricipans”ehoun nt section 2) To check applicants’ capably of contibuting to the achievement of the course abjeives aderessing hither county's development ehallonges afte the program. Result | Applicants who pass this eolection can proceed io the 2” Selection.) (8) Selection: Matching with Japanese universities Ptiod | Deceribar 2027 January 2022 (approximatey) ‘Contents| Dooument aeroening, wnleriow {it necessary) by Japanese universtica (rainy Research Plan’ of the ICA's Applicalion Documents, the Undergraduste degree graduation eerifeat, and Academe tans ‘Opjesves_|"Tomaich apslcants wih university courses/supervisors | ‘Solecion [ICA wil send JIGA's Application Documents to the applcais’ delved universes. Univerties il examine the documents to check If the apelleant’ fll of ‘study and research plan are matched wth the courses/superisors. During this process universities may contact the applicants for thelr udgemont sno ICA) _sacan tration! Cooperation Agency Recut [Only those apelcants who are accepted by the Japanese universes” ‘matching can proceed tothe ra Setecbon, LIGA wil ifotm of these appicants ofthe name of university where the ‘applicant can apply fer 2" selection. The appicants need ta check and Prepare uniersty’s application documents and submit them arty tothe University ICA wil also inform these applicants contact of hsmher superior iprofesse). The applicants ae then required te contact wih the supervisor 0 receive thet instuctons, The appicants are requied to maintain good ‘ommunicaton via mailZaom wih thar supervisors to gather nfrmation on ‘he course che tudy eject, Some supervisors may feques! oimprove applcans research shoot curing tis period before entrance examination (1)Research Student ‘AS result of the mating ifthe universty judges the applicant ha they need more me te take errance examnabon, univeray may request en epplant to rte the university ‘4 research student a perid of sx (6) months tangent This period adestionel and ot courted as a par otegulr course of Master's or Dota’ program, Research students fare requested 1 stay mn Japan and study har to blze ther time to prepare fr the examination, esearch students afe abe oon etre, reeive mstucbn am professors andrrake ue of unersy facies bk they cannot agreed fo oan the degree Paricpanis as research students ae requested to take the entrance examinations ding {he period of resarenstdors I fale, they nave to eum othr home coun (Ag Net program ends at hat momen), Normal, patipans as research students il tart their stayin dapen fon 2022 autumn i required for 6 moatha of research student. Theit ‘eriod a regular Students, they passed the enance examination, wil stat from Apa 2008, Before application, the applicant shoul take nto account the possi of adtional period {25 esearch sudnts and shouldbe approved by the belong ergartzabon.Aplizants' avalabilty 25 research student and approval from hismher organization should be expressed in the App cation Documents p.5of Atachment sheet) Necessary ving cost aung tre period as research studenis wll be pat by JICA flowing SICA regulation Note: ‘Some university requires applicants to enter the university as research students regardless of appicans’ abit (See the deals for Appendhx 1 University Lis), (€) 3* Selection: Entrance Examination by Japanese universities [Nezeccary Aatona fo Aprons fortis selection) Each appcant needs to check necessary application documents sat by the university where he/she apples. Then, nelshe needs to suomi univers appieaon documents deecty to the unversty by the deadine set by the university. Ite ALL the appleant’s Tesponsiity to duly submit required documents tothe univer by is deadine. ICA val NOT intervene inthis press. Some unwersiesrequre sending hard copies of documents to Japan. ‘Those who are required to enter as research student also need to check necessary ono ‘nricationpronnen anrmanerch atria hy each univers, During this selection jocess, each appscant may be interviewed (ex. by using Zoom) depending on university's selection process Fee for entrance examnations is paid rect to each university by JICA, aviod | Aprl= Jy 2022 (appreximaiy) ‘Contents| Screening of submited univers’ applieaion documents and interviews By Japanese univeriies ‘Objectives [To soc the nal candies ‘Venus | if necessary, sing Zoom er other means for inionfowe Selection | Unvesives wil scoen the applcanis thveugh submilied universiys applcation cocuments and interviews, ad ete Result | The appicans who pass Bis selection (and JIGA adjusimant i necessary) wil be eleciod a euccossflcanditos ofthe program. Note: “ICA may adjust the ruber of candites afer the rd Selection, Therefore, some ofthe Applicants wit pass te 3 Selection may not be selected as succesful candles of the program ‘Dye to the COVID-19 pandemic, successful applicants may not beable to come to Japan ‘on Seplember 2022, and have to postpone coming to lapan unl necessary conditons fare met, In such cases, JICA vill explain the stuation ard procedure lo each apalicant who pass the 3° Seecton. (2) withdraw of the Apptication applicants encounter the sution that needs to withdraw the applcationby fore majeure ‘uring the selection prices, the appicants need io contact with JICA fice and explain tha situation as soon as possible 5. Expenses to be borne by JICA ICA wl provide the folowing expenses for participant ofthe program, ~ _Tulin af Japanese university Masters Degree(Daciors Degree programs (and research student, required). ‘Allowances for iving ecenses, out, shipping et. See the box below for more deal. ‘A roundstp afore ‘Other costs should be covere by the participants’ organizations or cher individuals, “Paricpants are not allowed to work while thei slay in Japan, A Tact eamnamn = [acatcns Sas Sa nea er = icon Seen Sa eros Sie Moving Allowance Utes 164600224000 | 23 Sue Te ing Research Support Expenses | Rts ost (Upto 360000 “Varies according to ving area, type of accommodation, et. mo ional Cooperation Agency - ‘Tha grant which supports your reanarch, such a8 purchase of books or necessary equipment, parcipabon Toss for academic conerence, research ips, ec canbe provided via your university. Maximum amount of grants 30,000 yen per month (30,000 yen per oar), and can be dsbursed wh the approval of your supers. 6. Expenses Not to be borne by JICA ICA wil NOT bear costs cher han the allowances described above, JICA ls NOT responsible Tor tha folowing expenses: (1) Passport fees (or relssuanee and extensions, ete) {@ Visa foes ofa rans county anc transportation expenses to obiain Visa (@) Transportation experses to obtan Japanese Visa (@) Domest tavel expenses inthe home county (5) Dopartre tax (6) Arpor tavairprtfacty charges outside of Japan, including thd counties () Customs duty (@) Excess baggage charges {0} Compensation a ost andlor damaged baggage (10) no show charge” tothe transit arpot hott (nonefundable) (1) Lost tekat ee (12) Accommoration fe for day-use hotel in return fight (3) Transportation expenses other than ofcal programs (14) Telephone bi or mf-bar tab at accormmadton Note: = if parteipant does nt alow the reguation of ICA, the pacipant may have to bear such ‘other cost of necessary expenses. ~ Talim family to lapan (Spouse and chien onl), parteipans should be responsible {or all expenses and nocessary procedures in Japan by themselves. JICA des NOT provide any support or addtional financial assistance except issuing necessary Socumonis Tor to procoes. if the paricipants wish to inva families, JICA stongly Fecommend doing $2 AFTER 6 MONTHS upon arva in Japan at the earost. 7. JICA’s Policies (1) Copyright Policy Pareipants of Agt-Net program are requested to comply withthe flowing copyright pate; Ale 1. Complance matters with participants’ drafting of documents (various report, ‘action plans ec.) and resentation (teport meetings, etures,speectes, ec) 1 Any contents of te documents ard presentations shal be created by thomselves in prince 2. Comply wit the folewing matters, you, over the imi of quotation, haveto use a third person's work (reproduction, photograph, istration, map, figure, et) that is protected tnd laws or regulators in your cout or copyright elated muttnatonal agreements or the tke: (1) Obtain eens to uae the work on your cun responsibly. In this cate, the scope of the license shall meet he provisions of Article 2, (@) Secure evidential atorial hat proves the grants of he license and species the scope 0 ofthe leanse, and (@) Consut with the third party ard perform the payment procedure on your own responsiiy regarding negotiations with a thie person about the consideration for granting the Sconse ard the procedure fr paying the consideration, Atle 2. Deals of use of works used for Agr-Net program 1. The copyright on work that a paticpant prepares for Agi program shall belong tothe participant The copyright onthe parts where atid pary's werk is used shalbelong tothe third party 2. When usirg texts, supplementary educational materials and other materials distrbuted for Agr-Net program, zartipsnis shall comply wit the purposes and scopes approved by each copyright hole. (2) Complianes Poicy {ICA shal improve the transparency and fares of is operations and fancil ‘acti inorder secure pul ust 2. ICR shal contribute othe sound development of the international economic ‘communty through development assistance inorder to secure the tst of he Intemational ommunty. 3. JICA shall mee the need of developing regions and swity and lb provide ‘uatty servic. 4. SICA shal consider natural and social environments when conducting ts operations. 5. JICA Shall commuiate wel wth various lave of society and maiiain an ‘organizational clue of transparency. “Please refer o ICA website below regarding the detaled JICA's Compliance, Appendixes 1. University List 2 Application Form for Agr-Net 2022 5. Attachment Shoe for Agr-Net 2022 ‘annoxt Research Plan ‘Annex2Detalls of Current and Provious Work ‘Annex Career Plan after Graduation ono

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