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The management of countries as a form of government based on the sovereignty of the people is called

democracy. Democracy is not just about political participation. Therefore, the best way to protect
democracy is to protect the rights and freedoms of people. Strong protection of these rights and
freedoms will already give people the strength and the opportunity to protect democracy most
effectively. These are freedoms and rights; the right to life, right to health, right to education, freedom of
thought and expression, the right to personal inviolability, freedom of conscience and religion, privacy
and civil rights, the right to vote and to be elected, thought, freedom of opinion and expression, freedom
of the press, freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of communication, freedom of residence and
movement, and the rights and freedom of assembly, freedom of science and art. This is freedom and the
right to choose and be elected, which is the building block of democracy from our rights. Everyone has the
right to choose and be elected. For example, in Turkey in the past, only people who owned a certain
property could vote. This prevented everyone from having the right to choose and be elected. Moreover,
they prevented people from expressing their thoughts and living their religion freely. February 28, which
is a black mark in the history of Turkey, is the best example of this. The freedoms of education, religious
freedom, assembly, and rights of people have been severely restricted by the government. The lack of
protection of these rights and freedoms has led to unrest and polarization among the people. As a result,
it is the best way to protect democracy so that everyone respects these rights and freedoms and that
each other does not interfere with freedom.

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