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Name Adverbs

Adjective to Adverb
You can turn many adjectives into adverbs by adding –ly to
the end of the adjective.
• If the adjective ends in a consonant then y, change the
y to i before adding –ly.
• If the adjective ends in a vowel then an l, keep the l and add
an additional –ly.

DIRECTIONS: Turn the adjectives below into adverbs by adding -ly.

1. graceful + -ly =
2. glad + -ly =
3. safe + -ly =

4. happy + -ly =

5. sad + -ly =

6. loud + -ly =

7. lucky + -ly =

8. proud + -ly =

9. kind + -ly =

10. careful + -ly =

11. late + -ly =

12. slow + -ly =

13. courageous + -ly =

14. brilliant + -ly =

15. dangerous + -ly =


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