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A. Usage
Used to state an activity that will be carried out, either voluntarily or planned,
make predictions, and make future promises while in the past. Past future
tenses are often used in the reported speech.
(Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang akan dilakukan, baik
secara sukarela maupun yang direncanakan, membuat prediksi, dan membuat
janji di masa depan pada saat berada di masa lalu. Past future tense sering
digunakan pada reported speech.)

B. Time Signals :

The Day Before Sehari Sebelumnya

The Previous Day Hari Sebelumnya
When Sewaktu/Tatkala
The Year Before Tahun Sebelumnya
Yesterday Kemarin
Last Week Minggu Lalu
C. Patterns :

( + ) Subject + Should/Would + Verb 1 + Complement.

Subject + Was/Were + Going To + Verb 1 + Complement.
( - ) Subject + Should/Would + Not + Verb 1 + Complement.
Subject + Was/Were + Not + Going To + Verb 1 + Complement.
( ? ) Should/Would + Subject + Verb 1 + Complement + ?
Was/Were + Subject + Going To + Verb 1 + Complement + ?

D. Example :
1. (+) I would join the examination last week.
(-) I wouldn’t join the examination last week.
(?) Would I join the examination last week?
a. Yes, you would
b. No, you wouldn’t
2. (+) My parents were going to visit Surabaya.
(-) My parents weren't going to visit Surabaya.
(?) Were my parents going to visit Surabaya?
a. Yes, they were
b. No, they weren’t
3. (+) Your brother was going to travel to Jogja.
(-) Your brother wasn’t going to travel to Jogja.
(?) Was your brother going to travel to Jogja?
a. Yes, he was
b. No, he wasn’t
4. (+) She would water the flowers.
(-) She wouldn’t water the flowers.
(?) Would she water the flowers?
a. Yes, she would
b. No, she wouldn’t


A. Usage
To state events or activities that did not occur, may have occurred or there
have been unsuccessful attempts to make in the past.
(Untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau aktifitas yang tidak terjadi, mungkin
terjadi atau ada upaya namun tidak berhasil dilakukan di masa lampau).

B. Time Signals :

At Yesterday Kemarin
On Last Week Pada Minggu Lalu
In Last Year Di Tahun Lalu
C. Patterns :

( + ) Subject + Should/Would + Have + Verb 3 + Complement.

( - ) Subject + Should/Would + Not + Have + Verb 3 + Complement.
( ? ) Should/Would + Subject + Have + Verb 3 + Complement + ?
D. Example :
1. (+) She would have studied in Harvard University
(-) She wouldn’t have studied in Harvard University
(?) Would she have studied in Harvard University?
a. Yes, she would
b. No, she wouldn’t
2. (+) They would have passed the exam, if they hadn't played games a lot.
(-) They wouldn’t have passed the exam, if they had played games a lot.
(?) Would they have passed the exam if they had played games a lot?
a. Yes, they would
b. No, they wouldn’t
3. (+) He would have come late to campus if he hadn’t got up early.
(-) He wouldn’t have come late to campus if he had got up early.
(?) Would he have come late to campus if he had got up early?
a. Yes, he would
b. No, he wouldn’t
4. (+) You would have missed your train last night.
(-) You wouldn’t have missed your train last night.
(-) Would you have missed your train last night?
a. Yes, I would
b. No, I wouldn’t
Admin Kampung Inggris. April 2020. “Cara Menggunakan Simple Past Future Tense”

Catur Ariadi. 16 Desember 2020. “Tenses Bahasa Inggris”


Nanda Widya, S.Hum. 2020 “16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris”

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