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Nama : Salsabilah Zahirah (32)

Kelas : XII IPS 3

Chapter 1
Read these sentences very carefully and do the tasks that follow. Circle the linking
words used in these sentences.
a. Although
b. However
c. Even though
d. But
e. Rather than
f. Nevertheless
g. In Spite Of

Chapter 2
Join the sentences with the given linking words.
1. Many scientists consider that the Earth is warming. Although they do not have
definitive proof.
2. These scenarios are of course theoretical. However they are necessary to envisage
our future.
3. Forests also play an important role in the control of land erosion. Therefore we
need a new approach to forest management.
4. Germany is the role model for forest management. But their techniques are not
applicable to the Mediterranean.
5. In Spite of they take measures to control population growth. Their efforts are not

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