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Table of contents......................................................................................................2
Chapter I Introduction..............................................................................................4
1.1 Problem background...................................................................................4
1.2 Objective.....................................................................................................4
Chapter II Main body of report...............................................................................5
2.1 Use of Social Media Among Teens............................................................5
2.2 Negative Impacts of Using Social Media Among Adolescents..................6
2.3 Parents' efforts to overcome the tendency of teenagers on social media
include the following........................................................................................7
Chapter III Conclusion and Recomendation............................................................8
3.1 Conclusion..................................................................................................8
3.2 Recomendation...........................................................................................8

of researchers regarding the social behavior of children who have inappropriate social
behavior with the stage of development. The purpose of this study was to determine the
profile of children's social behavior, children's habits in watching television, the role of
parents in accompanying children to watch television and the impact of soap operas on
television children's social behavior.children's social behavior towards peers and children's
social behavior towards adults who are around the child.

By giving thanks to the presence of God Almighty, who has given health, mercy, and His
gifts.Thank you for helping me and giving me the opportunity to complete this report on
time. And I would like to thank Mrs. Laila noor fitri as a teacher who always teaches us and
gives a lot of knowledge about how to practice English well.This report is one of the English
tasks, which is to make a simple report and I realize that this report is not perfect. Hopefully
this report can be useful and add to our knowledge. Criticisms and suggestions are needed to
make this report better.Hopefully this paper can help readers to expand their knowledge about
the influence of television on children's thinking and as a reference for making simple reports
in English,thank you.

South Kalimantan , 18 October 2021


1.1 Background
the effect of television on children is different from the influence of television for
adults. The kids also can't tell the difference between scenes which are fantasies and
scenes that are factual and actually happened.They assume that what they see on
television is everything is reality and actually happened. So they often imitate the same
and sometimes very dangerous for yourself and life them, and television is the easiest
medium to teach bad behavior for children.

2.1 Main Body of Report
Bright colors and movement on the screen, but their brains can't understand or
interpret all the odd pictures. What babies and toddlers need to learn the most is
interaction with the people around them. That doesn't mean that they shouldn't video chat
with distant grandparents or stationed parents, but when it comes to everyday learning,
they need to touch things, shake them, throw them, and most importantly to see faces and
hear voices. person. they love the most…but tells us these skills don't translate into real-
world learning. Check out Healthy Digital Media Usage Habits for Babies, Toddlers &

Negative effects on children's language development, reading skills, and short-

term memory. It also contributes to problems with sleep and attention. The problem isn't
just what toddlers are doing while they're watching TV; that's what they don't do.
Specifically, children are programmed to learn from interacting with others. The facial
expressions, tone of voice, and body language between toddlers and parents are not only
beautiful, but so complex that researchers had to record these interactions on video and
slow them down just to see what happened. Whenever one of the parties to this dance,
the child or the parent, is watching TV, the exchange stops. A toddler learns more from
banging a pot on the floor while you cook dinner than from watching a screen for the
same amount of time, because every now and then the two of you look at each other. Just
having the TV on in the background, even if "no one's watching it," is enough 7 to delay
language development. Toddlers also learn to pay attention for a long time, and toddlers
who watch more TV tend to have problems paying attention by age 7. Video
programming is constantly changing, constantly engaging, and almost never forcing a
child to deal with something more boring. rather than infomercials. A well-designed
show can teach children literacy, math, science, problem solving, and prosocial behavior.
Kids get more out of interactive programs like Dora the Explorer and Sesame Street as
they answer character questions. Educational TV makes the biggest difference to
children whose homes are the least intellectually stimulating. 8 Closing 3.1 Conclusion
In order, childhood is a period of development from 2 to 6 years of age. Biological
developments at this time are running rapidly, but sociologically it is still very much
needed by the environment and his family. Therefore, the family plays an important role
in prepare children to be able to adapt to a wider environment especially the school
environment. Physical development is the basis for next development progress, with
body growth both weight and height and strength, support the child to be more active and
develop their physical skills, and also the development of exploration of the environment
without the help of their parents. Cognitive development, the child in this case the brain

begins develop the ability to think, learn and remember. Childhood is a period of
development from the age of 2 years to the age of 6 years.During this period, biological
and physical development is progressing very well fast and fast, but sociologically
children are still very much needed with the environment, especially the family. 3.2
Recommendations Kids learn more when they watch TV or use apps with their parents.
All programs educate kids about something, but stick with programs designed to teach
kids what they need to know. 9 References F.J. Monks, dkk. Psikologi Perkembangan,
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 2002. http://www. Scribt. Com/
doc/Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini 2-6 tahun, diakses 19 Nopember 2012. John W.
Santrock, dkk, Perkembangan Anak, Jakarta: Salemba Humanika, 2011. Kartini Kartono,
Psikologi Anak (Psikologi Perkembangan), Bandung: Mandar Maju, 2007.

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