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Name:____________________ Social Studies

Directions Test

Read each question carefully and provide the correct answer.

1.) A instrument/object used to tell directions is called a?

a.) guide c.) legend e.) all the above
b.) map d.) compass rose

2.) Which of the following is to the right of North on the compass?

a.) west c.) north e.) east
b.) southwest d.) back

3.) The cardinal directions move in a clockwise direction? True or False

4.) Which of the following is the correct order? Never Eat Soggy Wheat
a.) north, west, south, east c.) west, south, east, north
b.) northeast, up, south, down d.) none of the above

5.) Write down a way to remember the correct order of the cardinal
directions below.

6.) How many stars are in the Big Dipper? Is it 5, 10 or 7. Circle the
correct answer.

7.) Does the Big Dipper change positions? Circle the correct answer.
Yes, No, or Sometimes

8.) When does the Big Dipper change positions? (seasons)

a.) winter and summer c.) spring
b.) autumn d.) fall and spring

9.) If you find the Big Dipper what can you use to find which way to
a.) North star c.) Easter Star
b.) Southern star d.) Star wars

10.) How did the Big Dipper get its name? Does it look like a spoon,
fork or a knife?______________. Write in the correct answer.

11.) Water on the map is what color? Is it red, yellow, purple or blue?
Circle the correct answer.

12.) Another name for a map key is a what?

a.) codeword c.) table of contents
b.) password d.) legend

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