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Elec 1 – HBO
Semifinal – Quiz 3

Initial Goal: I want to improve my performance.

• Specific: I’ve been wanting to apply a freelance job online but I only have a brief
knowledge about a freelance job online. Improving my skills and knowledge
requires that I should do some research about it by using YouTube videos and
other online platform that may help me. And after researching, I should practice
the skills I have learned online. I’d like to master the skills that I will need before
the start of the next school year.

• Measurable: By the time of the next school year, I should be able to some
freelance skills like graphic designing, web developing and project management.

• Achievable: Learning and improving my freelance skills is very important for me

to be able to establish my online job journey. Learning and practicing my freelance
skills on my vacant time or after my class by watching some tutorial videos from
experience freelancers can help me.

• Relevant: Pursuing to establish foundation of my freelancing journey boost myself

confidence in doing out of my comfort zone. Doing online job is very helpful for
wives who does schooling and attending family matters at home like me. Exploring
this field will not just help boost my self-confidence but also I can help me

• Time-Bound: By next school year, I should be able to master and do proficiently

the freelance skills that I wat to do. And by that time, I have the 100% confidence
to apply an online job without worrying about the lack of skills.
S.M.A.R.T. goal: I want to improve my performance

• Description: To establish foundation in freelance online job, I need to expand and

practice my knowledge about different freelancing skills. By watching tutorial
videos of experience freelance influence in YouTube and practicing it online, I will
learn and improve my skills so that I could confidently apply and do freelance work

• Milestone: Complete learning and improving freelance skills before the next
school year.

• Deadline: Next school year.

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