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Anita Allain
Vet Source 1, Inc.

Vet Source 1, Inc. Develops a Monthly Shampoo Regimem to

Fight Back Against Fleas and Ticks

With 5 years of successful clinical trials and approval by the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine, Repel is
a once-a-month shampoo pet owners can be prescribed by a veterinarian to resist fleas and ticks on

Minneapolis, Minn. (Sept. 5, 2021) ━ Vet Source 1, Inc., the leading animal health company based in
Minneapolis, has developed a new shampoo to fight off fleas and ticks on dogs. Repel was formulated for
dogs that love to play outside and pet owners with busy lifestyles. The once-a-month shampoo is proven
to minimize shedding and combat dry and itchy skin.

“According to our research, thousands of Minnesota pet owners purchase flea and tick medication for
their dogs at least once a year. One of the biggest mistakes pet owners make is not keeping their dogs on
flea and tick preventatives year-round,” says Travis Cornell, DVM, senior veterinarian with Vet Source 1.
He noted that dogs can get fleas in the winter months and prevention starts with a routine schedule of
applying a topical cream, administering pills or using a shampoo frequently.

“As a veterinarian and parent, I know how challenging it can be to keep up with medications for our dog,
Ruby. Vet Source 1 wanted to find a way to ensure busy pet owners could combat fleas, which lead them
to develop Repel. Once a month, my wife, children and I crowd around the bathtub to give Ruby her flea
and tick shampoo. Not only have we eliminated fleas in our home for over a year, but we have also
created memories that our family will cherish forever,” Travis states.

Vet Source 1 is working on developing a non-toxic and no side effect formula for cats that will be on the
market in a few months. Repel is available by prescription only at your local veterinarian clinic. For more
information on Vet Source products and services, please visit

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