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Subject Name& Code: Internet and Web Technology

Course Name: Diploma CSE 2nd Year

Roll Number/Enrollment No.

YEAR- Second Year


Time: 1.30 Hours [Total Marks: 20]

Section A
Q.1 Attempt all the questions: (1X8=08)

(a) How to define integer in Javascript ?

(b) Why javascript is used ?

(c) Write a javascrpt function for showing pop up box ?

(d) Write all methods to add css in a html file?

(e) Write arithmetic javascript operators?

(f) Write syntax for checkbox in Javascript ?

(g) Explain if Else in Javascript?

(h) How is onclick() function is used ?

Section B

Q.2 Attempt any four questions: (3X4=12)

(a) Write the basic structure of writing javascript code?

(b) What is events ? Classify all the events in Javascript ?

(c) What is function and categorize them on the basis of parameters?

(d) What is javascript objects ? What is this keyword ?

(e) Write a program for inserting two numbers and adding them and showing in html div?

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