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Industrial Arts

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define Technology
2. Generalize the Devices, Technology, Concepts
3. Analyze the technologies and its year


Title: Technology
References: LMS
Materials: Mobile Phone and Google meet

A. Preparation
 Prayer
 Greetings
Greet students then ask them to seat properly.
 Checking of attendance
 Motivation: Video presentation about Technology
B. Review
C. Presentation
(Present lesson for the day)
The teacher will present the topic for the day and post the days objectives
that are going to attained.
 Define Technology
 Generalize the Devices, Technology, Concepts
 Analyze the technologies and its year

D. Activity Proper
a. Activity
Let the students define Technology

b. Analysis
1. What is Technology
2. What is the Technologies that have invented?

c. Abstraction
The teacher will give a brief description about Technology
The teacher will make a list of Technologies that have been invented and
its year.


1. The term came from the Greek word “techne” which means art and craft.
a. Education c. Technology
b. Lesson plan d. Abstract
2. Is a gaming and cheesy infographic videos device, way back
in 35000 BC with the first recorded example of counting.
a. Pascal's Calculator c. Abacus in 2300BC
b. Hollerith census tabular 1890 d. Lebombo bone 3500 BC
3.The _______ were also developing, not the first characterized numbers
but ones which allow complex mathematics.
a. Hindu Arabic numerals c. Triode tube1906
b. Binary system1679 d. Integrated circuit 1958

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