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What do you believe the world's most popular viewpoint is right now?

Of course, it's capitalism,

therefore everything and every minute is measured in money. You will perform something,
which you may require urgently, if money is available. Yes, money is the driving force behind
modern people's actions.

The foregoing facts are stated at the beginning of this song. Jessie J sings, "Seems like
everyone has a price." As though money is the only thing that matters. How can people live
comfortably if they are only concerned with making a profit and not with the truth? As a result,
the first verse concludes with Jessie's advice to rest and smile for a bit.

Jessie analyzes the reasons of persons who act suspiciously in the second stanza. Just like
politicians, whose actions might be perplexing to the general public. Such people, in Jessie's
opinion, are so serious about living their lives that they 'have shades on their eyes,' and hence
are unable to enjoy themselves.

Contrary to popular belief, Jessie refuses to use money to measure anything. In fact, she
declares in the chorus that she is not looking for money. She simply wants to improve the world
around her. She then tells them that they should forget about money since it 'can't buy us
happiness,' and that what they really need to be happy is to ‘slow down and appreciate right

It's highlighted again in the verse portion performed by BoB that love (and music) can make us
happy and make the world a better place.

So, are you thinking about love or money right now?

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