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Name : Arifa Ainaya Azlyani

Student ID : 11200260000073
Class : 2B
Subject : Critical Reading
Lecturer : Abdurrosyid SS., M.EIL

Reading Analysis: Curtailed Haj Compounds Saudi Economic Woes

A. Audience and Purpose

The article was written by Anuj Chopra in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Sunday, June 28 th,
2020. The purpose of this article is to inform the readers—from mostly common
people and people who have interest in this matter— about what happened to Mecca’s
economic matters after the Saudi authorities curtailed the haj pilgrimage over Corona

B. Argument and Evidence

Based on the article, the thesis is the government’s plans on how to handle the
economic matters and how Mecca will hold the haj. The writer’s arguments about the
economic woes of Mecca were written nicely, from the virus which hit Mecca really
effecting pilgrimage-reliant business that support hundreds of thousands of jobs, and
the flooding cancelation distressed the haj operators, along with the respective parties’
thoughts and the qualitative data as proofs.

C. Methods (For Research Studies)

The author used longitudinal method to inform the readers about the events in the past
and future which related to the main topic. The descriptive method was also used as to
describe the events.

D. Language and Tone

Formal and objective language were used by the author to write this article, as the
arguments were not personal or judgmental. He also looked at each parties’
perspective as to not be viewed taking sides, and showed respect to each parties’ and
the readers.

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