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Geographic information systems and application in Qgis

geographic information systems, known as GIS or GIS are increasingly present in our
A geographic information system is a system of hardware, software, people,
organizations, storage, analysis and distribution of information about the territories of
the Earth.
The "National Center for Geographic Information and Amalysis" of the United States,
defines a GIS as a system of hardware, software and procedures developed to facilitate
the obtaining, management, manipulation, analysis, modeling, representation and
output of spatially referenced data to solve problems planning and management
A GIS is a set of hardware, software and data that allows to capture, manage, interpret,
visualize and analyze information related to geography.

The basis of a GIS is the information it manipulates. This information is necessarily

stored in a database (or several) and is made up of a series of alphanumeric characters
that represent geographic information.
When we talk about geographical information, we should not limit ourselves to just one
point on the earth's surface, geography is the science that studies the Earth as a star,
the physical, biological and human phenomena that occur on the earth's surface,
investigates its causes and analyze its consequences. Therefore, this information can
be climatological, demographic, topographic, environmental, economic, associated with
natural phenomena, associated with social, orographic phenomena, etc.

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