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 Bill was frustrated.

He had spent the entire day meeting

with his local contacts, but they had not gotten any
work done. He felt he was out of time.

 The locals had been very pleasant and seemed

interested in him personally. They showed him around
and did some sightseeing, saying, “There will be plenty
of time for work—later.”

 When the second day passed with no tangible

progress, Bill asked for an after-work meeting during
which they could discuss his proposal.

 At 5:00 PM, Bill was ready with his PowerPoint slides

but no one else was there. In the corner of the room,
he saw drinks and food. Gradually, the locals showed
up and asked Bill about his organization and his family.
Bill asked about doing his presentation.

 Silence. Then one person said, “Unfortunately, our

senior leadership team has already gone home. Will
you please join us for dinner after we have drinks and

 Bill was tired and out of patience, so he thanked them

and left for his hotel.

 In his room, Bill wondered how this organization ever

got any work done.

CQ Diagnosis Template

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