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One upon a time, there was a beauty and clever woman. She was Dayang Sumbi.

intelegent made many boys felt in love and could propos to her. She married with the prince
of kayangan kingdom. Soon the baby boy was born. The baby name was Sankuriang.

King of kayangan kingdom was angry after he heard the prince married with Dayang
Sumbi. Finally, feeling enraged, he cursed the prince became a dog. The dog name was
Tumang, it lived together with Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang together.

One day, Sangkuriang hunted at the wood. After all day hunted and countn’t canth the
deer he felt desperate and worried. He thought to shot his dog, Tumang, then he took the dog
liver and carried home.

Soon Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer but Tumang his dog. She was very
angry and hit sangkuriang head with spoon. Sangkuriang got wounded and scar on his head
because the incident. Then Sangkuriang went away from home.

Few years ago, Sangkuriang came back at village. He met a beautiful woman and felt in
love with her. When they discuss their wedding, the women looked the wound at
Sangkuriang head. She was shock because the love man was her son. She couldn’t marry
with him.

Dayang Sumbi felt afraid to said the really happen to Sangkuriang, so she needed the
dumn of Citarum river and a boat to cross the river, Sangkuriang had to make them in one
night. With a dawn just moment away and the boat was complete. Dayang Sumbi had to stop
it, so she could spread the red clotes with flashes of light. It made the cock crowed for a

Sankuriang failed to marry her, he was very angry and kicked the dumn and boat, and
the boat landed outside dawn became the mount Tngkuban Prahu.

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