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January 2021

❖ Septic shock ‫معلومه‬

A. normal saline
B. norepenphrin
C. dopamine ‫بالذات مع الي عندو فشلف الكالوي‬
D. 4- epinephrine

❖ Cardiac shock
A. dopamine
B. dobutamine ‫بالذات مع الي عندو فشلف الكالوي‬

❖ Vascular

❖ Anaphylactic-shock

❖ RNA function?
convert the information stored in DNA into protein-Role of Aspartic acid?

❖ -Role of Golgi complex?

Sorting , packaging and transport of proteins

-Role of mitochondria?
energy production “power house of the cell”

❖ Role of Krebs cycle?

energy stored in pyruvate is transferred to NADH and FADH2, and some ATP is

❖ Types of carbohydrates (all)

1. Monosaccharide (glucose, galactose, fructose)
2. Disaccharides (sucrose, maltose, lactose)
3. polysaccharides ( starch, glycogen, cellulose)

❖ Drug of B3 (Niacin (nicotinic acid)

❖ ATP from one molecule of Glucose

Total aerobic respiration=38
2 fom glycolysis
2 from krebs
34 from Electron transport chain

❖ Medication used for hyperthyroidism cause liver?

PTU or T3

❖ Medication repackaged what will be expire

3month -6month-12month -1years

January 2021

❖ A person came to Saudi Arabia for hajj with lorazepam to help him sleep.
What is the maxium allowed amount for him to keep?
15, 20, 30, 60
(I don’t remeber if these options are number of pills to keep or the number of days)

❖ Which cephalosporin has no antipseudomonal activity and should not be used

in the management of psuedomonas arguinosa pneumonia?
options: Cephalexin (1st gen), ceftazidime(3rd gen), cefipime(3rd gen)

Patoent taken lisinopril and many other medication ( He has HTN , Dm ,

dyslipedimia ) with mode BPH priscribed prazocin 1mg then he devolop
orthostatic hypotension and .. what the best you will do
1- D/C lisinopril
2 - D/C prazosin
3 - D/C prazosin and give alfazosin
4- start finasterid

What is required in a narcotic prescription?

-more than one narcotic agent can be included in the same prescription
-single narcotic agent written at the top with red pen
-the original copy is given to the patient

What is the most appropriate antihypertensive medication to add to further

control BP?
options: lisinopril with aliskirin, valsartan, thiazide

In ECG, what reflects Absolute repolarizqtion period?

The T wave

*Patient complaining of diarrhea for two days. Her potassium levels are low.
what is the best option?
options: K 10 or 20 mEq in 100 or 450 ml

A question about rejecting or accepting null hypothesis if P value is less or more

than 0.05
If below 0.05 (significant)
If more 0.05 (non- significant)

Taking methotrexate and now she is anemic?

options: Folinoc acid, iron, vitamin B12

Amiodarone and warfarin drug interaction:

Increase warfarin effect

What is the name of dissolution rate equation?

: options: Fick’s law, Noyes whitney, Henderson Hasselbatch

January 2021

Smoking and olanzapine drug interaction

: Answer: smoking DECREASES olanzapine and clozapine concentration

Contraindicated to methotrexate?
options: pediatric or breasfeeding or Chron’s disease

Long term SE of naproxen?

Peptic ulcer

What is the half-life of dabigatran in a 77-year-old with normal kidney function?

❖ he half-life of dabigatran is 12 to 17 hours, and 80% of the drug is
renally excreted. Because prodrug and drug metabolism is
independent of CYP enzymes, the drug is considered relatively safe in
patients with moderate liver disease but must be used with
Diabetic patient on metformin, pioglitazone and sitaglipting. Screening shows
positive hepatitis C and elevated liver enzymes. What is the most appropriate
-Do not change
- Stop pioglitazone
TZD antidiabetics class are hepatotoxic
- Stop sitagliptin
- stop pioglitazone and sitagliptin

What is the most appropriate management for COPD with persistent

tachycardia? options:
Salmeterol, salbutamol, ipratropium, tiotropium

HIV Antiviral that inhibits viral uncoting? amantadine

What to monitor in elderly taking NSAIDs?

options: Liver function or renal function or GI bleeding

Contraindicated in breastfeeding?
options: Lithium or warfarin or insulin

Which of the following has the highest concentration of estrogen?

options: transdermal patch or vaginal ring

Organophosphate antidote:
pralidoxime and atropine (atropine then followed by pralidoxime)

A person intentionally ingesting an overdose of atenolol 6 hours ago. what is the

most appropriate antidote? Calcuim gluconate

In ECG, what reflects Absolute repolarization period?

In ECG? what does PR reflect?

options: atrial depolarization, ventricular depolarization, plateau , AV

January 2021

Antibiotic that needs renal adjustment?

options: metronidazole, imipenem, ceftriaxone, linezolid

Which of the following is a component added as a binder?

Lactose، starch ،previnlphenyl

Which of the following is a helpatotoxic alkaloid?

options: Purine, pyridine, pyrollizine, topane

Hyperkalemia management?
options: Insulin, metoprolol IV, labetalol IV, Mg supplementation

Pharmacy director wants to create a committee to decide on the drug to keep in

the hospital formulary. What is this action called?
options: Planning or organizing or budgeting or accounting

A question about Intangibility of pharmaceutical care (intangible cost is a cost

that can be determined with monetary value for example anxiety, sadness and

A pharmacist noticed that patients with asthma that come to collect their
prescription were obese. He was interested to conduct a study to investigate the
relationship between asthma and obesity. what is the best source for data?
options: SFDA drug reports, patient medical records, WHO, medication leaflet

What does this report describe?

-Quality of healthcare services in Saudi Arabia
-Avaliablity ................
-Accessibility .................
Correct answer is: Accessbility of healthcare services in saudi arabia

You are counselling a patient on isonizide. Which of the following suggests that
the patient understood the counselling points? options:
-“I should report flue like symptoms to my physician.”
-“I need to make sure to wear sunscreen.

Best and safest laxative for chronic constipation

a. Bisacodyl
b. Senna
c. Glycerin suppositry
d. plant nam

A physician asks the pharmacist about new studies. What is the best information
resource for the pharmacist to use?
Textbooks, therapeutic textbook, pubmed

January 2021

A pharmacist accidentally dispensed 10 mg instead of 0.1 mg because he was

distracted by his colleague. what is the most appropriate method to prevent this
type of error in the future?
options: High alert, Tall man writing, education, envireomental re-structuring

Two hospitalized patients, one takes insulin glargine and the other takes sliding
insluin scale. What is the most appropriate method to ensure that each person
receives their right insluin?
options: high alert, Barcode administration

In building a patient centered pharmaceutical care clinic. What is the difference

between errors and violations? options:
A. -Errors are common but violations are rare
B. -Errors can be corrected but violations can not be corrected
C. -Errors are made by experienced professionals, but violations are made by
inexperienced professionals

A fresh graduate was employed by a pharmaceutical company. The company

asked her to create a direct-to-consumer advertisement of one of their products
that is sold in two dosages: one for prescription and one dosage is sold OTC.
Soon after the adverowas live the Saudi FDA contacted the company to take it
down. Explain why? options:
A. -Because direct-to-consumer advertisement is prohibited in Saudi Arabia
B. -Because advertisment of prescription products is prouibited in Saudi Arabia
C. -Becasue they did not pay an initial fee

What tool can be integrated in the system to guide the physician’s selection of
drug therapy?
I dont remember all the options but I chose something with (clinical prescription
What is the best drug distribution method for a drug that needs additional
control? options: Automated dispensing, individual dispensing (or similar), bulk

Patient has many comorbidities (HTN, DM.. etc). What to prescribe for dry
cough? options:
A. Prescribe dextromethorphan
B. Prescibe codeine
C. Prescribe guaifenesin (only used in productive cough)
D. Prescribe diphehydramine

What is the most appropriate method for a Community pharmacist to provide

Sildenafil counselling when the pharmacy is busy and crowded?? options:
1. -ask everyone to leave the pharmacy
2. -you take the patient to a private area and provide counselling and allow him
to ask quastions
3. -you write the counselling points in a paper to protect his privacy
4. -you do not provide counselling to protect their privacy

January 2021

Definition of biopsychological?
is a branch of psychology that analyzes how the brain, neurotransmitters, and
other aspects of our biology influence our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings

Definition of biosimilar‫؟‬
A biosimilar is a biological product FDA-approved biosimilars have been compared
to an FDA-approved biologic, known as the reference product

What is the variation in a gene called? options:

allele, phenotype, genotype

Management if the patient’s INR is 5 with no bleeding? Holding one dose

Gentamycin when to measure peak

Gentamycin optimum trouph level
0.5-1 microgram ‫وغيرهم خيارين‬
Furosemide IV to OP ratio in you have to know the O.P dose from IV dose given

Zidovudine prophylaxis duration for infant after born of infected mother

- 4 to 6 wk
- 5 to 7 mo
- 12 to 24 mo
- 2 to 5 years

Alpha hemolytic bacteria cocci which one of the choices ( strept.viridins)

How anthrax is transmitted to human ( by cattle )

Case taken TB med, ask about the SE of all TB med (choices was .. ‫هي عدة خيارات‬
‫كل خيار‬
A. 1 - liver disease, skin rash, GI SE ‫اتاكد‬
B. 2- renal impairment - flushing -
C. 3- QT - arrhythmia
D. 4- I forget the forgt choice

Plant used for stress knowns as protective or actinoprotictive ‫شي كذا نسيت المصطلح‬
a. ginger
b. neem
c. pomegranate
d. ginseng

Herbal mimic Ondansetron effect ( ginger )

Cranberry juice for ? ( UTI )

Pioglitazone SE ? come in case
- liver
- renal

January 2021

Pt given TPN and he has several diseases, then he develop hypokalemia

hypophosphatemia and low albumin level ()
What is develop in this past?
- hyperglycemia
- refeeding syndrome ( ‫اذا جلس المريض فتره طويله على‬TPN ‫و ال يتقبل يأكل عن الفم‬
- renal impairment( if hyperphosphatemia)

Med used for hyperthyroidism cause liver disease

PT-U or I-131 or T3 or .. )
Pt culture is E.coli ( ESBL ) what you will give
Ciftriaxone 500 mg IV Q12H
Ciftriaxone 500 mg IV Q 24 H
Meropenem 500 mg IV Q 8 H
Meropenem 500 mg IV Q 12 H

Thalidomide two structure what is the relation between them? ( Enantiomers

Elderly pt what happened with abs?

a. Increase both lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs abs
b. Decrease both
c. Increase lipholilic abs and decrease hydrophilic abs
d. ‫عكس األخيره‬
Child with symptoms of rickets and slow growth and bone pain ehat supplement
you will give ? ( Vit- D )
Child 1 year age with immune thrombocytopenia taken IVIG before 4 mo. , he
came today to take his MMR and Varicella vaccine , he has egg allergy
What will affect the decision to give or not to give?
a. MMR not given to thrombocytopenia pst
b. don't give MMR due to EGG allergy
c. IVIG will affect the vaccine
MMR and Immunoglobulins should be separated by at least 8 months

Glyburide undergo? Glucosulphonyl

2-Heparin antidote (protamine sulphate)

4- Amiodarone (many questions regarding this drug, interaction, side effects,

rate-control and rhythm control (‫بس لمن بحثت طلع االثنين واألجوبة مكتوب بالتجمعات انه‬
‫)الثانية كانت كلها‬

6- ephedrine ➡ phenylephrine additional of hydroxyl group what do to activity?

A) increase alpha 1
B) decrease alpha 1
C) increase alpha 2
D) decrease alpha 2

January 2021

7-definition of brorom
‫ممكن الكلمة مو كذا كتابتها بس االجوبة كلها في األميون‬.
A) have infection but asymptomatic.
B) symptomatic.
C) finished treatment but still symptomatic.
D) I can’t remember

8) Lyme disease caused by?

A) bacteria
B) fungus
C) virus
D) parasite

9) structure of first generation and second antihistamine.

January 2021

10) patient want to take anti-histamine but have exams?

Second generation antihistamine: not cause sedation
- Certirizine
- Desloratadine
- Loratadine
- Fexofenadinebecause

11) Enzyme from stomach protective help immune system? PEPSIN

12- difference between T&B cell? Which have receptor? T-cell

Which have immunoglobulin? B-cell

13- which stored in freezer?

A) interferon.
B) Varicella.
C) insulin.

14- case patient diabetic which medication caused his hypoglycemia?

- ‫ بس االجابه كانت من المجموعات اللي تشتغل على زيادة االنسولين‬،‫ماكان في انسولي‬.

15- glibenclamid enzyme action?

This drug acts to increase secretion of insulin from the pancreas, probably by
interacting with sulfonylurea receptors on beta cells or by interfering with ATP-
sensitive potassium channels on pancreatic beta cells, which increases secretion of

16- case asthma classification of patient has twice cough/w and no interference
with daily activity?
A) intermediate
B) mild persistent
C) moderate president
D) sever persistent

17) case patient with perforated duodenal ulcer, what’s the first priority
A) omeprazol
B) enoxaparin 40 sc dvt prophylactic
C) other i don’t remember.

18) 2Q- Alzheimer patient mild to moderate take rivastigmine oral have N/V ?
What to do?
A) switch to rivastigmen patch
B) switch to Galantamine
19) Natural products for dry cough
1- Honey.
2- Turmeric.
3- Ginger. ...
4- Marshmallow root. ...
5- Peppermint. ...

January 2021

6- Masala chai tea. ...

7- Capsaicin..

20) patient with UTI and penicillin allergy?

Nitrofurantoin is first line, cipro is alternative

21) Doxorubicin class & MOA?

Is anthracycline and inhibit topoisomerase ii

22) graph of bioavailability of medication and asking which one has good
distribution and constant in body?
- I chose iv infusion (not sure)

23) Drug increase and decrease warfarin?

24) drug increase and decrease prolactin?

Drug ⬆ milk or prolactin: Metoclopramide, Methyldopa, Reserpine ,Cimetidine

Drug ⬇ milk or prolactin: Androgen, Bromocriptine, Estrogen, Ergotamine, Levodopa


25) women pregnant with HIV, what give her to protect baby? zidovudine

26) vaccines are which type of immunity? Active

27) bentonic acid used for? Emulsifier/ suspending agent

28) case with high liver enzymes and normal albumin?

A) cirrhosis
B) stenosis

Duration of treatment for Aspirin in CV pt?

A. 1y
B. 2y
C. 3y
D. 5y

Which of the following is curable?‫السؤال ناقص الن يقصد االدويه الجديده‬

-Hep A
- Hep B
- Hep C - Hep D

January 2021

patient has acute migraine came to ER with severe migraine headache

induced by light what medication will be used?

1. Aceta- 

2. Brophen 

3. somatotrophin 

women has UTI what is best option for her with glucose 6 phosphate
dehydrogenase deficiency?

A. nitru 

B. cephalexin 

C. ceproflox 

D. bactrim 

blood pressure in neonate?

A. same adult 

B. Higher than adult 

C. Lowed that adult 

ingredient use as base in pharmaceutical formulation?

A. Vasilin
B. Parafen
C. White petroleum 

what is CI vaccine in pregnant?

1. MMR 

2. Dtap 

3. Pnemococcal 

Type of CYP interaction between omeprazole and clopidogrel ?

CYP2C19, in theory omeprazole decrease clopidogrel effect and the patient
will have higher risk of developing thrombosis

Case pt with asthma is caused by exercise what do you recommend


1. Buy AC to filter the air 

2. Regular exercise 

Case pt with hyponatremia with sign of infection and WBC is high what
best manegment?

A. D5W
B. Albumin
C. NS 0.9%
D. Dextran

January 2021

Phenytoin side effect:
- gingival hypertrophy

The least bioavailability?
- Vancomycin orally

Case pt with C-deff ?

1. Vancomycin orally 

2. Clindamycin IV 

3. Gentamycin 

A lot of Q about the book USP797 for which product? sterial

In USP797 the type of gloves in buffer room?

1. Double sterile gloves 

2. Single sterile gloves 

3. Non serial single gloves

Pregnant women has hepatitis B when she delivers we must give her baby? -
Hepatitis B vaccine + Hepatitis B immunoglobulins

Case pt 20- years want to study abroad and she will live in dorm, what type of
vaccine she should take?

1. Zoster, Dtap, MMR 

2. Pneumococcal, meningococcal 

3. Dtap, and influenza 

4. Dtap and hep A 

Drug expire in December 2020 what is the last day of use for it ? 31

Baby boy with drug X, dose 10mg\ml and dr prescribe 20mg BID how
Many ML you will dispense?

Pt with tobramycin dose 50 mg, how many capsule to dispense in the

dose is 50 mg OD for 2 weeks?

Pt with tapering dose of drug X the available conc in the pharmacy is 0.5 mg and 1
mg how many tablet you will dispense from 0.5 mg and 1 mg if the order is : 1 mg
TID X3 days then 1 mg BID x 3days then 1 mg OD x3days then 0.5mg TID x3days
then, 0.5 mg BID x3 days ets.?

Which of the following not to give live vaccine:

1. Boy finish chemo cycle 

2. Breast feeding mom 

3. Pt took Immunoglobulin last 3 month 

A pregnant woman she takes levothyroxine 100 mcg and feel fatigue:

January 2021

1. Fatigue is part of Pregnancy 

2. Refer her to doctor to increase dose 

3. Start mithamazol 

Why thiazide not recommended in kidney pt?

1. Because expensive 

2. Not used in case of kidney imparment 

3. Cause depletion in K &NA

What vaccine recommended with new born baby? BCG ( no hep in the choices) if
there is heb B then it’s the correct answer than BCG

A woman suffers from acute asthma attack, what is the best choice for
her attack

A. Ipratropium
B. Tiotropium
C. corticosteroids

which of following is high alert solutions?

1. Enoxaparin 

2. Fundaparenix 

3. Antibiotic 

4. acyclovair 

Severe case of Alzheimer with dry cough we give?

1. dextromethorphan 

2. brumohexin 

3. nothing 

Which of the following reduce triglyceride? (Ginger)

Which of the following used as antidiabetic meds (Ginseng)

Time for drawn vancomycin?

1. After 1st dose 

2. After 2nd dose 

3. Half hrs before 3rd dose. (no after & no 4th sode)

Complication of parenteral nutrition and lab results:

1. Liver cirrhosis 

2. Liver cholestasis 

3. Pancreatitis 

4. Cholestasis 

January 2021

Case for chemo then ask what to give to relive Plant used to treat vomiting?

1. Ginger 

2. Cinnamon 

3. Clove 

MOA of PPI? block the gastric H,K-ATPase, inhibiting gastric acid secretion

Decrease INR?

1. Rifampin 

2. Carbamazepine 

Anthrax transmitted by ?

1. Cat 

2. Rat 

3. Cattle 

4. Mosquito

Drug mask hypoglycemia? BB

Pharmacist wanted to increase the advertisement for his pharmacy and what best
questionnaire he can do?

A. -Ask the costumers

B. Online questionnaire

Cyclophosphamide Side effect? Hemorrhage cyst

Case pt (farmer) came to your pharmacy with history of dealing with

animals recently injured, weight lose and sweeting and ask for

1. Panadol 

2. Ibuprofen 

3. Refer to doctor

Antidote of digoxin? Digoxin immune fab

Amphetamine MoA?

1. Direct agonist 

2. In direct agonist 

3. Direct antagonist 

4. In direct antagonist 

Side effect of Niacin? and what to give? Flushing and give aspirin

January 2021

Case postural hypotension with prazosin and the choices:

1. Add finasteride 

2. D\C prazocin and give alfuzocin

Case that taking about the husband taking sleep pils which is prescribe
for his wife and then the pharmacist wrote in his file that the pt is drug
addict asking you what the mistake done by the pharmacist?

1. Not asking for security 

2. Making diagnostic for the pt 

Case pregnant and asking about malaria treatment? - quinin

Case with food allergy asking about type of response?

1. Immediate hypersensitivity 

2. No immediate hypersensitivity 

OU TID? Both eye 3 times

Doxorubicin what should we monitor? ECG because it’s cardio-toxic

Septic shock patient unresponsive to Fluid and CKD what will you Give?

1. vasopressin
2. dopamine 

3. norephenphrine 

Act like ondansetron? Ginger

Which for Herbal Decrease Warfarin effect? Green tea

One case about COPD ask you what GOLD type is this Pt, with exacerbation less
than 1 and MMrc: 2

One case about statin and ask you what the best drug and dose to initiate therapy

NSAID Structures and ask about least SE to gastric.

First line of treatment of HTN un pregnancy: labetalol Only on

How cause angioedema?

1. Nefidepine 

2. lisinopril 

January 2021

January 2021

Structure and says where are the furosemide

January 2021

The ibuprofen structure and the carbon on the right, what is

the use of it?

Dengue fever? Is borne topical disease cause mosquito bite

Lice treatment? permethrin or dimethicone 5%

Codeine: CYP2D6

Tramadol: CYP2D6

Atomexetine: CYP2D6

Venlafaxine: CYP2D6

Atazanavir: UGT1A1

Warfarin / phenytoin / phenobarbital > CYP2C9

PPI / clopidogrel / voriconazole / cyclophosphamide > CYP2C19

Abacavir > HLA-B 5701

Allopurinol > HLA-B5801

January 2021

Carbamazepine/ oxycaebamazapine / phenytoin > HLA-B 1502

Antihypertensive drug cause fetal growth defects? B blockers

especially atenolol

Osteoporosis drug cause gastric ulcer?

Ans : Alendronate And Risedronate

Alendronate = Esophageal ulcers

Risedronate = gastric ulcer

A 45-year-old man who has been injured in a car accident is brought into the
emergency room. His blood alcohol level on admission is 275 mg/dL. Hospital
records show a prior hospitalization for alcohol-related seizures. His wife
confirms that he has been drinking heavily for 3 weeks. What treatment should
be provided to the patient if he goes into withdrawal?
A. None.

C. Lorazepam. ✅
D. Pentobarbital.
E. Phenytoin.

F. Buspirone

January 2021

Advice provided to the patient while using MDI Asthma Right?

January 2021

A patient takes warfarin and INR 2 what do

1. raising The dose

2. offering advice
3. green authorities that he stops

January 2021

case series ‫ والتدخين ذاكروها وجاب مجموعة خيارات من ضمنها‬rare disease ‫دراسة تستخدم وذكر‬
‫وكذا دراسة نسيتها‬

half life ‫ وأسئلة مباشرة وايضا‬crcl ‫الحسابات جاب‬

‫ حمضي وضعيف وش اللي يصير فالدواء في المعدة ؟‬pka ‫سؤال بعد لما يكون‬

‫ اعرفوا الجزء المسؤول عن الفاعليه و ميزو التفاعل الحاصل في المعادله في سؤال رسمة‬Structures
‫الكوينين وازا صار فيها تغيير معين الدوا بتحول من انتي مالريا لشو الكتله على الحجم ايش تمثل‬
‫الخيارات كلها كثافه بس انواع ابسوليوت ريالتف ابيرنت‬

‫و شو الدوا اللي يسمن المريض ياخده بعد اول لقمه من االكل انا حطيت حديد‬

‫ لاير على ادويه وما صار‬١٠٠ ‫جاني حق العجوز اللي خش الصيدليه يصايح يقولي خسرت قبل شهر‬1-

‫كمان جاي اخذ ريفيل اش افضل شي ؟ االجابات انو تقولو بعطيك ريفيل اقل عشان ما تخسر كثير االجابات‬
‫الثانيه غير منطقيه يعني مثال يقولك انو ردك عليه انو تقوله الدكتور حقك افهم منك في الدواء وحاجات‬
‫الكتله على الحجم ايش تمثل الخيارات كلها كثافه بس انواع ابسوليوت ريالتف ابيرنت‬

A patient with a dry cough had options, including(Dextromethorphan)

The riad had green mucus was in options I chose guafenesin

What caused a dyspepsia problem was(dabigatran)

There was a patient who was taking methotrexate and had all the tests were not
normal, and he said what the patient needed with the medicine and had options
including folic acid and I chose it

A question about therapeutic interactions and which options included enalapril

and spironolactone

A question about the asthma mentioned when a person does an effort or sport
and was in the options I choose SABA

Room temperature (15-25)

What is vaccinations kept in the freeze temp? MMR, Varcella, OPV

Medications for dyslipidemia used at night? Simvastatin

What is belladonna?‫نفس مفعول االتروبين‬

Atropa belladonna, commonly known as belladonna or deadly nightshade, is a
poisonous perennial herbaceous plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae, which also
includes tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplan
Morphine ‫ ؟‬Redbook

Lice treatment is among the options

January 2021

A. permethrin
B. ketoconazole lotio

Gene variant(allele)

Gene for clopidogril(CYP2C19)


Antidote of opioid(Naloxone) and iron (Defroxamine)

Antidote bzd (iv)

Ig responsible for Penicillin anaphylaxis (Ige)

The vitamin reduces duration and severity?

‫الخيارات ما فيها زنك فيها حديد و فيتامين سي و بنسلين وكمان خيار‬

High left , high bilirubin ? stenosis

structure anyone including a prodrug for antihistamines

‫لو حايطين االسماء تحت الستركتر‬

Terfenadin + ‫لورا‬
prodrug‫طير لورا‬

Exergonic, Endergonic, and Exothermal?

Exergonic: An exergonic reaction is a chemical reaction where the change in

the free energy is negative (there is a net release of free energy).
Endergonic reaction (also called a heat absorb nonspontaneous reaction or
an unfavorable reaction) is a chemical reaction in which the standard change in free
energy is positive, and an additional driving force is needed to perform this reaction.
Exothermal reaction:
Exothermic reactions are reactions or processes that release energy, usually in
the form of heat or light
When we calculate phenytoin, we calculate the total or absolute

TB vaccine( for 6 mounth)

Influence vaccine give every? Annually

major wound hx unknow ( give Td+ TIG)

minor wound hx unknow ( give Td)

January 2021

When given the attenuated virus, the immunogenic type is local, active in

when happen gray baby syndrome if deficiency (glucuronyl transferase)

know what medications he needs to monitor the liver? Methotrexate

Drug causes Qt prolongation?

Patient have attacks and what options do we make? He uses the correct inhaler

Drug is contradiction on 3 trimesters on pregnancy? Lithium and amiodarone

Patient diagnosis with gout (colchicine(

Trimethoprime sulfamethoxazole depending on which one of them decides to use

and what to give(I think TMP)

Drug take on empty stomach? Levothyroxine and alendronate

Medicines have been used in both ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmia?

propafenone and flecainide

Hemorrhoid and is allergic to lidocaine which he can give: Pramoxine

When does the selectivity decrease? If lipophilicity increases, or

The phospholipids are the head lipophilic and the tail lipophilic

January 2021

eye drop is between the two drops? leaving 5 minutes

Patient metabolic alkalosis due to a high dose of furosemide

What do if took too much paracetamol? NAC (acetylcysteine)

Stop clopidogril for a day before surgery? before 5 day

Patient wanted to cut his stomach. What vitamin I needed to give him was good
for the heart. In option iron and in selenium.

Alzheimer patient a plant given? Gingko

STEMI? high troponin ST elevation

The part of the nerve that protects it and transmits nerve impulses from the
options axon, myelene sheeth

What is Osteoporosis medication causes esophagitis? Alendronate

ris ‫اذا ماحدد نحط‬

What is gastric or duodenal ulcer the pain becomes four hours after eating

when to take the trough for vancomycin? before 4 dose 30 min

When to give calcium? Options are verapamil or hypophosphate

For severe migraine: 1- Triptans Or 2- Ergotamine Or 3- Opioid

The drug, which is the lowest in a certain percentage, is the first order

Uniformity test!‫ ؟‬Potency

Structure and says where are the furosemide

What happens in alcohol dehydrogenase?

HIV drug in pregnancy? zidovudine or lamivudine

Low potassium and little magnesium what is the best medicine?

January 2021

The best book for compounding? Martindale

Structure is an antidepressant and the author of Wight is one of them.

structure amphotericin b and he asks about its effectiveness, carbonates, and
things as well

The ibuprofen structure and the carbon on the right, what is the use of it?
phase 1 and 2 drug metabolisms?

Cancer gene? include BRCA1, BRCA2, and p53 or TP53.

In a question that was in the cholesterol test lab, it was higher than ringing.
What is better? Dua? Dosed answers

Anemia when you have strong pain, what is the medicine?

When is the best time to take glargine? At night

Alzheimer's sever What is the best medicine? Donpizle

In a girl who has urinary incontinence is the best medicine?‫ مش موجود‬solfinacin

‫ ووال‬daltifacin ‫ اقرب شي‬oxybutinin

What is an OTC cough medicine? codien and dextramethorphan

In the case of a newborn who has a genital defect, what is the medicine that
caused this thing during pregnancy?

What is medication high alert? d50w

if HGC positive which medication contradiction in pergernay? warfarin

What is the genome function? Store genetic information

Aminoglycoside MOA ? bind D-ala-D-ala chin on peptidoglycan on cell wall to

prevent elongation on peptidoglycan

A question about endocarditis, if all medicines are resistant, except for linezolid,
but it is not acceptable to the FDA. What should you do? Use linzolid as a off
He tells you, in a person living in a dorm, or in a private residence in the
university campus, what vaccination should you take? meningococcal

angioedema management? Combination between antihistamines and CS

What is glycocalax? per cellular matrix glycoprotein and glycolipid covering that
surrounds the cell membranes of some bacteria, epithelia, and other cells

January 2021

What are gram positive specifications? Thick wall , Blue strain, Cluster

A 57-year-old patient suffers from HTN and exercises twice,and she has a sister
with type 1 diabetes .. "What is most feared because of sugar?‫ ا‬family history

In to ICU, what is the best thing to do in order to evaluate the kidney function?
In option:
1. BUN and urine volume
2. quantity on a daily basis
3. urinalysis

The best technique for avoiding medication errors? Barcode

Metformin monitor? kidney function

Glipizide monitor.? Liver function

In a company that violated the law when announcing a drug, what would you do
better as a pharmacist? sfda

Lyme disease transmitted by tick ,

herbal decrease warfarin ginseng ,

rate control verapamil and metoprolol,

Rhythm control data lol,

Stenosis caused by? vit D deficiency ,

Calcium dose for the elderly 1200

-postpartum vein thrombosis take medicine for how long?

1. 2 weeks-
2. 6weeks –
3. 3month-

Erythromycin with contraceptives ‫؟‬reduce the effect)

In severe crohn disease what to give( cortisone or infliximab)

A female smoker takes what contraceptives? We give it progesterone only

Level vancomycin is included in the lab test and is less what should we do?
1. If he takes it every 12 hours,
2. we leave it every 8 hours, and so the important thing is to provide the
3. Rrepeat it twice or 3

January 2021

Drawing it in it is a compound and two nitrogen atoms, including a triple bond

and the second nitrogen, deciphering it, saying what happened? I chose
Reduction, not sure

In the case of a patient with endocarditis from methithilin susciptible bacteria‫؟‬, I

was confused between gentamycin and naphtacillin because the subject of
methicillin, I honestly didn’t choose naphtacillin

What is cost is easily? CMA

Golgi body in cell and its function? Protein synthesis

A question about the investor and the owner of the pharmacy, what is the most
important thing they have? finances

Responsible for annual medications in Saudi Arabia? MOH

Responsible for health? MOH

The dose of ceftriaxone in meningitis is 2 grams every 12 hours

-One question, an elderly woman, she has diseases that I can not think of, and
depression, and she will leave you with a problem, but the name is written under
it and he says what? fluoxetine

structure Active Vitamin D? 1,25 dihydroxy oh

In a question he says what works hypokalemia and the options are all hyper,
except for chlorthalidone thiazide

A child with a skin infection and a hypersensitivity to B-lactam, what should he

take? I was confused about doxycycline or sulfamethoxazole, but I chose Alpha

A question about the beta blocker says when do they lose selectivity? when the
dose is high

January 2021

Nusing vaccination (give Immunologic wit HBV)

What do you do AIDS Monitor? CD4

- The carbamazepine gene? hlab1502

-If you have an allergy to beta-lactam and an ear infection? Azithromycin

Covid is transferred, how? Breathing

The responsible pharmacist has an idea of developing a method that will benefit
patients in following up on diabetes, and that way, and he will present the idea to
the administration, what was he supposed to work on first? the cost

A hospitalized epileptic taking? Lorazepam

Treatment with erythropoietin reaches the hemoglobin level? 11

-A question about Alzheimer's taking rivastigmine and treating it with side

effects. I chose to change to donepezil. I don’t know whether it is correct or not.

What reduces the concentration of phenytoin in the blood? Anticancer, calcium

and diazebam

Paracetamol OTC dose ? 1g

The dose of ibuprofen is 1200

What is severe hypoglycemia? Pioglitazone, metformin glyburide

A patient with a cancer and infected pneumonia because of what medicine?


Anticancer related to phobic acid methotrexate? Folic acid

What is the process of adding carbohydrate to protein? glycosylation

Cough with sputum we give guaifenesin

Coughing without expectorant dicethromizorphan

A patient has diabetes and pressure, what protection should he take for the
1. Atorvastatin
2. omega-3 fish oil

• A patient with angina and mi who takes ACE and many other medicines. What
should we give for high blood pressure?
1. spironolactone
2. carvedilol

January 2021

3. diltiazem
4. arbs

Case, she has a viral infection and does not have much money to take. What
cheap she chose? Acyclovir
We discontinue flumonid two months before pregnancy

Entresto what effect on potassium ?I chose to supply

what kinds of medicine do you need a syringe? The answer is all of the above
ampule vial water for inj ..e

Pregnant and hypersensitive to all dioxide, we should give her erythromycin

Antidote cocaine ?? benzodiazepine

A patient took a drug that increases the heart rate and works construction and
raises the pressure? I chose epinephrine

Child the doctors prescribe is a syrup medicine writer, and you have the tablets,
not drinking? I chose to speak to the doctor, change the medicine.

A pharmacist dispensed the wrong medicine, and the nurse discovered before
she gave this patient the type of error? B

Two questions about Face to Face Barrier

Antibiotics and one said that does not work in children? is ceftriaxone

Lisinopril plus alskren cause (angioedema)

Sever Parkinson treatment by? Levodopa

what is mean genom? is the particular number and combination of certain

chromosomes necessary to form the single nucleus of a living cell.

Oxalacetete (salt - a compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal

(or a radical that acts like a meta)

Sodium thiosulfate, take it normal for me when? sulfa allergy

Uniformity test‫؟‬Potency

gene variant (allele)

Gene for clopidogril(CYP2C19)

Atomoxetine (CPY2D6)

January 2021

antidote bzd (iv)

Ig responsible for penicillin anaphylaxis? IGE

Aertolerant anaerobes ( growth in absence of O2 but can growth in present O2 like

streptococcus pyogenens)

TB vaccine for child (at 6 MOUNTH)

Vaccination minor wound hx is unknown (Td)

Vaccination major wound hx is unknown(Td+IMG)

when give attenuated virus was given the type of immunity? the active locality
was among the options

The gray baby syndrome occurs when deficient? Chloramphenicol

A patient has given us her medication, but up to now the attacks have occurred.
What are the options we do? He used the inhaler, right
Drug causes Qt prolongation?

A contraindication in the third month of pregnancy? is an option for lithium-


patient is diagnosed gout? give him in Colchicine with options

Heparin dose prevention? 5000 iu

LMWH dose prevention ? 30-40- mg

Medicines on an empty stomach, levothyroxine and alendronate

Diseases graves hashimoto Addison

Patient with metabolic alkalosis due to high dose ? furosemide

A child takes 100 iron pills, and what options do I have with him, including anti-
dot iron

A patient had a stomach cut. What was the vitamin I needed to give him was
good for the heart‫؟‬It was in iron and in selenium.

Monitoring of statin? Liver fun

The part of the nerve that protects it and conveys nerve flows from the options?
Axon OR myelene OR sheeth

Who sees pain four hours after eating ? gastric or duodenal ulcer

January 2021

The hormone responsible for milk? Prolactin

The highest dose of Panadol? 4 g

Mmedicine reduces a certain percentage? the first order

First order: fixed percentage
Zero order: fixed amount (mg)
..‫ وبعضها زيرو‬first order kinetics ‫ بعض االدوية عندها‬kinetics ‫هذا‬
‫ ا‬،‫ ثابتة‬elimination ‫ هو ان نسبة الدواء اللي يصير لها‬first ‫ال‬
‫ كل ساعة‬%30 ‫مثًل‬
‫ مو النسبة‬،‫ اللي تطلع ثابتة‬mg ‫ كمية الدواء بال‬zero ‫ال‬

Case COPD what drug of choice to give to initiate therapy?LAMA

Drug cause myalgia? Statin

what colon function? Water and minerals absorptions

Filtered needle needed in?

1-vials ( my choice)

- Case and then what topical antibiotic to use FOR MRSA?

1. gentamicin ointment
2. vancomycin ointment
3. mupirocin ointment

Drug is teratogenic in pregnant? Methotrexate, Leflenomide

Case of status epilepsy already got lorazepam IV. what drug next??

1-phenytoin IV
2- diazepam orally (my choice)
3-phenobarbital iv

A pharmacist dispensed a wrong medicine and the patient reached it and came
back to the hospital with these symptoms, which the type of error? Type d

‫=خطأ وصل وماضر بس تحت‬d ,‫ =خطأ وصل وماضر‬c ,‫=خطأ وماوصلش‬B, ‫=اي دواء ممكن يصيب‬A

HARm‫كل دول مافيهموش‬

E ttt ‫مقلوبة‬

‫بيحتاج عالج‬

F ‫ مستشفي‬for long time

G permanent ‫تبقي برمنجات‬

January 2021

H ‫قرب يموت‬

I =deagh

January 2021

- High intensity statin? Rosuvastatin 20 MG

- Case what treatment of gouty arthritis by drug origin is plant autumn

crocus >> (colchicine) the answer

- Case about HCG test

- Case mcv(test for anemia) was 82 what to give?? He has pernicious

anemia give b12

- osteoporosis drug cause esophagus ulcer? 2 Alendronate

- a question about concentration of amitriptylene? My choice is 85% ( not

sure )

- women came to pharmacy asking about dietary supplements prevent

breast cancer? My choice was there is no such a thing yet

January 2021

- patient on ceftriaxone what first organ to reach? Adipose tissue, liver,


-new drug that has excellent effects in decreasing death rate associated
with highly fatal disease , how will that drug affect the disease rate ?

1. Prevalence will be increased (answer)

2. b) Prevalence will be decreased
3. c) Incidence will be decreased
4. d) Incidence will be increase

E-prescribing? would allow a physician to electronically transmit a prescription to

the eRx Hub (located at DHA's DHPO system), getting coverage feedback from
insurance company's real- time before patient leaves physician's office ‫سوال ايش‬
ٔ ‫جا‬
‫ نوع الوصفة مني فاكرة فاالخيارات كان في‬-

- dry cough drug OTC? 1 of the choices is dextromethorphan

- marketing 4P is. Product, place, price and what...? I chose promotion 3

A question about a company that installed medical equipment and did not work
.. I got the answer, we complain about the company

- 1 gram fat how many calories? 9 calories

- question about what is the pacemaker in the heart? SA node (the answer

- laxative contraindicated in pregnancy? Castor oil

- patient on NG tube what kind of tablet to give? Immediate release tablet

- what type of water used in parental preparations? 1-distelled water

steriled water
3- sterile water for injections

counseling about taking levothyroxine? My choice was take it on empty


- max dose of ibuprofen in a day? My choice 1200mg

- Lyme disease caused by? Ticks

- question about aspirin and ibuprofen interaction? ANSWER Cox1

-RNA Function? Convert or translate the information in DNA into proteins.

- Role of aspartic acid: building blocks to make protein the body

-Role of Golgi complex? Processes and transport material out of the cell

-role of mitochondria? Break down the food molecules to make ATP -Role
of Krebs cycle? Production of ATP

January 2021

- what type of vaccine to avoid shingles?
 ‫انصحكم تشوفو كل فاكسين إليش‬

‫السوال على فاكسين تاني‬
ٔ ‫ينعطي النو ممكن يجي نفس صيغة‬

5 - Case of Diabetic person who has sulfa allergy what drug to avoid?
Options were all diabetic drugs, my choice was Glyburide

- student pharmacist wants to search for a literature, where to search?

My choice was pub med

- why is there XL dosage form?

1. 1-to cover the bitter taste of the tablet

2. 2- slow release

3. 3-to make easier to swallow
4. 4-sustained release

Note: (XL, XR means extended release) (SR sustained release)
(LA long acting)
controlled release)

- Case about a woman who had a pre-eclampsia symptoms what drug is

1st line? labetalol

-Case about a guy who has DVE (deep vein embolism) what drug is the
best for him? heparin (enoxaparin )

6 -Which contraceptive pills prevent lactation?

1- progesterone

2- estrogen (answer)

3- combined

Question about xalatan (latanoprost)? Used for? Glaucoma

- which of the following is isotonic? 0.9 NaCl + 5%dextrose

dose dependent & time dependent?

January 2021

Definitions of Ethics?unenforceable norms and values guide behavior ,there are

no specific laws 

You have a pharmacy and you want to sell it, and the one who buys it from you
is asking for sales and profits and what you give ?
1. you give him the sales records
2. net profit,
3. uniforms like that

He asked the manager of a pharmacy, "You have applied for a job, and he asked
you to write a report on the expectations of selling from options (that sales come
from cosmetics - they come from taxes - they come from the economic situation,
market movement, clothes like this and so and so close something).

Which ministry is responsible for cases of recovery and recovery and the
number of diseases during the Hajj season ‫ ؟‬are
1. WHO-

A 20-year-old person who took all his doses followed the childhood to the age of
4 years, and when he wanted to take two vaccine , and on the last two vaccine he
was 11 years old, and he gave you a list of options and what vaccine he can take?

What is the principle of marketing? Options are to

1. gain customer

January 2021

2. satisfaction
3. increase sales

Question How to prepare a budget for the new year?

‫السؤال الثاني يكون ب االختيارات كذا‬
A-Close stock + open stock + seller products
B-Open stock-close stock + Seller product
‫ بدال‬- ‫ ويعدّل بينهن او يحط عًلمة‬+
Gain customers --> increase their satisfaction --> increase in your sales

What is the medicine allowed to be given by the nurse as an oral prescription


What is the benefit of using technology in the exchange process? Reduces

medication errors

What drug has the highest AUC

Gloves disinfectant? isopropyl 70

Question, I don't remember the exact wording: polypeptide or lipopeptide is the

best place to study where to study?
1. E.coli (not sure)
2. Mamillian cell
3. Yest cell
Ahmed hires a new drug company, and the company wants him to advertise its
product, etc. ‫؟‬The answer is that Saudi Arabia does not allow advertisements

A dose of calcium in an old woman?800 and 1200 and two other choices I chose

He toured four structure which one is racemic mixture ?

Active position on structure in zidovudine

January 2021

The name of the bacteria in diphtheria i?‫ ؟‬Corynebacterium diphtheria

-6 calculation about
1. Loading dose
2. Phynetoin correction
3. Number of tablet
4. Infusion rate
5. Bioavailability
6. CrCl
7. T½

The picture of malaria, what is its natural derivative treatment?

Malaria – Quinine

Malaria treatment?

✓ First line: pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine/artesunate

✓ Second line: Artemether + Lumefantrine
✓ Pregnancy:
1st trimester > Quinine + Clindamycine
✓ 2-3 trimester > Quinine + Clindamycine Or artesunate+

A patient had pneumonia and used azithromycin and ceftriaxone for three days
and so did he improve a?
1. Stop the two medications.

January 2021

2. b. Continue medication for 10-14 days

3. Stop azithromycin and continue ceftriaxone for 3 days.

10- There are fewer deaths in Saudi Arabia

. 11- A study is considered if:

a. If you get approval from the Ethics Committee.
b. If you rely on numbers.
c. Other options as I mention.

A question was related to sports and were options

1- Metformin
2- Furosemide
3- Fluconazol


1. Determine chiral center.

2. Deamination
3. NSAID safe on stomach
4. Which one is Dihydropyridin Calcium channel blocker
5. Oxidation reaction

-16 Treatment of active TB for adult.(RIEP)

-17 Niacin Side effect: (Flushing).

-18 Patient with Penicillin allergy which antibiotic for UTI? Nito

-19 Which drug not use sulfa allergy:

a. Sulfamethoxazole.
b. Furosemide
c. Sodium thiosulfate

-20 Drug used for NSAID induce peptic ulcer?

a. PPI‫وذي لما مايكون فيه االخير‬

b. H2 blocker.
c. Sucrflate.
d. Misporosto ‫اذا كانت فيه اختارها‬

-21 Drug contraindicated with transient ischemic attack (prasugrel).

-22 Drug contraindicated in neonate (ceftriaxone).

-23 Drug can be used if BCG is positive

a. Tetracycline.

January 2021

b. Levothyroxine.
c. Warfarin.

-24 Case about amiodarone side effect (thyroid problem).

-25 Ondansetron mimetic (ginger).

-26 Ginkgo biloba potential side effect (bleeding).

-27 To know side effect (Myler).

-28 Cell membrane component (hydrophobic head and hydrophilic tail).

-29 Antibiotic which inhibit protein synthesis by binding with 30S at site A

a. Initiation of protein synthesis.

b. Elongation of protein synthesis
c. Termination of protein synthesis.

-30 DNA of bacteria? The DNA of most bacteria is contained in a single

circular molecule, called the bacterial chromosome. The chromosome,
along with several proteins and RNA molecules, forms an irregularly
shaped structure called the nucleoid. ... In addition to the chromosome,
bacteria often contain plasmids – small circular DNA molecules

-31 Plasmid of bacteria.? replication

-32 Orphan drug definition? for rare disease

-33 Pandemic definition? spread whole word

-34 Bismuth for prophylaxis of traveling diarrhea

-35 HIV drug reversible nucleotide (abacavir)

-36 Fingolimod (ECG)

-37 Pt with hypertension, Heart failure, DM what is the first line after

a. pioglitason.
b. Gliclazide.
c. Empagliflozin
d. Insulin.

-38 Pt with DM and HbA1c is 12 and he stopped insulin due to it's injection
and cause weight gain what will you do:

a. Advise him to use insulin due to it's the best for his situation.
b. Give him liraglutide

January 2021

c. Agree him to stop insulin

-39 Immunosuppressant drug cause hirsutism (cyclosporin).

-40 Hypokalemia cause (digoxin toxicity).

-41 Which of the following cause digoxin toxicity:

a. Hypomagnesemia
b. Hypercalcemia.
c. Hypophosphate

-42 Using of PPI for epigastric pain:

a. As needed.
b. For 1 month.
c. Monitoring of electrolyte.

-43 Bacteria cause plague (Yersinia pestis).

-45 Pt use isoniazid and came to pharmacy to ask you about:

a. He feels numbness
b. Change color of the urine.
c. ‫اختيارات أخرى ما اذكرها‬

-46 Pt using amitriptyline and after 4 days came to doctor say the drug not

-47 Increase dose of levothyroxine in pregnancy.

-48 Use isoniazid with (vit B6).

50- Which Ig activate complementary system? IgG.

53- Cost benefit (monetary)

54- Role of boric acid in eye prescription

a. Thinking.
b. Stable.

Boric acid in eye solution is responsible for pH balance

55- Decrease TSH and increase of T4 (hyperthyroidism).

56- Clonazepam and metronidazole interaction.? ‫ هيزيد تركيز‬clonzapine

57- Iron deficiency (microcytic and hypochromic).

58- First line of Diarrhea (i.v fluid).

January 2021

59- Which of the following prevent renal injury:

a. Vit C
b. Vit D
c. i.v fluid.

60- Inhibit fetal growth (atenolol).

61- Bacteria cause osteomyelitis? Streptococci

62- Clopidogrel and omeprazole (CYP2C19)

63- Normal Crcl is

a. 120.
b. 80.

65- Case with Increase liver function with normal bilirubin (cirrhosis)

66- Pt angina , HTN, DM and erectile dysfunction (use nitrate, lisinopril,

…etc) which drug for erectile dysfunction:

a. Sildenafil.
b. Vildafil
c. -no drug for him

67- Calcium dose for women 65 year. 1,200.

68- Narrow therapeutic index.

69- Pregnant vaccine (Td+ influenza).

70- HPV (Gardasil).

72- Interaction between warfarin and metronidazole or ferrous sulphat.

Using warfarin together with metroNIDAZOLE may cause you to bleed

more easily.
You may need a dose adjustment based on your prothrombin time or INR

73- Drug cause interaction with medicines of geriatric patient:

a. Cholestyramine
b. Statin

76- Pt use Warfarin 10mg and INR low why?

a. Low dose.
b. Dite.
c. Low bioavailability of warfarin.

January 2021

77- HTN Diet? (dash)

78- Green leave interaction with warfarin?

‫ متل الشاي االخضر‬:‫بقلل من تأثير الوارفارين‬

79- Antipsychotic cause movement disorder.

Any antipsychotic that affect dopamine levels are most likely to cause movement
paliperidone, risperidone, quetiapine and clozepine)
80- Anti-rhythm use for rate control (amiodaron).

81- Antibiotic inactivate in respiratory surfactant (daptomycin).

82- Long acting insulin(galrgin).

83- Treatment of patent ductus arteriosus (i.v indomethacin).

84- Color of container for dispose syringe? yellow or red or white

85- Dispose of syringe in (resistance container).

86- Vincristine (i.v not interthecal)

87- Morphine cause (constipation).

89- Cohort

A. RR.
B. OR.

90- Case control:

a. RR.
b. OR.

91- Pt has HTN, DM, Asthma and he came because he has a cough and
wheezing, and high blood glucose. What will you treat first?

a. Asthma then DM then HTN. ‫بتاكد‬

b. DM then asthma then HTN.
c. HTN then Asthma then DM.

92- Allergy with nut. (IGE).

93- Type of hypersensitivity with hemolytic anemia. (cytotoxic).

94- Cough with viral infection and green septum

a. guaifensin.
b. Dextromethorphan.
c. Codeine.

95- Hypnotic for travel (melatonin).

January 2021

96- Test of alkaloid. Dragendroff’s test

97- Case of methotrexate (folic acid)

99- NE (hormone and neurotransmitter).

100- T cell type? cytotoxic, helper, and regulatory

101- MI use (streptokinase).

102- Celecoxib contraindicated with (HF).

103- Pt with UTI and no symptom

a. Nitrofurantoin.
b. Fofomycin.

104- Before give Gliflozin group:

a. Liver function.
b. Hypovolemic.

105- Pt with Hypotension with high heart rate give him:

a. Hypertonic Nacl.
b. RL.
c. Albumin.

106- 2-month peptic ulcer:

a. Albumin
b. CRP.
c. Fibrinogen.

107- Malaria with G6PD? Primaquine no use because causes this

108- High alert medication (dextrose 50%).

109- Pt with UTI the open question:

a. Where is the pain.

b. Tell me about your problem.

Pili function in bacteria? transfer DNA and for attachment to surfaces. Pili are used
for motility.

Toxidroms (definition)? are a specific group of signs and symptoms that are
caused by certain groups of medications or chemicals.

Endotoxin characteristic: are lipopolysaccharides found in the cell wall of Gram-

negative bacteria,

January 2021

Drug enhanced it’s absorption with ranitidine

1. lorazepam
2. Warfarin
3. Aspirin
4. Naproxen)

Anergy meaning in immunology? Immune intolerance, occurs when the there is

a failure to mount a complete immune response to an antigen, occur in both T
and B lymphocyres

Which of the following is category X ?

1. rituximab
2. leflunomide
3. ciprofloxacin
4. levothyroxine

Polystyrene role

1. ⬆️ca
2. ⬆️ k
3. ⬆️ca
4. ⬆️k)

‫( تعريف وكانت االختيارات‬mean .mode . Median. Range .)

🔟Aspirin with inflammatory dose in myocardial infarction

1. anticipated harmful .
2. Anticipated beneficial.
3. Un anticipated harmful .
4. Un anticipated beneficial )

Plant used in cough ( eucalyptus )

January 2021

Ebola transmission?

Ebola effect?

A. common cold .
B. Hemorrhagic fever .
C. Pulmonary edema .
D. Atypical pneumonia)

Herb potentiate anti diabetic effect ? Ginseng

Patient went for tooth extraction and the doctor prescribed antibiotic form as
prophylaxis from endocarditis which of the following patient most need it

A. mitral valve .
B. kidney transplant .
C. Asthma .
D. Diabetes

Retention factor calculation?

TLC thin learchromatography ‫ بنحسب بيها‬Rf value ‫ذي عباره عن‬

Bio similar drugs ( similar to approved biological product )

INR monitoring after initiation as outpatient

A. next day
B. 2-5 days
C. 1 month
D. 3months)

January 2021

Patient with lab results normal except for hypokalemia (was 3 ) which is the
most likely the cause

1. inhaled corticosteroids.
2. Leukotriene antagonist .
3. Inhaled beta agonist .
4. Inhaled anti muscarinic )

Patient female with food poisoning and went to hospital with troponin high
NSTMI what is the management

A. aspirin 81 mg + ticagrelor .
B. Aspirin 325 mg + ticagrelor .
C. Aspirin 81 mg + prasugrel .
D. Aspirin 325 mg + prasugrel )

Atrioventricular depolarization, ) ‫خيارين زياده بس ناسيهم بالضبط ايش بس كان في واحد بيًلتو‬
‫تكررت نفس االختيارات في كل االسئلة‬

Number of ATP in glycolysis

1. 12
2. 24
3. 40
4. 2)

Function of colipase (protein that functions as a cofactor for pancreatic lipase,)

Phenothiazine structure and the question was what is the mechanism ( dopamine

Patient with hypotension and wbc was over 10000 what should patient receive

A. dextrin,
B. albumin ,
C. ringer lactate ,
D. hypertonic solu
E. tion) ‫الجواب رينقر الكتيت‬

Intestine PH range ( ‫)خيارات غير اللي في التجميعات‬

Test before start fingolimod ( ECG)

Moderate physical activity

A. swimming
B. basketball
C. brisk walking
D. heavy ........)

Enzyme deficiency lead to grey baby syndrome? The UDP-glucuronyl

transferase enzyme

January 2021

Iso 5 : 100

Drug cause tachycardia when infused rapidly

A. ( amitriptyline .
B. Theophylline ‫) احترت بينهم‬

Which of the following need dose adjustment

A. vancomycin + linezolide.
B. Vancomycin + clindamycin .
C. Clindamycin + tazocin . not sure
D. Tazocin + linezolide )

Patient with hyperkalemia using spironolactone , HCT , ‫ وكم دواء زيادة‬what

should he receive

E. metoprolol IV .
F. Insulin IV
G. . Dextrose IV

‫🏻🤷 سؤال معناه ماهي ميزة التيتانوس عن باقي التطعيمات‬

A. ⬆️ immunity .
B. ⬇️ immunity .
C. Protect from contagious environment)

Reduction of site A in 30 ribosomal in protein synthesis? Elongation

Ciprofloxacin interaction with phosphate binder ? ( ans : take it 2 hrs before or


Time of QT interval ? ( 0.4 ) ‫يحتاج تأكيد‬

(hypokalemia)‫كيس عن نقص البوتاسيوم في الدم‬

20 meq in 100 ml NACL bolus .a

90 meq in 100 ml NaCl bolu .2

111- DM with stabs (gabapentin).

112- phynetoin side effect (gingival hyperplasia).

113-amlodipin side effect (peripheral edema).

114- vitamin A name (isotronien).

115- inflammatory acne:

2- -hydroquinon.
3- -hydrocortison 1%.
4- -mild soap.
5- -facial scrub.

January 2021

116- buspiron for (General anexity).

118- bacteria in dirty food (salmonella)

120 - A question in which it was stated that correspondence via email for

A. The patient can see it and add it to the e-mail.

D. Not seen.
B. D.- Not valid for use in cases of emergency and hypersensitivity.
121-multivitamin toxicity.

A. -charcol.
B. -charcol more than one.
C. -gastric ‫غسيل‬

122-warfarin interaction with ibuprofen.

123- drug block estrogen in breast (tamoxifen).

124- contraceptive with breastfeeding (progestin)

Medicine broken by pregnant women become contradiction for pregnant

women‫ ؟‬finasteride

what is sound S1s2s3s4? Heart murmur

A case with HCG positive, what is contradiction drugs for contraceptive drugs
and choose them just pick drugs CI in pregnancy:

1. Warfarin
2. Levothyroxine
3. Valporic acid

patient who does not want to take insulin, I don’t know why, but what is
important is that you can advise him (that you show him the benefits that he will
get if he takes the treatment)

January 2021

Amoglobin analysis, positive IGG and IGM pollination, and the type of
1. An old infection
2. The condition worsened
3. New condition
4. The earliest new case does not appear with the new infection
A patient takes warfarin and allopurinol and the INR is normal and everything
is normal and smooth
5. Is the alopecia a shortage due to the allopurinol?
6. Does allopurinol increase the concentration of alopecia?
7. There is no interaction between them

What material do we add and improve the homogeneity between the solvent and
the dissolved particles? Disintegrates

When adding PEG to a composite

1. Clarence increases
2. Does the size of the distribution increase
3. I don’t know anything
4. Increase half-life formulation((to enhance stability)

Which of the following do I store in the refrigerator because of the ingredients:

1. Eye drops
2. Oral Solution
3. Suppositories
4. Ointments

He asked about a committee (mtmc)?

MTMC is a contract sales organization for Medical Manufacturers. ... As such,
MTMC segments their sales teams to specific markets: Acute Care, Alternate Care,
Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) and Long-Term Care.

5 Right‫ ؟‬Patient Medication، Dose، Administration، Time

largest two parts of carbohydrates produce energy ‫؟‬

1. 3gtt ou BID Answer? 3 drops in both ears twice daily

Two questions about how to write a correct description (example)

A. Enoxparin 80.0 mg cs
B. Enoxiparin 80 mg cs
C. Enoxoparin 80 mg Subcutaneous BID
D. Enoxoparin 80 mg Subcutaneous twice dail

Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs? function reduces the resistance of bacteria to


January 2021

question SOPA, that the doctor wrote that high blood pressure was controlled
and where it was under any item? by assessment

A drug that causes vasocontraction in the uterus and prevents blood flow to the
fetus and causes its death?
1. pseudoephedrine
2. oxymetazoline

Thyroid increase?Is Graves' disease

What causes an upset gland with 4 options, all of which are treated except for

Methimazole is also capable of causing clinically apparent,

idiosyncratic liver injury. The onset of hepatotoxicity is usually within 2 to 12
weeks of starting and the pattern of enzyme elevations is typically cholestatic or
mixed, although hepatocellular patterns have also been describing

‫انه يسبب مشاكل بالكيد‬

--If patient has MRSA resistant what can use? Vancomycin if resistant take

If patient has penicillin resistant what can use ? Ciprofloxacin

-12-patient has G6PD ?+Drug cannot use

• Acetanilid.
• Furazolidone.
• Isobutyl nitrite.
• Nalidixic acid.
• Naphthalene.
• Niridazole.
• Sulfa drugs.
• Dapsone
• Methylene blue
• Nitrofurantoin
• Pegloticase
• Phenazopyridine
• Primaquine
• Rasburicase
• Tafenoquine

What is digested in the mouth? Starch

January 2021

E-health is a new standardized service, these standards serve?

The options were
1- Patient care
2- Palliative care
3- Hospital care

‫ وحده اسمها يقول ادمي بلع نبته غريبه والتحاليل اللي سوها له‬saljet test positive

D-Galactose and D-Mannose are what kind of isomers?

A. Epimers
B. Diastereomers
C. Enantiomers
D. Not related to each other
The answer will be (A), bc they are not mirror images of each other nor they are

January 2021

2- What is the condition in which this reaction happened? (Only the ones in blue
are provided)
A. Acidic condition
B. Alkaline condition
C. Neutral condition

3- A 61 y old with past med Hx of HTN and DM came to ER with fever, neck
stiffness, and
lumbar puncture was done (the lab provided, it showed low glucose and high
Protein in the CSF + high WBCs)?
What is the appropriate management?
A. 1- Vanc, ampicillin, and ceftriaxone
B. 2- Vanc, ceftriaxone
C. 3- Vancomycin

4- Which antiepileptic drug causes Nephrolithiasis?

A. Zonisamide
B. Oxacabazepine
C. Rufinamide

5- If we want to make an SSRI from an SNRI, what should we do?

A. Make the amine group Secondary amine
B. Make the amine group Tertiary amine
C. Make the amine group Quaternary amine
D. I chose the last choice by exclusion
The answer is provided below>> (electron withdrawing group in the para position
of phenoxy)

January 2021

6- Which of the following structure is aspirin structure, the salicylic acid structure
will be provided in the Q. They will give you multiple structures and you decide
which one is
the aspirin structure.

7- A patient is taking warfarin 4.5 mg PO daily came to the clinic with INR of 5.1
without any signs of active bleeding, what is the appropriate management for her?
A. Hold warfarin and give vit K IV
B. Hold warfarin and resume with lower dose
C. Hold warfarin and give platelet

8- An HIV patient taking Atazanavir, Zidovudine, Lamivudine, and fluconazole. The

lab showed hyperbilirubinaemia (the pt was having SE, but I don’t remember
them). He has 2 decreased functional alleles of UGT1A1, which drug is affected by
this polymorphism?
A. Atazanavir
B. Zidovudine
C. Lamivudine
D. Fluconazole

9- Estimating GFR using Creatinine clearance Cockcroft-Gault equation, (eGFRC-G),

is used for which patients?
A. Pts on dialysis
B. Pts with AKI
C. Pts with normal kidney function
D. Pts with stable CKD

10- Which of the following can be the owner of a drug information center?
A. A Saudi licensed pharmacist
B. A non-Saudi that has graduated from Saudi college
C. A Saudi executive manager

January 2021

11- A patient has history of severe HSV, which vaccine should the pt receive to
prevent shingles infection?
A. Zoster
B. Varicella

12- A patient with bowel complications (I don’t remember what exactly, however
managed) was feverish and has redness around the site of the catheter. What is
the appropriate management for this CLABSI (Catheter-related bloodstream
A. Gentamicin
B. Vancomycin
C. Metronidazole
D. Cefotaxime

13- A patient with prolonged TPN and the question provided lab results that
showed high ALT, AST, and GGT (were not extremely elevated), what complication
of parenteral nutrition the patient has?
A. Liver cirrhosis
B. Hepatic steatosis (not sure)
C. Pancreatitis

14- Enteral feeding absolute contraindication?

i. Bowel ischemia

15- When Is PN Appropriate? (Consensus Recommendations suggest initiating PN

after 7 days for well-nourished stable patients, within 3 to 5 days in those who are
nutritionally at-risk, and as soon as feasible in those with baseline moderate or
severe malnutrition if oral intake or EN is not possible or sufficient).

‫بس مو متذكره الصياغه مرا لكن أظنه كان عن اقصى حد لأليام المسموح‬
PN ‫جا سؤال عن متى نبدأ البي ان‬
‫ ايام‬7 ‫بعدها بدء البي ان انا حطيت‬

16- A patient came to ER with BP 60/90 | HR 102 | RR 28 | Temp 40 C. what is the

appropriate management for her?
(As you can see the patient is hypotensive <90 and tachypneic RR >= 22, based on
qSOFA, the pt is having septic shock)
A. Give LR
B. Give Albumen
C. Give dextrose 5%

17- A patient with dyslipidemia, hypertension, DM, and AFib and taking Aspirin 81
mg QD, Metformin 1000 mg BID, Lisinopril 20 mg, Atorvastatin 40 mg. Regarding
the medications which option is correct?
A. Inferior drug therapy
B. The patient is taking two drugs with incorrect dose

January 2021

C. The patient is taking one drug with incorrect dose

(Aspirin resembled placebo and was inferior to warfarin for reducing
thromboembolic risk in
AFib patients).

18- CrCL using CG > ‫الزم تتأكدون من الوحدات‬

They mentioned the Scr in umol/L so you need to convert it to mg/dl > dividing by

20- Question about number of tablets to dispense. Similar to this > if a patient is
prescribed ,drugA 3 tablets TID for 5 days, 3 tablets BID for 5 days, 2 tab QD for 5

21- Definition of RR

23- Calculate F using AUC of oral and AUC of IV

24- A graph that showing multiple drugs AUCs like the graph below and asking
which drug has high AUC with minimum fluctuation in plasma?
A. Drug C (I chose this)
B. Drug B
C. Drug A

25- The QT interval represents what?

A. Atrioventricular conduction
B. Ventricular repolarization
C. Ventricular action potential
D. Plateau phase of ventricular action potential

January 2021

26- Which of the following is contraindicated during breastfeeding?

A. Methotrexate
B. Rifampin

27- Loperamide MOA?

acts by slowing intestinal motility and by affecting water and electrolyte
movement through the bowel

28- Pt with E. coli UTI and given TMP/SMX but it turns out to be resistant what is
the most
appropriate alternative?
A. Ciprofloxacin
B. Meropenem
C. TMP/SMX double strength

29- Pt with urinary incontinence and multiple conditions takes diphenhydramine

for 1 (or 2) week for insomnia, and other drugs not remembering them, what is the
appropriate option?
A. Start oxybutynin
B. DC diphenhydramine (not sure)
‫غالبا لو حصل للمريض عرض جانبي من دواء معين نحاول اننا نوقفه او نبحث عن بديل لو يحتاج المريض ألن‬
‫ابدا مانعالج عرض جانبي لدواء بدواء آخر‬

30- A patient came to the ER with agitation and excitement and was given
diazepam, however the symptoms persisted, what drug responsible for the
B. Opioid
C. Cocaine (not sure)
I chose this cuz diazepam, opioid, and alcohol (all are CNS depressants). Cocaine is
the only CNS

January 2021

31- Methadone is used for?

A. Chronic headache
B. Heroine addiction
C. Acute pain

1--hormone balance water in the body ADH

3-Duration between Lisinopril & CCB? Start immediately

4-Mod of action Donepezil?

Donepezil binds and reversibly inactivates the cholinesterase’s, thus inhibiting
hydrolysis of acetylcholine. This increase acetylcholine concentrations at
cholinergic synapses

5-Mode o action tricyclic anti-depressants?

They block the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine

6-Mayer's syndrome? Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is

a disorder that occurs in females and mainly affects the reproductive system.
This condition causes the vagina and uterus to be underdeveloped or absent,

Drug of choice in infection staphylococcus colonization? Vancomycin

Aspirin structure?

January 2021

12-Active metabolite of oseltamivir?

14-Hypertention with COPD treatment?

17-hydroxychloroquine major side effect &montring

18-Doxyroubicin montring? ECG

19-Fongilomod monitoring? ECG

20-Freez temperature? -10, -25

22-vaccin give with children infect HA?

23-MMR vaccine timing? 12 and 18 month, 4 year

24- side effect amiodarone? Uses? Gray man syndrome

25-rifampicin ... Azithromycin. Who are safe in pregnant?


26-Vaccine C.I in pregnancy? MMR, Varicella, HPV, ZLV, BCG, LAIV

27-HALAB+ drug effect ...

28-Drug induced asthma? Non-selective BBs

29-Drug brown urination? Nitrofurantoin

30- case ... Blood test MCV less than 80.. drug of choice ? iron

32-Drug rate control? BB , CCB ,Digoxin ,Amiodarone

January 2021

36-primary resource $ tertiary resource?

40_ Antidote CCB? Calcium or glucagon

41- Antidote inhaled benztropine? physostigmine or pilocarpine.

42- Antidote methotrexate? Leucovorin

43- clozapine Montring? ANC (neutrophil)

46-Fastest rout administration? SC

47- vancomycin Monitoring? Liver function

55-calculation specific gravity?

January 2021

56-drug of choice in patient Sychotic with depression? SSRI

58-Drug used in active symptoms schizophrenia? clozapine

59-calculation incidence?

January 2021

60- definition prevalence: is the number of disease cases present in a particular

population at a given time
61-GolGi apparatus: is responsible for transporting, modifying, and packaging
proteins and lipids into vesicles for delivery to targeted destinations
62_Teritary resources examples: Textbooks, review article in journals (electronic
date as Micromedex and Lexi-comp), guidelines

63- prating regulation?

64- inspection regulation: MOH

65_ In USP 795: non- Sterile preparation

66- In USp 797: Sterile preparation

67- buffer area? ISO7

68_ hazard medication color? (yellow)

69-control medication color? “maybe red”” and letter N

70- inhaled isofurnation? is a halogenated hydrocarbon that is commonly used as
an animal anesthetic at high concentration levels (at or above 3%, v/v in air) may
lead to death

73- Meta-Analysis Example? is a statistical analysis that combines the results of

multiple scientific studies.

74-Renal adjustment? Topiramate

75- Digoxin MOA? primary mechanism of action involves inhibition of the

sodium potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na+/K+ ATPase) in the
76- DNA to RNA? Transcription involves copying a gene's DNA sequence to
make an RNA molecule

77- name ? CrCl equation name(Cockcroft-Gault formula)

78-case difficult preaching ... Black stool ... Constipation ..? balck stool and
constipation cause by iron and bismuth

79-drug hypertension in pregnancy? methyldopa in pregnant women with HTN

80- combination with aspirin & Ibuprofen? ibuprofen decreased the effect of
aspirin (administration of ibuprofen 8 hours before aspirin or 2-4 hours after

January 2021

81- Mydriasis in eye which drug causes?

82-cephalosporin active in oral? Cefadroxil, Cefuroxime axetil, Cephalexin

83-drug used in pin worm? mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate, or albendazole

84- drug used in pulmonary fibrosis? nintedanib (Ofev®️) and pirfenidone


85- direct oral thrombin inhibitor? Dabigatran

86- case 70 kg calculation dose Enoxaparin? 1/kg/ day = 70

87-drug of choice in ventricular arrhythmia? Procainamide

88_ vit c .. in cold benefit? decrease duration

89- calculation how many dose of ciprofloxacin ..

90- Slc1B1 gen? if there’s statin gene mutation(SLCO1B1) in simvastatin

increases the risk of myopathy

91- drug used enhance cardiac activities? Inotropic agents such as milrinone,
digoxin, dopamine, and dobutamine are used to increase the force of cardiac

92- consoling tetracycline? Should be taken on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour

before or 2 hours after meals or snacks and you should be standing at least for 15
minutes. Drink a full glass of water with each dose, and it’s cause teeth discoloration
and it cause photosensitivity so use sunscreen while taking it.
93- hydrophobic... Lipophilic? lipophilic dissolved in lipid or fat while hydrophilic
dissolved in water or similar solvent

94-travel insomnia? “hypnotic” drugs such as (zolpidem), (Eszopiclone) or

(zaleplon) are perhaps the best-known prescription sleeping aids

January 2021

95-new drug increase incidence or prevalence ? - ‫تكرر السؤال واذا الدواء مايعالج بس يقلل‬
‫( الموت االجابة تكون‬increased the prevalence and decrease incidence

96-respiratory virus treatment? Palivizumab is used for the treatment of respiratory

syncytial virus (RSV) infection

97_ plant used anthelminthic? pomegranate, ivermectin and artemisini

98 -Prazosin Side effect? orthostatic hypotension

99-isotinc solution? 0.9% normal saline and lactated ringers

100- ‫تفاعل ويطلع منه‬2NADH ‫ويسأل اى نوع التفاعل‬

Beri-Beri is caused by ? vitamin B-1 deficiency, also known as thiamine


How many pills of lorazepam is given to the patient if he’s going for hajj then
staying with his cousins for 2 weeks? I put enough pills to cover him during one
month because controlled drugs are only given by a one month prescription

Which of the following hepatitis is somewhere curable due to newly approved

drugs? Hep C

What to give with INH ? Vitamin B6

What is the vaccine given to health care workers ? hep B

Warfarin interaction with metronidazole? metronidazole inhibits CYP2C9, the

enzyme responsible for S-warfarin metabolism. increases bleeding complications.

Interaction of metronidazole with alcohol consumption

VEGUM? suspending agent

external preparation ‫ بالتحضيرات‬tap water ‫متى نقدر نستخدم‬

parentral injections (sterile water for injection) not sure ‫ووش نستخدم لل‬
Iso 5 (clean room) not sure

nonprovoked DVT‫ مدة البروفيالكسس او العالج لشخص عنده‬apixaban ‫صح جاء سؤال عن ال‬

6 weeks, 3 months, 12 months...

vitamin K, rifampin, ST. ‫كمان جاني سوال عبيط وش اللي يقلل الوارفارين ايفكت وجايبين الخيارات‬
John’s wort

January 2021

‫ والشهر اللي فات جتها كثير نوبات صرع وزاد لها الدكتور الجرعه‬valporic acid ‫جاء كيس بنت تاخذ‬
: ‫الهدف من هذا ايش‬

‫عشان ماتجيها التشجنات ابدا‬- .1

% 50 ‫ عشان نقلل التشنجات‬.a
% 25 ‫ عشان نقلل التشنجات‬.b
‫عشان نقلل التشنجات للمره باالسبوع‬- .2

Phenytoin correction:

Sensitivity of bacteria in plate (pics)

Glaucoma + pregnancy? Brimonidine or timolol

Glaucoma? latanoprost

4 structures and which of the following is used for the patient (stabbing burning

Treatment of moderate to severe migraine ‫ ؟‬sumatriptan

What to give to relief sever pain in patient newly diagnosed with sickle cell
disease? morphine

Which of the structures are most suitable for a patient with a sulfa allergy (all of
the structures have a sulfur group except for one so I picked it)

January 2021

Cost utility test?

• Rating Scales (RS)

• Standard Gamble (SG)
• Time Trade-Off (TTO)

Cost benefit outcome? Economic or monetary

The 4 principles of ethics? Autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice

Vaccine in hajj? MCP + INFLUNZE

What to give a newborn from a hep B? AT BRITH

When is heb b given and how many doses? FOR CHILD (4 DOSE) FOR

Which of the following hepatitis is somewhere curable due to newly approved

drugs? C

Microorganism present is pigeon droppings? Candida albicans, Salmonella,

histoplasmosis, crypotococcosis , clhalmydia psittaci

Microorganism causing gastroenteritis? Rota virus

Enzyme for clopidogrel ?CYP2C19

What to give with INH? Rifampin ( not sure)

Enzyme for carbamazepine? HLA-B (1502)

Drug shortage is reported to? SFDA

What is the vaccine given to health care workers? Hep B

January 2021

Child with cancer and vaccine?

Child with immunoglobulin deficiency and MMR varicella vaccine?

What does MMR stand for? MMR stands for measles, mumps and rubella.

The pharmacist and the husband who took his wife’s sleeping pills ?

Which Abx doesn’t require renal adjustment?

What to add with Metformin if A1c is 11? insulin

What antidiabetic drug require liver function testing? Pioglitazone and

rosiglitazone and glipalmide

Why do we add carbidopa with levodopa? To limit peripheral conversion of

dopamine and give the most concentration in the brain

Ophthalmic preparation filteratipn? 0.2 Nanogram

naloxone in pediatric‫ ؟‬0,1 mg/kg

Drug cause increase uric acid and cause gout???

Which vit deficiency causes stomatitis? Vitamin B2

Patient with HBA1C =12 what is drug victors or insulin

patient 8 tablet give January/2014 and e Drug made in 31/1/2012 and expire will
expire the drug when

‫ سنين وال سنه وال سنتين‬١٠ ‫ سنين وال‬٥ ‫ كم مده االكسباير اللي تحطو عالدواء ؟‬FDA ‫ال‬
‫ والمهم االبروڤ صار سنه‬١٩٩٦ ‫مدري شافوه سنه‬FDA ‫ وبعدين وصل لل‬١٩٩٥ ‫تم تصنيع دواء ف سنه‬
‫ وال زي كذا‬٢٠٠١٤ ‫ وال‬٢٠٢٩ ‫ ف متى يكون لًلكباسر حق ذا الدواء؟ بتواريخ‬٢٠٠٩

January 2021

‫ اعرفو مافي اسم تحت المركب‬potent ‫مين هو اكثر‬TCA ‫ستركشرات تبع ال‬

‫في سوأل لما تفتحي الباكت حق الفوار وتحطونه في المويه ايش الغاز اللي يطلع ذا؟‬
‫ بيكاربونات‬.1
‫ وال نايتروجين‬.2
‫ وال اوكسجين‬.3
CO2 ‫ وال‬.4

‫ ويقولك وش اللي عنده دبل بوند‬CNH , C2H2 ... ‫وجاء سوال حاطين لك‬

The answer is C2H4

C2H2 has triple bond

1 - HCG with pregnancy (meaning safe drug for pregnancy) I choose


2 - Anticoagulant for pregnancy? enoxaparin

3 - Patient come emergency with toxicity and give him diazepam not response
what do you think this substance: - three drugs morphine derivative and last
drug pregbalin

4 - Patient with sulpametaxzol and trimethoprim but has allergic which gieve

5-Same drug linezolid vancomycin amoxicillin

6-Amphotericin structure (very big) metabolic: hydrolysis

7-4 drug structure and ask which diltiazem: focus it has pyridine

January 2021

8-Structure paracetamol and ask which Chemical formula

9-may 7 14 and site OH on dwht happen if ad hin and askp Structure mor

11-What should be monitor with statin? myopathies

12- Certain kinase every 3 months LF every year creating kinas and Lf every
year certain kinas and LF in to necessary

13-Which is component of cell fungi? chitin or lanestrol 2 qustion?

14-Gave me structure of salicylic acid and ask where is penicillin 4 structure

January 2021

15-Case gave me lab result and ask what is problem (WBC) 15000: infection

16- Case with lab result AST high: problem with liver

17-OTC drugs is may cause toxicity high with children or geriatric

18- TSH and T3 monitoring every 4-6 weeks

20-Drug cause danger during handle? Hydroxyurea and if pregnant (finasteride)

21-Case with ferrous sulphat Case with ferrous sulfate verapamil Lisinopril and
cause black stool black verapamil Lisinopril and cause black stool black which
one? ferrous sulfate

23-Give me amiodarone and Sotelo which drug rate control

24-Case problem with thyroid which drug

25-Grave drug

27-Frist line ttt malaria in KSA : 3 drug ( A S P )

-Patient with warfarin 10 mg BUT INR= 2 what reason

30-VORK1‫ ؟‬CYP2C19

31- Pharmacodynamics problem

33-Health care definition: Health care, health-care, or healthcare is the maintenance

or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, or cure
of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in people.
Health care is delivered by health professionals and allied health fields

34-Strategy planning def‫ ؟‬provides a framework for more detailed planning and
day to day decisions.

Operational planning: Prepared perform the immediate tasks

*Business Planning: *To determine the feasibility

Resources planning: The resources necessary to achieve the goals and strategy of
the organization.

Organizational planning: Challenging of the futures

Contingency planning: To provide a fallback option

35-Manager give pharmacy gift what called: reward

36-Convert RNA to DNA what enzyme‫؟‬Reverse transcriptase (RT)

37-STOMATITIS: what is vitamin? B2

January 2021

38- Pharmacotoxikinetic meaning is essentially the study of "how a substance gets into
the body and what happens to it in the body." Before this term was used, the study of
the kinetics (movement) of chemicals was originally conducted with pharmaceuticals and
the term pharmacokinetics became commonly used.

39-Best way for insulin injection? abdomen

40-Contraceptive decrease by: rifampin

41- DM with stabs: duloxetine and gabapentin

42- Repackage when? After 6 month

43-aljet test positive meaning

45- Patient female with food poisoning and went to hospital with troponin high
NSTMI what is the management

A. aspirin 81 mg + ticagrelor .
B. Aspirin 325 mg + ticagrelor .
C. Aspirin 81 mg + prasugrel .
D. Aspirin 325 mg + prasugrel

46-What heart rate ( at rest) for patient use metoprolol and have atrial

A. 60 beat/min
B. 90beat/min
C. 120 beat/min
D. 200 beat / min

1--Pt. On furosemide 40 iv change to oral? (2mg po =1 mg iv )

2- which one none essential amino acid? alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid,
cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine.

3- Role of Krebs cycle? second of three stages of cellular respiration, in which

glucose, fatty acids and certain amino acids, the so-called fuel molecules, are oxidized
(see Figure). The oxidation of these molecules is primarily used to transform the
energy contained in these molecules into ATP.

Role of phosphate in phenytoin? It decreases phosphate levels

4- medication repackaged what will be expire? ( 6months)

duration treatment of aspirin in colorectal cancer? The researchers concluded

that 75 mg daily (or more) of aspirin taken for five years or more reduced the
long-term risk of developing and dying from colorectal cancer.

7- drug expired in December 2020 what is the last day of use? 31

January 2021

8- vaccine recommend with newly born? hep B

9- Which for Herbal Decrease Warfarin effect? Green tea

10- which natural products use in treatment in malaria? I think Quinin

‫والبكتيريا‬: 12-

: resistance ‫الدائرة الصغيرة‬

: sensitive‫الدائرة الكبيرة‬

15- components of a human cell? A cell consists of three parts: the cell membrane,
the nucleus, and, between the two, the cytoplasm. Within the cytoplasm lie intricate
arrangements of fine fibers and hundreds or even thousands of miniscule but distinct
structures called organelles.

1. Role of plasmid in bacteria? Replication, plays a role in developing resistance of

bacteria to antibiotics. the genes carried in plasmids provide bacteria with genetic
advantages, such as antibiotic resistance.

2. Comp of Wall of bacteria?! pepteglycoin

3. Fifth generation cephalo?! Ceftroline

4. TB drug that causes visual disturbance? Ethambutol

5. Vit k route in case of warfarin antidote?!

1- Depends on the INR

2- -Elevated INR but no bleeding: oral vit k
3- -Bleeding (major): iv infusion

January 2021

6. Tb in pregnant?!

If latent give INH,

if active give “RIE” ‫مجموعة ادويه‬

Doxycycline for pregnant? Contraindicated

central dogma? DNA --> RNA --> protein

Which trace elements helps in Insulin action ‫؟‬chromium

Which secret Secretin enzyme? pancreatic enzyme

Staph what the best antibiotic

C.diff ttt and id it enough to use alcohol swab ‫الجواب ال الزم مويه وصابون بعد‬

Hiv wat to monitor? Cd4

A nurse ordered epinephrine from the pharmacy, 15 minutes later she called the
pharmacy and no one answered. Then she took a vial form the crash cart and
prepared it for the patient herself and administered safely to the patient. What
did this nurse do wrong?

a. prepare the medication herself

b. Used the crash cart for non-emergency cases
c. There was a high chance of error

What is the main purpose of pharmacy marketing jobs

a. create new jobs

b. Sell cosmetic products

When a patient newly diagnosed with DM, when do you monitor for micro
vascular complication (neuropathies)

1- who's responsible for accreditation of health care system?

2. WHO
3. MOH

2- patients ask if their vitamins can prevent breast cancer? Vitamin D decrease

January 2021

3- What is more effective method to prevent pregnancy?

1. Oral contraceptives
2. Latex Condoms
3. Spermicides
4. intrauterine device

4- what is the immunity cell contain antibodies in their services?

1. T cell
2. B cell
3. T helper cell
4. T killer cell

5- antibiotics that inhibit the protein synthesis by prevent binding in A site in 30

subunits that affect which part?

1. Elongation
2. Initiation
3. Termination

6- which characteristic can be eliminated in milk?

1. High molecular weight

2. Lipid soluble
3. Water soluble

7-Which trace elements helps in Insulin action ‫؟‬

1. Iron
2. chromium
3. Selenium
4. Zinc

8-Which Secret Secretin enzyme?

1. Gastric enzyme
2. pancreatic enzyme
3. Bill secretary

9-thalidomide structure?

1. Isomers
2. Epimer
3. Enantiomer
4. Diasteromers

10- What is use in central vine i think?

1. D5w
2. 0.9 normal sline
3. 3%normal sline

January 2021

4. D10w

11- which vitamin can decrease severity and duration of cold symptoms if given

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

13- NSAID's less cause gastric ulcers? u should to know all structures

‫االيبوبروفين لو كان الستركشر حقه موجود ولو مافي ممكن ستركشر الدايكلوفيناك او االسبرين او السولنداك‬
‫ بس اولهم االيبوبروفين طبعا‬low Git risk ‫كلهم اقل‬

14-what is the leads compound? in drug discovery is a chemical compound that

has pharmacological or biological activity likely to be therapeutically useful, but may
nevertheless have suboptimal structure that requires modification to fit better to the
target; lead drugs offer the prospect of being followed by back-up compounds.
Its chemical structure serves as a starting point for chemical modifications in order to
improve potency, selectivity, or pharmacokinetic parameters. Furthermore, newly
invented pharmacologically active moieties may have poor druglikeness and may require
chemical modification to become drug-like enough to be tested biologically or clinically

January 2021

15-how deficiency of Valine amino acid can affect the body? Valine
deficiency is marked by neurological defects in the brain,

16- what is program responsible for decrease the antibiotic resistant?


17- drug act as two compartments style?

18- antibiotics contributed in children's?

23- trend name of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine? Gardasil

24- case of elderly patient have diabetes and now suffering from Numbness The
hand and around the mouth, why? Peripheral neuropathy

26- definition of patient counseling? refers to the process of providing vital

information, advice and assistance to help you with your medications and to
ensure you take them properly.

27- patients with Parkinson's disease what is the best medication? Levodopa-

28- which antibiotic contraindicated for egg allergies?MMR

33- Case of SOAP, first one about dr. write in the prescription hypertension is
controlled, what type? A

34-Second one about Dr. write in the prescription he will take increase dose.,
what type? P

36-case of nurse ask of epinephrine prescription and pharmacist didn't response

so she take ampules and method it to the patient what The medication error?

38-patient only speak Indian and his wife in another room and can speak English
what will you do?

39-warfarin gen? CYP2C9

40-omeprazole and clopidogrel gen? CYP2C19

January 2021

41-phenytoin side effects? Congenital abnormality, hepatic narcosis, confusion,


41-Oral osteoporosis drugs cause esophageal ulceration? Alendronate

42-Oral osteoporosis drugs cause Gastric ulceration? Resindronate

43-A fresh graduate was employed by a pharmaceutical company. The company

asked her to create a direct-to-consumer advertisement of one of their products
that is sold in two dosages: one for prescription and one dosage is sold OTC.
Soon after the adverowas live the Saudi FDA contacted the company to take it
down. Explain why? options:

A. -Because direct-to-consumer advertisement is prohibited in Saudi

B. -Because advertisement of prescription products is prohibited in Saudi
C. -Because they did not pay an initial fee

1-Pt with beta lactam allergy chose the structure to avoid use if

3-ttt of OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder)? Clomipramine

9-Group of enzymes that phase1 metabolism? Cytochrome P450 Enzymes

10- Vaccine for elderly to prevent pneumonia? Influenza, PCV

20-Statin come from natural brand?

Para natural —> active

Lova natural—> prodrug

Simva semi-synthetic —> prodrug

21-Peanut allergy is an immediate allergy or what? Immediate (type 1)

Medications can be used in both ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmia?

propafenone and flecainide

25-how to prevent error from Doctor bad writing ( I think use system)

Disease due to low vitb12?

Carrier of b12? Intrinsic factor

Phases of clinical trial

What is the ttt of diabetes insipidus? Desmopressin

January 2021

Dose of ergotamine 32 y women?

Case patient on metformin 1000 Twice daily, and a1c= 7.4? give insulin

‫وتفاصيل سكر الصيام حقته نازله في يومين والباقي كويسة وش افضل تدخل ؟ انا كتبت يستمر عليه عادي‬

‫ومدري وش و بعدين جايب الخيارات‬DM , ، ‫ االمراض اللي يحاولون يلقولها حل و يقللونها‬، ٢٠٣٠ ‫سؤال عن رؤية‬
cardio ‫ف انا اخترت‬cardio and kidney disease, ‫اللي اهمها‬

( pka. Ionized. Non-‫ صراحة جاني كثير و اول مره اشوفهم) وكاينتك‬،‫(يجيب تحضيره ويقول ايش فايدتها‬

‫ والباقي ابداع ومديسنال كمستري( اعرفو الستركشتر‬kreb) ‫وبايوكمستري( بس اللي من التجميعات كان وظيفة‬
)‫فقط اللي جابوهم من التجميعات صيغة البندول ومركب االسبرين‬،‫والماده الفعاله فيه‬

‫في حالة تعقيم الهوت بليت ايش تستخدم‬

Ethanol 70 or 90% .1
Or isopropnalol 70 or 90% .2


1. Chronic disease
2. Communicable disease
3. Non communicable

Information source of vaccine-15

1. MOH
2. WHO
3. FDA
Counseling for levothyroxine? Take this medication with water 60 minutes
before breakfast or at bedtime at least 3 hours after your last meal 

Counseling for nitroglycerine?

Trastuzumab? her2-26
Acid fast bacilli ? Mycobacterium‫يستخدم للتعرف على‬،‫الفحص الي‬،‫ايش‬

Thick cell wall ?gram positive bacteria ‫ايش الي يميز‬

‫ مل جرام في يوم اخر غير اليوم الي استخدم فيه ال‬5 ‫ كيف يستخدم ؟‬methoterxate ‫ مع ال‬folic acide ‫ال‬

Risperidone cytochrome? CYP 450 2D6

Tramadol cytochrome? P450 (CYP) enzymes CYP2D6 and CYP3A4

gene ‫اي من األدوية التالية له‬

January 2021

Ticlopidon .1
Golpdigerol .2
Ticgeroler .3
Prusegero .4
which is cytokine-43 .5
Leukotriene .6
Adrenaline .7
Gonadotropin .8

M OA lirglutide? Is decrease glucagon secretion, is class (GLP-1)

M O A of Sax-gliptin? Is decrease glucagon secretion, is class (DPP-4)

Need renal adjustment? sitglibtine

Contraindicated in ejection fraction HF? pioglitazone

Drug for Wight loss? orlistat

Increase myopathy whenever used with statin.? gemifibrozil

Hyperthyroidism symptom? tachycardia

Why codeine toxicity? due to ultra-rapid metabolism.

MOA of phenobarbital? acts on GABAA receptors, increasing

synaptic inhibition.
Effected by trymine? Linezolid

Phenytoin side effect? gingival hyperplasia

)‫ تدرجيا ( علشان الحساسيه‬lamotrigine ‫لماذا نزيد جرعة‬

pseudoephedrine ‫هل نستخدم‬hypertension ‫مريض عنده صداع نصفي والكن عنده‬

‫بسبب ايش من عًلج‬hypomagnesemia ... ‫ حصله‬peptic ulcer ‫مريض‬

levetiracetam ‫تنتقل الئ‬...‫ وقررت تحمل‬sodium valproate ‫مره تستخدم‬

iv or oral ‫افضل طريقه الستخدام المضادات الحيويه‬

‫ في مقابًلته اثناء‬face- to- face ‫لماذا ال يتبع الباحث في الدراسه الوصفيه نضام‬
‫اخترت الن هذا االسلوب يستهلك الوقت‬...‫الدراسه‬
1.5 ‫ الى‬INR ‫ وفجاءه نزل‬3 ‫ الى‬2 ‫ من‬INR ,‫ وكان عنده‬warfarien ‫مريض يستخدم‬

2012/1/30 ‫ لليونت دوز بتاريخ‬repackaged ‫جاء سؤال اليوم طويل وكان يقول فيه دواء سووا له‬

January 2021

‫ متى تنتهي؟‬repackaged ‫بعدين سأل اللي صار لها‬، 2014 ‫و الدواء نفسه اللي ما انفتح ينتهي بتاريخ‬
2012/7/30 ‫ شهور كانت‬٦ ‫حطيت االجابه اللي بعد‬

‫ سؤال مريض عنده حساسيه بنسلين وايش الستركتشر للدوا اللي المفروض ما ياخذه ( تختار ستركتشر البنسلين‬-
) ‫واضح‬

‫ اللي تحت وكاتب ايش وظيفته ( ماعرفت‬N‫ ومأشر على قروب ال‬clomipramine‫ سؤال ستركتشر ال‬-

:‫اسئله عامه‬

lead , mercury , ( ‫ لًلطفال ايش الماده الضاره في الكحل‬kohl) (‫ من عادات العرب استخدام الكحل‬-
‫اتوقع الليد‬zinc )

abused for weight lose ( levothyroxine ) ‫ دواء‬-

dextromethorpan is ( ‫ وفيه كحه ايش تعطيه والخيارات كانت‬selegline ‫ مريض باركنسون ياخذ‬-
)‫ وفي دواء رابع بعد نسيته‬contraindicated with selegline , dextromotherphan , guaifenesin

،‫ امراض القلب‬:‫ للتقليل منها بجانب السكري والسرطان ( الخيارات‬٢٠٣٠ ‫ االمراض اللي تهدف السعوديه في‬-
)‫ وفي خيار رابع نسيته حطيت امراض القلب‬، ‫ امراض الجهاز التنفسي‬،‫امراض الكلى‬

-Least effective medication error prevention strategies( two pharmacist double

checking each others ) -Duration of therapy of otitis media in children ( 5,7,10,14

-Palivizumab indicated for treatment of which virus ( Respiratory syncytial


Which medication can use for heartburn and osteoporosis? calcium carbonate

Indication for measuring mid arm circumference? ( determine skeletal muscle

mass ..

a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation what is it called?

Nuremberg Code)

-What is a pharmacophore? A pharmacophore is an abstract description of

molecular features that are necessary for molecular recognition of a ligand by a
biological macromolecule.
-Warfarin and metronidazole interaction ( increase bleeding )

- 28Mechanism of action Zolpidem? BZDS like action ( increase GABA)

child with low serum phosphate and calcium, slow growing and develpment,
weak bones and muscle (vitamin D deficiency)

- Amphetamine MOA? inhibition of the reuptake and of monoamine

oxidase which acts synergistically to produce a significant increase the
monoamine concentration. AND use on ADHD

January 2021

- Child with ADHD first line treatment? Psychostimulants, such as

methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine

- Case scenario of heart failure patient and what is NYHA class?

- Disadvantages of primary resource? Needs good critical appraisal

- Off-lable use of metformin? ( POC, or prediabetes insulin resistance..)

- child puge score

-Counseling of Doxycycline? Don’t take it with milk or cheese and sunscreen

January 2021

herbal act same ondansetron? ginger

interthecal ‫يصير قاتل ؟‬Vincristine

Doxorubicin se ? BMD

Cyclophosphamide Side effect? Hemorrhage cyst

Doxorubicin what should we monitor? ECG because it’s cardi-toxic

Drug cause nasal hypoplasia? Warfarin

Tmax of digoxin calculations

verapamil with statin interaction? If you are taking verapamil with lovastatin or
simvastatin, the amount of cholesterol medicine in your blood may increase and cause
muscle problems. If you are taking atorvastatin and verapamil, the amount of
verapamil in your blood may increase and cause more side effects than normal.

Management strategy? are a collection of processes that businesses use to

ensure their activities remain aligned to the company's mission,
objectives and strategic plan.

-rifel of schedule Iv control drug

Typhoid causative pathogen? Typhoid fever is caused by a type of bacteria called

Salmonella typhi.

Structures: ibuprofen (case senario)

Structures triazole ring

January 2021

Sulfa allergy structure

Tolerance definition

Prodrug definition? A prodrug is a medication or compound that, after

administration, is metabolized into a pharmacologically active drug. Instead of
administering a drug directly, a corresponding prodrug can be used to improve how
the drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted

-pharmacovigilance? pharmacological science relating to the collection,

detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse effects with
pharmaceutical products

Pregnant woman UTI with trimetho-sulfa resistance and G6PD what is

antibiotic of choese? Cephalexin

Oral anticoagulant need bragged therapy warfarin

Anticoagulant CI in TIA?

‫ كيس البنت اللي تبغى تحمل وتاخذ‬--chloromephencol enzyme in baby that cause toxicity
‫ كانت واضحه وضمن الخيارات اننا نقلل جرعة الفالبروك اسد تدريجيا ونستبدله ب‬valproic acid

January 2021


2- Mechanism of action of Methimazole

Stedy state concentration Equation?

Loding dose ? In pharmacokinetics, a loading dose is an initial higher dose of a drug

that may be given at the beginning of a course of treatment before dropping down to a
lower maintenance dose.

‫ جاب‬-22Structure Thalidomide ‫ ونوع‬Epimer

‫ واختار اقل تأثير على القلب تقريبا كذا السؤال‬NSAIDs ‫ من‬Structure ‫ اربع‬-23

January 2021


‫ اي من التالي‬-30anesthetic given by Inhalation Rote

facilitated diffusion? is the process of spontaneous passive transport of molecules or

ions across a biological membrane via specific transmembrane integral protein?

An elderly man with hypothyroidism was started on thyroxin. The drug has a half-life
of 72 hours. How long will it take to produce the full effect?
4- two days
5- one week
6- two weeks
7- two months

Lamotrigine SE? diplopia, blurred vision, alopecia, rash

: ‫ده ايه‬Measured phenytoin ‫معلش ي جماعة افتكرت السؤال بالظبط السؤال كان ال‬
‫اخترت توتال‬Total or observed

relative density ‫ دي اسمها ايه‬density ‫وجالي اللي بنحسبها من معادلة‬

1- MoA of NSAID? inhibit prostaglandin synthesis

4- the toxic substances in caster seed? Ricin

5- equation of spacific grafity but they give a spacific grafity and weight

January 2021

and need volume

6- define specific gratify? also called relative density, ratio of the density of a
substance to that of a standard substance.

SAR for morphine

11- drug safe with HCG —— levothyroxine

12- vancomycin—- increased frequency

13- the name of Crcl equation ( coccroft)

14- case with lab result all liver enzymes highe and albumine on normal
rang ( lever cirosis )

15- dangus fever —- by mosquitoes

16- rate control — amiodaron

19- Bactera sensitivity pic

20- hypertension drug pic

22- pregnant + UTI —- nitroforntine

23- humerstic —- utailty anaylisis

24- cold drug by FDA don’t give to under ( 2 or 6 ... ) I but 6 years

25- example of isotonic —— ringer lactet

January 2021

27- feasibility—- business planing

31- isotretinon —- CI with pregnant

32- limitation to use primary resourse —- need a good skills

33-new study — pubmed

35- SABA —- DOC for asthma induce with exercise

37- someone take ( sevelamer ) so he had hyperphosphatemia

39: case arithmetic with MI and what CI with him ( prpafenone )

49- what the meaning of ( central dogma )

50- role of krebs cycle: Energy production

54- Two hospitalized patients, one takes insulin glargine and the other
takes sliding insluin scale. What is the most appropriate method to
ensure that each person receives their right insluin?Barcode

58- prpanolol - beta adrenargic blocker

59- patient want to take anti-histamine but have exams? loratdine

61- what is CI vaccine in pregnant? A. MMR

62- MMR take on saudi arabia at what age ( 1 year )

65- fursmide iv 40 = 80 oral

66- prepration oil with water - suspension

68- The riad had green mucus was in options I chose guafenesi

69- Medications for dyslipidemia used at night? Simvastatin

72- Patient diagnosis with gout - colchicine

73- from natural source - colchicine

74- drug excreted from plant - digoxin

75- double bound c2h4

79- allergy from difera - TD

86- Antibiotic which inhibit protein synthesis by binding with 30S at site
A inhibit:

a. Initiation of protein synthesis.

January 2021

b. Elongation of protein synthesis

87- Fingolimod (ECG)

89- Diarrhea on baby for 2 day (i.v fluid)

90- prevent renal problem - drink water

91- Test of alkaloid. Dragendroff’s test

92- Celecoxib contraindicated with (HF).

94- when your want a specific info - open end Q

96- high hadreted - ointment

97- start before pregnant - folic acid

99- minmization = equalibriam

102-Gasping syndrome? A syndrome in preterm neonates exposed to benzyl

alcohol preservative in intravascular solutions that is characterized by unremitting
gasping respirations and may include anion gap metabolic acidosis, neurologic
deterioration, renal failure, convulsions, intraventricular hemorrhage, and
cardiovascular collapse. [

What is snRNA? Small nuclear RNA is a class of small RNA molecules that are
found within the splicing speckles and Cajal bodies of the cell nucleus in eukaryotic
cells. The length of an average snRNA is approximately 150 nucleotides.

Typhoid is caused by which bacteria? is caused by a type of bacteria called

Salmonella typhi. This isn't the same bacteria that cause salmonella food poisoning,
but the two are related.

Agitation is caused by which antipsychotic? Olanzapine

Smoker came to the hospital with low hemoglobin and normal iron
which type of anemia ?

1- prencious
2- iron deficiency
3- because he is smoking
4- there is gastric ulcer

‫ركزوا ع اسم البكتيريا المسببة للمرض‬

‫‪January 2021‬‬

‫مهمه عشان بيجي في االمتحان يقول عنده حساسية بيتا تختار اي حاجة مش فيها بيتا‬

‫‪SSRI structure‬‬

January 2021

Quinine structure

‫المسائل جت بالنص‬

January 2021

January 2021

January 2021

January 2021

January 2021

‫‪January 2021‬‬

‫طريقة الحل‬

January 2021

January 2021


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