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26/06/2021 – 9 pm - Older UK farmers to get $140,000 for retiring ( )
- Retire - Về hưu
- Minister - Bộ trưởng
- Dignity - Phẩm giá
- Veteran - Kỳ cựu
- Gain - Thu được, có được
- Transition - Chuyển tiếp, chuyển đổi
- Fair - Công bằng
- Enter the profession - Vào nghề
- Farming industry - Ngành nông nghiệp
- Address ( v ) - Giải quyết
- Scheme # Schedule - Kế hoạch # Lịch trình
Change = Reshape - Thay đổi
Profession = Business - Nghề nghiệp
Methods = Practices - Phương pháp, cách thức
Believe = Think - Tin
Perspective = Viewpoint - Góc nhìn, quan điểm
Address = Deal with ( v ) - Giải quyết
Fulfill = Achieve ( v )
- Đạt được, có được
Veteran = Long–serving
- Kỳ cựu
Welcome = Greet
Sufficient = Enough - Hoan nghênh
Association = Union - Đầy đủ
- Hiệp hội, liên hội

27/5/2021 – 8.30 am - Dogs wear body armour to stop eagle attacks ( )
- Bald - Hói
 Bald eagle  Đại bàng đầu trắng
- Eagle # hawk - Đại bàng # Chim ưng
- Prey - Con mồi
 The bird of prey  Chim săn mồi
- Conservation - Sự bảo tồn
- Wingspan ( n ) - Sải cánh
- A coyote ( n ) - Một con chó sói cỏ # chó sói
- Spike ( n ) - Mũi nhọn
- Bright ( adj ) - Sáng sủa, rưc rỡ
- Whisker - Râu ria
- Bulletproof ( adj ) - Chống đạn
 Bulletproof Vest  Áo chống đạn
- Occur ( v ) - Xảy ra
- Judge ( v ) - Đánh giá
- Prevalent ( adj ) - Thịnh hành
- Buy = Purchase - Mua
- Protect = Safeguard ( v ) - Bảo vệ
- Rise = Increase - Tăng
- Worry = Concern ( v ) - Lo lắng
- Nuisance = Annoyance ( n ) - Phiền toái
- Design = Create - Sáng tạo, tạo nên
- Common = Widespread ( adj ) - Phổ biến rộng rãi
- Variety = Range ( n ) - Đa dạng, có nhiều
- Scare = Frighten - Sợ hãi
- Injury = Harm - Chấn thương, bị thương

28/05/2021 – 4.15 pm – Practice Listening 2/ 40 – Đáp án 140 /

- Accommodation - Chỗ ở
- Hostel - Nhà trọ
- Lecturer - Giảng viên
- Reserve - Đặt trước
- Frame - Bộ Khung
- Determine ( v ) - Xác định
- Keep to themselves = Not - Gữ cho riêng mình =
friendly Không thân thiện
- Race # Rides - Cuộc đua # Chuyến đi

30/05/2021 – 8 pm - Bad dream stops climber's record Everest climb

( )

- Goddess - Nữ thần
- The record holder - Người giữ kỷ lục
- Peak - Đỉnh cao, cao điểm
- Attempt ( n ) - Nỗ lực, cố gắng
 Make attempt  Cố gắng
- Reach ( v ) - Chạm tới
- Take order from - Nhận yêu cầu, lệnh, đơn đặt hàng
- Religious ( adj ) - Tôn giáo
- Ceremony ( n ) - Nghi lễ
- Pay respect to someone - Tôn trọng ai đó
- Reporter - Phóng viên
- Statement ( n ) - Câu lệnh, tuyên bố
- Scale = Climb - Leo lên, vượt qua
- Attempt = Effort ( n ) - Nỗ lực, cố gắng
 Make attempt = make
- Attempt = Try ( v ) - Nỗ lực, cố gắng
- Nearly = Pretty much ( adv ) - Gần như giống nhau
- Luck = Fortune ( n ) - Vận may, may mắn

31/05/2021 – 4 pm – Writting task 2

Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by
moving large companies and factories and their employees to the
countryside. Do you agree or disagree?
 Dàn bài
- Đồng ý
- Giảm ùn tắc giao thông
 Do người vào đô thị làm việc nên ùn tắc vào giờ cao điểm
 Tải trọng lớn của phương tiện giao thông dẫn tới hư hại hệ
thống giao thông
- Cải thiện chỗ ở cho người dân
 Nhà máy chiếm nhiều diện tích
 Ví dụ: 1 nhà máy 5000 mét vuông có thể cung cấp chỗ ở cho
1000 người
 Chính quyền cần sử dụng quỹ đất tốt và đầu tư xây dựng

- In other words - Nói cách khác

- Meanwhile - Trong khi đó
- To be specific - Cụ thể
- Population growth - Tăng trưởng dân số
- Population explosion - Bùng nổ dân số
- Migrate ( v ) - Di cư
 Migration - Di cư
 The migration from .. to … - Việc di chuyển từ .. sang…
- Excessive ( adj ) - Quá đáng, quá lớn, nhiều hơn mức
bình thường
- Load ( n ) - Tải, tải trọng
 Excessive load  Tải trọng quá lớn
- Move = Relocate - Di chuyển, di dời
- House = Accommodation - Nhà, chỗ ở
- Traffic jam = Traffic congestion - Ùn tắc, tắc nghẽn giao thông
- Solve = Tackle = Deal with - Giải quyết, đối phó với
- Large = Enormous = Huge - Lớn, khổng lớn, quá lớn
- Employee = Staff = Worker - Nhân viên, công nhân
- The lack of = The shortage - Sự thiếu hụt
- Cause = Reason - Nguyên nhân, lý do
- Improvement = Enhancement - Sự cải thiện, sự nâng cao
- Build = Construct - Xây dựng

Nowadays, it is a common belief that traffic congestion and the

shortage of accommodation could be tacked by recolating the enormous
companies, factories and their staff from urban to rural areas. In my
opinion, I totally agree with this solution for some reasons.
To begin with, the traffic problems would be solved by this idea
.To be specific, because of the companies ‘s location in the city, a huge
number of the workers from the countryside must arrive in the urban to
work. As a result, the increasing of the private vehicles in the rush hours,
which is a major reason of traffic congestion. For instance, if those
companies and employees moved to rural area, the population remains in
the urban area will be reduced. Therefore, there is less cars on the road
way to office or home which give rise to traffic congestion decline.
Secondly, by relocating the huge factories to the countryside, there
would be some enhancement in the accommodation for the citizens. In
fact, these factories take a lot of spaces, which could be used to construct
the houses and apartments for population. For example, a factory need
average five thousand meter square to put machine and equipment,
meanwhile, with this space, the government could supply the
accommodation for at least 1000 people. Therefore, this is an effective
way to deal with the housing issues
In conclusion, with the population explosion and the migration
from other areas to the city, relocating the factories and their employees
to the rural area could help the government solve the issues about traffic
and accommodation.
01/06/2021 – 5.30 pm - Writting Task 1

- Land damage = Land
devastation = Land
- Continent = Region ( n )

The bar chart illustrates three main reasons caused land devastation
in four continents, namely Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe.
Overall, it is clear that Africa and Asisa have the highest figure for
land destruction caused by all three reasons. Besides, breeding is the
most popular reasons for leading to land destruction in four regions
In Asia, the amount of land destroyed by tree-cutting is the largest,
at 500 million hectares, while the amount of that is the second largest in
Africa, at about 370 million hectares. Australia and Europe both have
around 100 million hectares land destroyed by the same reason.

Land devastation causing by breeding accounts for just over 1200

million hectares in total among of four areas, the largest in Africa and
the smallest in Europe. The amount of land damaged by farming in Asia
is 4 times larger than that in Europe, (at nearly 420 million hectares
compared to about 120 million hectares). Africa and Australia’s land
damaged by farming are 300 million hectares and over 50 million
hectares respectively.
02/06/2021 – 3.30 pm – Writting Task 1

- From this year onwards - Từ năm nay trở đi

- Suddenly - Đột ngột
- A sharply downward trend - Xu hướng giảm mạnh
- With some ups and downs - Với một số thăng trầm
- Reach a peak at - Đạt đến đỉnh cao ở
- Grow dramatically - Phát triển đột ngột
- Approximately - Xấp xỉ
- barrel of oil were found = the
amount of oil was discovered
The bar chart illustrates the changes in the amount of oil
discovered worldwide every 5 year from 1950 to 2020.
Overall, it is clear that an upward trend in the amount of oil that
was discovered for the first fifthteen years. However, from this year
onwards, the growth of oil discovery was suddenly repacled by a
sharply downward trend, with some ups and downs .
To start with, 20 bilion barrel of oil were found during 1950.

Before increasing dramatically to over 45 billion barrels in the next ten

years, and reaching a peak at approximately 56 bilion barrels in 1965.

However, in 1970, the amount dropped significantly to 35 bilion

barrels and grew slightly to about 40 billion barrels in 1975. But then it

continued to decline steadly by nearly 20 billion barrels during the next

ten years. After that, there is a considerable increase in 2000 with 19

billion barrels of oil discovered in that year, but in 2015, the figure

decreased dramatically to less than 5 billion barrels, before falling

down to 1 billion barrels in 2020

In conclusion, this chart shows that world oil discovery reached

the highest point in the 1960s but has been declining for over 40 year,

and this trend is expected to continue into the near future.

03/06/2021 – 3.30 pm – Hacker Listening

- Restrictions on - Hạn chế về

- Innovative ( adj ) - Sáng tạo

- Aircraft - Phi cơ
- Be under construction = - Đang được xây dựng = Cải

Renovate tạo

- Rubish = Trash - Rác

- Revenue = Sales - Doanh thu, doanh số

06/09/2021 – 8.20 pm – Writting Task 2

Computer technologies are more accessible and cheaper, as the
result, more adults work at home and children study at home. Is this
a positive or negative development?
- Than ever before - Hơn bao giờ hết
- As a consequence - Như một hệ quả
- The demand for - Nhu cầu về
- Continue + Ving - Tiếp tục
- Flexibility ( n ) - Uyển chuyển
- Financial viability ( n ) - Khả năng tài chính
- Efficiency ( n ) - Hiệu quả
- E – learning ( n ) - Học tập online
- Obvious ( adj ) - Rõ ràng
- Working remotely - Làm việc từ xa
- Minimize ( v ) - Giảm thiểu
- Be Busy + Ving - Bận rộn
- Phenomenon ( n ) - Hiện tượng
- Urge to ( v ) - Thúc giục
- Similarly - Tương tự
- Assist + N to + V - Hỗ trợ
- Enhance ( v ) - Nâng cao
- Reach out to - Tiếp cận với
- Cheaper = Less costly - Rẻ hơn
- Development = Advance in - Phát triển
- Accessible = Reachable ( adj ) - Tiếp cận
- Student = Pupil = Learner ( n ) - Học sinh, người học

Nowadays, thanks to the advance in modern science and

technology, computer is less costly and more reachable than ever before.
As a consequence, the demand for online learning and working at home
has risen significantly and it will continue doing in the future. In my
opinion, I think this is a positive development because it allows the user
flexibility, financial viability and an increase in efficiency.
To begin with, one of the most obvious advantages of this
development is greater flexiblily. Firstly, people do not need to spend
hours to travel to their workplaces or schools as they now can easily
access the Internet to complete their work. As the result, they can not only
save more time and money but also minimize the risk of serious
diseases or accidents such as lung or skin cancer. For instance, if a
pupil is busy attending a class in the morning, he can study in the
afternoon or evening. Secondly, this phenomenon has positive impact
on the enviroment and society because it decreases the emissions
released from vehicles as well as noise pollution caused by traffic
congestion in peak hours. For example, if people became able to do
their tasks from home, the do not need to rush for job as they do not urge
to spend more time in traffic congestion.
Similarly, online exercise with the help of the computer can assist
schools and businesses to save their money. Firstly, the budget for
construction and equipment could be invested in educational material or
enhancing products and services. Moreover, online learning allows
schools to reach out to more students. Besides, teachers could use a lot of
online tools such as videos or animations to deliver lessons to their
pupils, which makes them learn easily
In conclusion, computer equipment assists worker as well as
student to achieve their goal which contribute to improve their own
development as well as country economy. Therefore, I am firmly
convinced that learners and employees would be entirely beneficial from
this way of learning and working.
08/06/2021 – 7.40 pm - Writing Task 1

- Ownership - Quyền sở hữu

- Household = Family - Gia đình
- Change = Disparity ( n ) - Thay đổi , chênh lệch
- Percentage = Proportion = - Tỉ lệ
Rate ( n )
- Great Britain = British ( n ) - Nước Anh

The line graph illustrates the disparity in the proportion of

families who own car in the Great Britain during the 40 years period
started from 1961. In general, having a car as an item in a British
household nowadays is more popular than in the past
Overall, it is clearly that the percentage of people who owned no
car or one car decreased, while the rate of households had two or more
cars increased significantly during the period shown.
Looking at the graph more closely, one can see that in 1961,
about 65% of Britain households did not have regular use of a car, but
only around a half of this percentage had one car. There was no
families having 2 or more cars. However, there was a significant disparity
in next 20 years. Specifically, as the proportion of British households
without car dropped dramatically to 35%, there were more families that
own cars. Families that owned one car reached a peak at 50% in 1981
while the proportion of families own a car. During the same period, as
can be seen from the graph, the rate of households owning two or more
cars climbed to about 15%.
During the next 20 years period, the differentiation becomes clearer.
The proportion of households who use other ways of transportation rather
than a car continued to decline and that proportion stopped at just under
30% in 2001. In contrast to that, approximately 30% households have two
or more cars in their house whereas the percentage of families who have
one car declined slightly by about 5%.
Between 1981 and 2001, the proportion of families owning two or
more cars rose enormously to nearly 30%, while the
figure of those without a car dropped steadily to less than 30%. Families
who had one car were still top, but the proportion showed a slight decline,
with about 45% of the total by 2001

15/06/2021 – 6 pm – Writting task 2

Some people believe that students who want to attend colleges or
universities after graduation from high school should spend one
more year taking a job to gain work experience or travelling to
enlarge their vision. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of this
practice ?
- Clueless ( adj ) - Không biết gì
 Do not have a clue  Không có một đầu mối
- Pursue ( v ) - Theo đuổi
 Pursuit ( n )  Theo đuổi
- Mature - Trưởng thành
 Mature decision  Quyết định trưởng thành
- Enjoy an advantage over + - Tận hưởng lợi thế hơn
N + with + N/ Ving
 Enjoy an advantage over  Tận hưởng lợi thế hơn các
their peers with problem đồng nghiệp của họ về vấn đề
- Peers - Đồng nghiệp
- Enhance ( v ) - Nâng cao
- Be of great benefits to + N/ - Mang lại lợi ích to lớn cho + N /
V1 V1
- A life of study - Một cuộc sống học tập
- Massive ( adj ) - To lớn
- Advantageous ( adj ) - Thuận lợi

- Spend one more year = Take - Nghỉ 1 năm, dành thời gian 1 năm
a gap year = Take a year off
- Join university straight way - Thi đại học thẳng
= Go directly to university

It is absolutely true that some students takes a gap year to travel or

to work instead of joining university straight way. This essay will discuss
the benefits and drawbacks of this trend
There are many benefits of taking a year off. Firstly, the students
can explore their interests and learn more about the world before
deciding on a major. In some countries such as Vietnam, the majority of
high school students are clueless about the major of study to pursue and
which profession would be the best for them. As a result, having this
extra time to think and experience different jobs can give them a better
view of what they really want and help them to make a more mature
decision about their lives. Secondly, those taking a gap year can enjoy an
advantage over their peers with problem – solving and task management
skills, which may be enhanced though such experiences. These skills are
of great benefits to their higher education pursuits, enabling faster and
more effective learning.

Despite these advantages, pupils lose a year that could have been
used to advance their future careers and they often get used to working or
travelling and do not want to return to a life of study. Firstly, apparently
taking a year off means they will have to graduate one year later than they
would otherwise. Individuals who do not go to university immediately
will need more time time to finish their studies. This sense of being left
behind and seeing their friends graduating before they can be devastating.
Therefore, it can lower their confidence and lead them to miss many
opportunities because they will finish their studies later than most people.
In conclusion, taking a break from studies can be advantageous if it
allows people to gain experience or learn more about the world. However,
they should also be careful that it does not delay the start of their careers
and lead to have more problems with education.

15/07/2021 – 9 pm – Writting Task 2

Research suggests that the majority of criminals who were sent to
prison would commit crimes when set free. What do you think of this
case? What should be done to solve this problem?
- Take to overcome this problem - Thực hiện để khắc phục sự cố
- Upcoming paragraphs - Đoạn văn sắp tới
- Criminal history - Tiền sử tội phạm
- Ignore - Làm lơ, mặc kệ
- Retrain - Đào tạo lại
- Upskill - Nâng cao
- Hand-crafted products - Sản phẩm thủ công
- Sentence ( v ) - Kết án
- Reside in ( v ) - Cư trú tại
- Re – offend = commit crimes = - Tái phạm
go back to their old way
- Ex – Criminal = Released - Tội phạm cũ
criminals = Sentenced people

It is absolutely true that after being released from prison, the

increasing number of criminals continues to re-offend. There are a
variety of reasons for this issue, and some effective measures need to be
taken to overcome this problem. I would discuss some reasons along
with solutions in upcoming paragraphs.
There are several causes to lead this issue. First and foremost argue
is that most of these people face many difficulties while finding a good
job. For example, when they apply for a job, they are more likely to be
refused because their criminal history. Therefore, as a result of being
unemployed and they have no better choice than to go back to their old
Secondly, criminals are less likely to be accepted by society. Most
of the people do not like criminal, so they stop talking that kind of people
who is ex-criminal, even people also ignore their family members which
create many problems for ex-criminal and their family to live in society.
This situation also affects their children future. Sometimes these criminals
are not accepted by their own families and this makes them lonely,
homeless not only so people do not want sentenced people to reside in
their community.
However, there are some solution that government can consider in
dealing with this problem. Firstly, creating suitable job opportunities
can reduce the unemployment rate of released criminals. Secondly,
government should encourage those people to retrain and upskill to
make it easier for finding a work. For example, they can learn to fix cars
or electric appliances make some hand-crafted products, which can help
them to appreciate the true value of work and earning money
In conclusion, some ex-criminals re-offend because of economic and
social factors. However, the government and society can solve or handle
this issue by providing some skill and workplaces for these ex-crime
31/08/2021 – 10.30 am – Tiếng anh kinh doanh
- Goverment grants - Trợ cấp của chính phủ
- A monetary policy - Chính sách tiền tệ
- Tight ( adj ) - Chặt chẽ
 A tight monetary policy  Chính sách tiền tệ thắt chặt
- Stimulate the economy - Kích thích nền kinh tế
- Form a core team - Thành lập một nhóm nòng cốt
 Core ( adj )  Cốt lõi
- Persuade ( v ) - Thuyết phục
- The flow of cash - Dòng tiền
- An innovation – based company - Một công ty dựa trên sự đổi mới
- Formula ( n ) - Công thức
- Interest rate = Cost of - Lãi suất = Chi phí vay tiền
borrowing money
- Exchange rate = Price at which - Tỷ giá hối đoái = Giá mà một loại
one currency can buy another tiền tệ này có thể mua một loại tiền
tệ khác
- Inflation rate = General - Tỷ lệ lạm phát = Mức tăng chung
increase in prices của giá cả
- Labour force = People working - Lực lượng lao động
- Tax incentives = Low taxes to - Ưu đãi thuế = Thuế thấp để khuyến
encourage business activity khích hoạt động kinh doanh
- Government bureaucracy = - Bộ máy chính phủ = Các quy tắc /
Official rules / regulations / quy định / thủ tục giấy tờ chính thức
- Foreign investment = Money - Đầu tư nước ngoài = Tiền từ nước
from overseas ngoài
- Balance of trade = Difference - Cán cân thương mại = Chênh lệch
in value between a country‟s về giá trị giữa xuất khẩu và nhập
imports and exports khẩu của một quốc gia

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