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Task 19

Name : azzahra syifa

Class : x ips 2

Page 147 – 149

1. Cut Nyak Dhien was awarded the title of Indonesian National Hero on May 2,
2. Cut Nyak Dhien’s father, Teuku Nanta Setia, was a member of the ruling Ulèë
Balang aristocratic class in VI mukim, and her mother was also from an
aristocrat family.
3. When she was young, she was educated in religion and household matters.
4. Teuku Cek Ibrahim Lamnga was Cut Nyak Dhien’s first husband.
5. Aceh war started on 26 March 1873.
6. In 1874 the Sultan’s Palace was captured by the Dutch
7. Cut Nyak Dhien swore to destroy Dutch because her husband was killed when
fighting to reclaim VI mukim.
8. Cut Nyak Dhien’s marriage to Teuku Umar boosted the morale of Aceh armies.
9. Teuku Umar surrenderred to Dutch in 1893 to save his armies, to get weapons
and ammunition, and to betray the Dutch later.
10. Teuku Umar was killed in a surprised attack on him in Meulaboh after the
Dutch sent a spy to Aceh.
11. An Acehnese woman should respond to the death of her family member in a
war by not crying and feeling sorry. She should let him go.
12. Cut NyakDhien suffered from nearsightedness and arthritis as she got older.
13. After Cut Nyak Dhien was captured, Cut Gambang escaped and continued the
resistance of Achenese people to Dutch colonization.
14. Yes, her myopia slowly healed when he was in Banda Aceh.
15. The Dutch exiled her to Sumedang because they were afraid she would
mobilize the resistance of Aceh people.
16. I would have reminding her to take care her health.

Vocabulary exercise
1. Treason
2. Renowned
3. Guerrilla army
4. Aristocratic
5. Evacuate
6. Holy war
7. Surrender
8. Betray
9. Declared
10. Assaulting
11. Reclaimed
12. Martyr
13. Tears
14. Resist
15. exile

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