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Registration Form

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Valid E-mail address*:
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Manner of presentation*: plenary
round tables

Chose the topic of your WLC2021 | Sociology and Social Work

presentation WLC2021 | Methodology
(Please consult the detailed list of topics at WLC2021 | Psychology and Educational Sciences WLC2021 | Communication
WLC2021 | Applied Philosophy
WLC2021 | Anthropology and cultural studies
WLC2021 | History
WLC2021 | Language and linguistics
WLC2021 | Arts and architecture
WLC2021 | Music and films
WLC2021 | Theology and religious studies
WLC2021 | Physical education and sports
WLC2021 | Methodology
WLC2021 | Administrative Sciences
WLC2021 | Political and European Studies
WLC2021 | Economy
WLC2021 | Law
WLC2021 | Management
WLC2021 | Marketing
WLC2021 | Medical Humanities
WLC2021 | Public Health
WLC2021 | Nursing
WLC2021 | Neurosciences
WLC2021 | Sociology and Social Work
WLC2021 | Methodology
WLC2021 | Psychology and Educational Sciences
WLC2021 | Communication
WLC2021 | Applied Philosophy
WLC2021 | Anthropology and cultural studies
WLC2021 | History
WLC2021 | Language and linguistics
WLC2021 | Arts and architecture
WLC2021 | Music and films
WLC2021 | Theology and religious studies
WLC2021 | Physical education and sports
WLC2021 | Methodology
WLC2021 | Administrative Sciences
WLC2021 | Political and European Studies
WLC2021 | Economy
WLC2021 | Law
WLC2021 | Management
WLC2021 | Marketing
WLC2021 | Medical Humanities
WLC2021 | Public Health
WLC2021 | Nursing
WLC2021 | Neurosciences
* Mandatory fields
All the information provided by authors in the subscription form, are confidential. All data provided in the
abstract are publicly available in printed and online format.

By subscribing to this Congress, I hereby declare that the paper is original and I entitled the LUMEN
Publishing House to publish the abstract in the accepted format, in print, electronic and online version.
I understand that the registration fee does not cover the publication of the full paper.
The fee is individual, per each author, which means that each author mentioned in the authorship of the
Abstract submitted to the Conference should pay the fee according to the information available at

I declare that I have read and understood the requirements of the Conference Organizing Committee, available
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Second Author Name SURNAME 0
Third Author Name SURNAME 0

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most relevant aspects of the paper. Click here and insert abstract your text. Insert an abstract of 250 words,
giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the paper. Click here and insert abstract your text. Insert
an abstract of 250 words, giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the paper. Click here and insert
abstract your text. Insert an abstract of 250 words, giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the
paper. Click here and insert abstract your text. Insert an abstract of 250 words, giving a brief account of the
most relevant aspects of the paper. Click here and insert abstract your text. Insert an abstract of 250 words,
giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the paper. Click here and insert abstract your text. Insert
an abstract of 250 words, giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the paper. Click here and insert
abstract your text. Insert an abstract of 250 words, giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the
paper. Click here and insert abstract your text. Insert an abstract of 250 words, giving a brief account of the
most relevant aspects of the paper. Click here and insert abstract your text. Insert an abstract of 250 words,
giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the paper.

Keywords: First keyword; second keyword; third keyword; forth keyword; fifth keyword;

Please insert here the 1st author’s information: Scientific Title, Institution, City, Country, E-mail address, Phone.
Please insert here the 2nd author’s information: Scientific Title, Institution, City, Country, E-mail address, Phone.
Please insert here the 3rd author’s information: Scientific Title, Institution, City, Country, E-mail address, Phone.
First Author’s Biodata:
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scientific information, of 100 words, giving a brief account of the most
relevant domains of interest and publication. Click here and insert your
short biodata. Insert some professional and scientific information, of 100
words, giving a brief account of the most relevant domains of interest and
publication. Click here and insert your short biodata. Insert some
professional and scientific information, of 100 words, giving a brief
account of the most relevant domains of interest and publication. Click
here and insert your short biodata. Insert some professional and scientific
information, of 100 words, giving a brief account of the most relevant domains of interest and
Second Author’s Biodata:
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scientific information, of 100 words, giving a brief account of the most
relevant domains of interest and publication. Click here and insert your
short biodata. Insert some professional and scientific information, of 100
words, giving a brief account of the most relevant domains of interest and
publication. Click here and insert your short biodata. Insert some
professional and scientific information, of 100 words, giving a brief
account of the most relevant domains of interest and publication. Click
here and insert your short biodata. Insert some professional and scientific
information, of 100 words, giving a brief account of the most relevant domains of interest and
Third Author’s Biodata:
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scientific information, of 100 words, giving a brief account of the most
relevant domains of interest and publication. Click here and insert your
short biodata. Insert some professional and scientific information, of 100
words, giving a brief account of the most relevant domains of interest and
publication. Click here and insert your short biodata. Insert some
professional and scientific information, of 100 words, giving a brief
account of the most relevant domains of interest and publication. Click
here and insert your short biodata. Insert some professional and scientific
information, of 100 words, giving a brief account of the most relevant domains of interest and


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modification on this matter.

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