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Is change a good thing?

A world where nothing changed, ever, would be incredibly dull. Change is good in some things and bad
in certain things. It all depends on the matter. For example, would you like to live under Sheikh Hasina's
society and unchanged the world? I don’ t think so. However, I oppose the advancement of nuclear
power plant in Bangladesh. We should know it better how and what would results in the use of it.

God already showed us the reality from history and still shows it on T.V. to remind us, but some humans
cannot comprehend due to their own corrupted insecure mind causing them to show them off. All I can
do is to pray for such an insecure person.

If we stay in your comfort zone throughout our entire life, never doing anything new or adventurous, we
might live without panic, and possibly without stress. But our life would be painfully boring. Sure, I
wouldn't have to worry about changes, but I wouldn't have any spur, either.

Good changes in many different forms a promotion at work with high salary. Without change there is no
adventure in life.It takes much more energy and effort to resist change than it does to accept it. It’s
much easier to embrace change than to fight it. Since most will resist change, successful people will use
this fact to their advantage. Change is learning. Learning is growing. Growing is living. So live.

Lastly, it's important for a person to adapt to this modern era. For example, I would be a bit lost if I did
not have a mobile phone or internet connection. Whether we like it or not, our world is changing in a
very real, sudden way. Throughout our life, humanity will probably undergo a revolutionary change;
we'll suffer a lot if we do not keep up. For me, I am personally in side of changing is a good thing .I heard
a quote once, “It takes a lifetime to learn how to live”. Living in ideal circumstances is wonderful, but is it
beneficial? Shouldn’t you just do your best in everything, take risks along the way and play the game of
life? Changes are risky, but at least we get to live differently.

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