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Trustworthy New
Crystal Bible for
13 Zodiacs
Don’t be shocked, but your zodiac signs have CHANGED since December 21,
2012 and we have the perfect answers to all your confusions!

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If you’ve been wondering why you did not gel well with your zodiac crystals until now, we have
foolproof answers for you.

With the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012, the age of Serpentarius began while the
Age of Aquarius Ended. Serpentarius or Ophiuchus marks the beginning of a new era where stars
take you to the road of enlightenment.

In fact, there are actually 14 Zodiac Signs including the disclosed Serpentarius/ Ophiuchus as well as
Cetes. As the latter constellation observes no more than a day on March 14, adding it to the
elaborate list of Zodiac signs might be too early. With the advancement in age, astronomy and
astrology have evolved to contain the sidereal or the new 13 Zodiacs. A point to keep in mind is that
astrology bases itself on the four seasons than constellations. Nevertheless, wouldn’t you want to
know your real Zodiac?

The book is a complete Collection of the All New 13 Zodiac signs and the Crystals each Zodiac Sign
demands. We have compiled 5+ crystals for each of 13 Zodiac Signs in addition to the noteworthy
Desirable and Undesirable traits as well.

Good Luck!

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Table of Contents
Prologue ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter One Capricorn.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter Two Aquarius ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter Three Pisces .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Chapter Four Aries ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Chapter Five Taurus .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Chapter Six Gemini....................................................................................................................................................... 34
Chapter Seven Cancer ................................................................................................................................................. 39
Chapter Eight Leo .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
Chapter Nine Virgo ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Chapter Ten Libra......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Chapter Eleven Scorpio .............................................................................................................................................. 57
Chapter Twelve Serpentarius or Ophiuchus ..................................................................................................... 62
Chapter Thirteen Sagittarius ................................................................................................................................... 66
Epilogue ............................................................................................................................................................................. 70

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Chapter One
Time Period: January 20 - February 16

Capricorns are born during New Year and renowned as the babes of New Light. Represented by the
Mountain Goat, Capricorns are represented by the colors Black, Grey and Brown. By the earlier
zodiac calendar, Capricorns were people born from 22nd December until 19th January.

Personality of Capricorn
Ruled by the Earth Element, Capricorns are highly professional people with high regards to their
work and productivity. Over-conscious habits are irreparably deep with Capricorns. People born in
January have a star attribute of spreading laughter around too.

To dissolve the traits such as stubbornness and arrogance, you must retrace your mistakes. Using
crystals that boost compassion and forgiveness will introduce change in your behavior.

 Strengths
Disciplined, Dutiful, Responsible, Balance, Stability, Self-Controlled, Pragmatic, Patient, Ambitious
and Humorous;

 Weaknesses
Lack of faith, distrust, Miserly, Grumpy, Unforgiving, Afraid, Superiority Complex and All-Knowing

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Crystals to Use for Capricorn Born
Astrology dictates that Capricorn crystals are decided for based on sun’s position behind the
constellation Capricorn on the date and time of birth of the person. Multiple crystals are associated
with Capricorns.

To choose the right crystal for you, pick one that you bond with the best.

 Agate

Made from Chalcedony, Agate is a variety of Quartz. The powerful healing stones are best to protect
its users from losing temper and clarifying confusions. Read more on protective healing crystals to

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 Black Tourmaline

Offering psychic protection, Black Tourmaline arms the wearer against psychic vibrations including
radiations. Wearing the crystal also helps Capricorns relieve pains of the spines and muscles.

 Fluorite

A proactive healing crystal that comes in diverse shades, fluorite boosts emotional intelligence in
Capricorns. Using Fluorite wand boosts logical thinking and opens the third eye chakra.

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 Garnet

A traditional birthstone for Capricorns, garnet creates positive vibrations and passionate
relationships. Darker the shade of garnet, deeper your love would be, as it directly energizes the root

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 Green Tourmaline

Linking the heart and the mind, green tourmaline creates a wave between the heart and the thymus
chakra. Wearing green tourmaline promotes the flow of love vibrations and overwhelms you with

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 Malachite

Excellent to detoxify your body and enhance your emotional stability, malachite is a growth stone
that paves the way to make your goals come true. Malachite protects you from psychic attacks and
promotes peace as well as sleep.

 Jasper

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Jasper boosts the determination of a Capricorn and helps you set higher goals. Capricorns must
actively search for ocean jasper crystals to help in spiritual and emotional healing. Jasper activates
root, throat and heart chakra of the wearer too.

 Peridot

Akin to a bright beam of sunshine, Peridot promotes personal growth too. Peridot is ideal for
Capricorns to manifest health and wealth. If you’re a Capricorn, wearing Peridot more often will
induce with clairvoyance and psychic protection.

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 Smokey Quartz

An excellent grounding stone necessary for every Capricorn, Smokey Quartz amplifies your energies
and fares excellent for spirit and magic works. Smokey Quartz activates the base chakra.

 Tiger eye

A stone of prosperity and good fortune, Tiger’s eye brings emotional and spiritual balance in life. It
also reduces inflammation as well. Wearing Tigers Eye helps the wearer cultivate an unbiased point
of view as well as balance in life.

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How to Program Capricorn Crystals
Chant the below to program your Capricorn Crystals adequately-

With my power of will and the powerful crystal in my hand, I ground my faith and love to
succeed ’mention-your-goal’.

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Chapter Two
Time Period: February 16- March 11

Born in the month of Love, Aquarius born people are an emotional, attractive, sensuous and loyal
character. Represented by the Ganymede or water bearer, handsome Phrygian youth carrying water
or the water bearer, we are just past the Age of Aquarius at present. The summer constellation
denotes the priceless value and power of water.

Personality of Aquarius
An independent dash of attitude is innate to Aquarius people while they never accept help from
others, fearing their own chances of dependency. Physically, people born under the constellation of
Aquarius are weakly built. Aquarius represents the element Air.

 Strengths
Emotional Balance, Adaptive, Genuine, Unprejudiced, Intuitive, Considerate, Happy, Honest,
Inventive, Leadership, Qualities, Sincere, Independent and Free;

 Weaknesses
Gullible, Radical, Unpredictable, Low Immunity, Detached, Aloof, Introvert, Depressed, Cold,
Extremist, Hurtful and take offense easily;

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Crystals to Use for Aquarius Born
People born under the zodiac sign Aquarius are weak boned, in addition to being carefree and self-
made. If you’re an Aquarius, you’re graceful, grateful, ecstatic and eccentric about your life. You
should eat a diet rich in foods such as Corn, Radishes, Oyster, Apple, Tuna, Grapefruit, Lettuce and

Using the right crystals for Capricorn from below, you should massage regularly.

 Amethyst

The best sleep crystal to use, Amethyst is a sobriety stone too. Amethyst is ideal for grounding
people born under the star of Aquarius, concretes your goals, and relieves you from evil thoughts.

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 Opal

A soothing crystal ideal for people born in the month of February, Opal also fuels the sexual drive.
The healing crystal is affordable to buy and has multiple shades to cultivate creativity as well develop
a pleasant personality.

 Amber

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Wearing pure amber jewelry helps you release succinic acid which helps to minimize pain as well as
nausea. Amber radiates a warm feeling and is renowned as a potent healing stone for those
suffering from thyroid.

 Garnet

A magical healing crystal, Garnet works wonders on people born under the constellation of Aquarius.
It heals blood thinning and simultaneously boosts the metabolism. Garnet wearers develop luck,
charm and popularity too.

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 Hematite

An excellent balancing stone for those born in February, Hematite also resurrects your skin. It
revitalizes the skin of Aquarius people and works well on cuts and injuries. Hematite wearers are
generally relieved of anemia and blood circulation too.

 Quartz

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Typically composed of many healing stones, Quartz helps to calm stubbornness and boost optimism.
Clear Quartz removes blisters and eases up climatic changes too.

How to Program Aquarius Crystals

Chant the below to program your Aquarius Crystals adequately-

With my power of Zeus and the crystal in my hand, I charge my goals to achieve success in –mention
you goal.

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Chapter Three
Time Period: March 11 – April 18

Honest and selfless people arduous on dedication and loyalty, Pisces people are stubborn as
diamonds too. Highly determined classes of people, Piscerians are open-minded and generous in
their behavior as well. Pisces represent the element of water and represent the constellation in the
shape of a fish.

Personality of Pisces
Idealistic people, people born under the star sign of Pisces are imaginative and intuitive as well.
Pisces born people are considered to their best in fields such as music, arts, painting and theatre.
Compassionate personality defines those born under Pisces while their sense of detachment is
frowned upon often by the close ones.

 Strengths
Intuitive, Determined, Selfless, Unworldly, Sympathetic, Sensitive, Kind, Generous, Compassionate,

 Weaknesses
Weak-willed, Obstinate, Compulsive, Secretive, Easily-led, Unsure, Over-stressed, Hyperventilation,
Anger, Assumption and Resentment;

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Crystals to Use for Pisces Born
Those born under the auspicious star sign of Pisces relish on mysteries but repel the obvious or the
general. Piscerians hate being criticized, but tend to connect spiritually with their troubles and

Wearing the right crystals will help Pisces born people to cultivate courage and less of the fear of
water as well.

 Bloodstone

Ideal healing stone for Pisces Born people, bloodstone detoxifies the wearer like no other stone.
Bloodstone will enhance your immunity in addition to re-balancing your chakra powers. Bloodstone
ideally fuels your ambitions and keeps distractions at bay.

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 Fluorite

A multi-tasking stone known for its effect on grounding and balance, fluorite boosts the intuitions of
Piscerans. Wearing fluorite clears the blocks in your perspective and opens your mind. Fluorite
crystals gain double the power when in the hands of a Pisces too.

 Turquoise

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An excellent aid for the most truthful conversations, turquoise brings good luck to its wearer.
Turquoise wearers who are born under the sign of Pisces are saved from fatigue, allergies and
infections too.

 Lapis Lazuli

Stimulating two chakras of third eye and throat, Lapis Lazuli also activates psychic communication in
Pisces. Lapis Lazuli opens the third eye chakra, which can cause headaches too. You must wear Lapis
Lazuli on your other chakras to generate powers such as spiritual Love, Kindness and Peace.

 Aquamarine

The blue crystal befitting the spiritual traits of Pisces born, Aquamarine releases the emotional
baggage and activates the throat chakra. Wearing aquamarine throughout the year makes people
born under Pisces to become kinder, charitable, loving and benevolent.

How to Program Pisces Crystals

Chant the below to program your Pisces Crystals adequately-

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 23

With the power of my will, goddess Venus, Cupid and crystal in my hand, I call the heavenly powers
to boost my fate to succeed in ’mention-your-goal’.

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Chapter Four
Time Period: April 19 –May 13

Represented by the Fire Element, Aries born people are charismatic and influential. From politics to
careers in aesthetics, Aries are an ideal fit for anything that demands networking. Naturally brave,
people born under the star sign of Aries is represented by a ‘Ram’.

Personality of Aries
From relationships to business, Aries are exceptionally genuine at everything that they do. Forever a
child at heart, Aries born people are understanding and built with sharp, attractive features. If you’re
an Aries, you should lookout for diseases of the kidney, heart and head.

Healing Crystals keeps negativity aimed at Aries far away

 Strengths
Captivating Looks, Cheerful, Calm, Brave, Quick on Feet, Leaders, Impressive, Practical, Dynamic,
Charisma, Grounding, Responsible, Optimistic and Attractive;

 Weaknesses
Reckless, Hasty, Impatience, Selfish, Insensitive, Immature, Irresponsible, Infidel, Crude, Hot-
Tempered, Silly, Easily Frustrated, and Shrewd;

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Crystals to Use for Aries Born
Aries born people need caution in their lives. They are ambitious, action oriented and hence, Aries
need grounding crystals. From being an impressive leader to keeping themselves motivated about a
goal, Aries are born with diverse natural talents.

Ideal crystals to use for reversing the undesirable traits of your star sign can be achieved through
using crystals such as

 Citrine

Aries born benefit the most by wearing citrine crystals that simultaneously boost their imagination.
Citrine is an abundant stone that enhances intuitive powers in a person. Wearing Citrine regularly on
you also brings good fortune to your life.

 Emerald

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The stone renowned for bringing not just love, but the success of true love, Emerald activates the
heart chakra. Emerald wearing Aries have heightened clarity, personality and determination to
achieve your goals.

 Agate

One of the most important and rare healing crystal to use for Aries, Agate builds spiritual and
psychic protection. It helps to ground the Aries wearer while preventing any physical attacks aimed
at them too.

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 Amethyst

One of the ancient crystals used as a guardian stone, Amethyst clarifies Aries people. Wearing or
using Amethyst Crystals will boost your craving for sobriety and relieve drug addictions.

 Bloodstone

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Yet another important crystal for creativity, passion and belief, Bloodstone radiates an optimistic
aura that attracts auspicious events in your life. Renowned as the audible oracles, bloodstone
removes negativity and promotes positivity.

How to Program Aries Crystals

Chant the below to program your Aries Crystals adequately-

With my power of the will, that of Ares, the God of War and the powerful crystal in my hand, I am
ready to radiate warmth from within and attract as well as accept the love vibrations the heavens
sent to fulfill my –mention-your-goal’.

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Chapter Five
Time Period: May 14 –June 21

Illustrated by the Bull, Taurus born people have an intelligent sense of humor too. Taurus born
people are not violent, but can behave headstrongly. A loyal and faithful personality, people born
under the star sign of Taurus are musically inclined in addition to being connected to the Earth

Personality of Taurus
Taureans are quiet personalities who rarely get into heated conversations. People born under the
Taurus star are fearless and are ideal for professions such as medicine, banking and architecture.
Taurus born people are also known to be down to earth and wearing ideal crystals helps to
harmonize their chakras.

 Strengths
Patience, Stable, Kindness, Ambitious, Simple, Honest, Motivated, Balanced, Enduring and Lucky;

 Weaknesses
Perfectionist, Stubborn, Laziness, Dull, Narcissistic, Emotional, Rigid, Possessive, Compulsive,
Opinionated and prone to Self-Pity;

Crystals to Use for Taurus Born

Passionate people who often get emotional over petty matters, Taurus born should use crystals to
attract their hidden strengths. From balancing your health to emotional stability, healing crystals can
also attract fame and fortune for Taurus.

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 Carnelian

Highly efficient on the lower chakras, Carnelian is ideal for using on the sacral chakra. Using
Carnelian boosts motivation as well as self-confidence to achieve vitality as well as warmth.

 Kyanite

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Ideal to activate the throat chakra, Kyanite is a powerful healing stone that balances blocked energy.
Kyanite boosts open mindedness and aligns all your chakras in line. Wearing kyanite helps in saying
aloud your inner truths with confidence.

 Emerald

Carrying the color energy of growth, Emerald resonates best with Taurus who is connected with
nature. It brings success in romance as well as business and is renowned for generating love energy
in its wearer.

 Kunzite

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Yet another love crystal to bring together your true love, Kunzite helps to let go of blocked energies.
Kunzite wearers have the best way of releasing stress as well letting go of emotional baggage
especially that of a divorce or trauma.

 Rose Quartz

Instilling a deep love for spirituality, Rose Quartz is an ideal healing crystal for cultivating kindness
and warmth. Rose Quartz brings emotional freedom in Taureans. When worn over the heart chakra,
Rose quartz vibrates compassionate vibrations.

How to Program Taurus Crystals

Chant the below to program your Taurus Crystals adequately-

With the power of my will, that of the might of Osiris with Isis and the powerful crystal in my hand, I
beckon the powers of stars to amplify my power to achieve success –mention-your-goal.

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Chapter Six
Time Period: June 22 – July 20

Representing the power of shared Godhood and afterlife, Gemini represents the power of twins.
Astrologers advocate that people born under the star sign of Gemini are multi-skilled as well as
multi-faceted in their physical behavior. By using or wearing crystals that resonate with your birth
chart, you inculcate your best traits.

Personality of Gemini
Multi-tasking is innate to Gemini people. It is quintessential to understand that you’re naturally
inclined to like gossiping, partying and change, while the same people disapprove of rules as well.

 Strengths
Versatile, Adaptive, Soft-Toned, Witty, Energetic, Intelligent, Amiable, Flexible, Sociable, Charismatic,
Optimistic, Persuasive and Spontaneous;

 Weaknesses
Flirty, Pervasive, Devious, Sarcastic, Dishonest, Infidelity, Superficial, Restless, Cold, Aimless, and

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Crystals to Use for Gemini Born
Gemini signifies revolutionary behavior and if you’re a Gem, crystals can do miracles for you. The
pattern of your personality for people born under the star sign of Gemini is unique. Using healing
stones helps in removing negativity from your behavior and to cultivate faith and positivity.

 Agate

Crystals that connect with the elemental Earth Energy is the trademark feature of Agate. Wearing
any type of Agate promotes psychic and physical protection. When worn over the heart chakra, it
boosts blood circulation and attracts love and warmth into your life.

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 Tiger’s eye

The epitome of the golden beams of enlightenment, Tigers Eye promotes unconditional and
irrevocable love. Tigers Eye crystal boosts Christ Consciousness and awakens the Kundalini energy in
addition to balancing all the chakras.

 Aquamarine

Spiritual crystal to cultivate free thoughts as well as love, Aquamarine tones down your temper and
helps to believe. Wearing Aquamarine also helps in adjusting with grief or depression better. Read
more on 10 crystals to remove anxiety.

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 Chrysocolla

Ideal for women of all ages, Chrysocolla is an empowering stone. Chrysocolla wearers have a natural
ability to radiate love and attract your soul mate. Chrysocolla promotes clear communication and
gels with throat and heart chakra too.

 Blue Sapphire

Easy to adapt to truth, Blue Sapphire helps in organizing your thoughts as well as actions. In addition
to psychic visions, Blue Sapphire boosts powers of ESP as well as intuition. Blue Sapphire strengthens
the urge to learn as well as be productive in Gemini.

How to Program Gemini Crystals

Chant the below to program your Gemini Crystals adequately-

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 37

With the power of my will, Castor & Pollux the Twins, and the crystal in my hand, I shun negativity
around me and command my fate to bend to my ways for success in ‘mention-your-goal’.

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Chapter Seven
Time Period: July 21 - August 11

Represented by the element of water, Cancerians connect with the symbol of Crab. People born
under the star sign of Cancer are unpredictable as well as highly creative. Bravery is the mark of
cancer and people with this zodiac while emotional dysfunction is common with the same people

Personality of Cancer
For Cancer zodiac, emotional stability is of high concern. Cancerians are caring, romantic and are
attracted to genuine people who are truthful. Cancer born people are dedicated to their ambitions
and care for their family above all.

 Strengths
Imaginative, Loyal, Trustworthy, Persuasive, Patriotic, Sensitive, Creative, Helpful, Brave, Inspiring
and Generous;

 Weaknesses
Pessimistic, Possessive, Obsessive, Insecure, Inferior, Manipulative, Confused, Guilt and Hard to

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Crystals to Use for Cancer Born
Persistent traits are hard to change in cancer but by using healing crystals, cancerians can change
their negative traits easily too. From being serious in romantic relationships to family, cancer born
people are sensitive and hold every experience close to their hearts.

 Ruby

A gorgeous healing crystal, Ruby is ideal for Cancer born people to boost vitality and the life energy.
It prevents the habit of wasting money as well as time. Ruby wearers who are also born under the
star sign of Cancer are shielded from psychic attacks.

 Moonstone

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Ideal for most energy works, Moonstone is a gorgeous stone which resonates best for women who
are Cancer zodiac too. A strengthening vibration for your spirit and inner peace, Moonstone helps to
balance your body as well.

 Calcite

Available in a variety of Colors, Calcite boosts compassion through the heart chakra. A powerful
healing stone, Calcite resonates with the higher heart chakra power and helps you let go of things.

 Citrine

Bright and positive energies are the mark of a real citrine crystal resonating the ideal vibrations.
Cancer born people are highly caring and traditional in their approach, yet with citrine they cultivate
ways to make peace in any feud.

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 Carnelian

One of the most potent crystals for healing, Carnelian is renowned for curing diseases in cancer born
people. Wearing carnelian perpetually helps to grow peace within and resonate higher energy

How to Program Cancer Crystals

Chant the below to program your Cancer Crystals adequately-

With the power of my will, Crios who guarded the nymphs and the invincible crystal in my hand, I
urge destiny to destroy my enemies and ensure success in ‘mention-your-goal’.

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Chapter Eight
Time Period: August 10 – September 16

Represented by the Lion, Leos are passionate, loyal and affectionate people. Leos have naturally
high capability to lead any group too. If Leos are inspired about something, they remain determined
without distractions. People born under the star sign of Leo symbolize the element of fire.

Personality of Leo
Although melodramatic in actions, Leos are amiable as well as cool people to hangout. Leo star signs
are usually over-brimming with enthusiasm, excitement and zest. Zodiac of Leo is honest to his or
her friends and offers everything it takes to protect them.

 Strengths
Creative, Kind, Pleasant, Cheerful, Fun, Royalty, Enthusiastic, Adaptive, Confident, Faithful, Frank and

 Weaknesses
Pretentious, Headstrong, Vain, Egomaniacs, Dominative, Impatient, Possessive, Lazy, Arrogant and

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Crystals to Use for Leo Born
As Leos are ambitious people, they are brave, yet gullible. Wearing the right crystals radiates positive
energy vibrations that develop intuitive qualities to sense danger from farther ahead. Leos are
faithful and inspired to achieve their goal using any means.

Wear the following crystals if you’re a Leo and aspire to grow your power.

 Amber

Representing a vibrant energy of rejuvenation, Amber helps to regain control over your emotions.
For Leos, Amber jewelry helps to regain confidence after a trauma or depression. Amber works well
when Leos wear it ion the sacral or the root chakra.

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 Garnet

Connecting with the sound waves emanating from the earth, Garnet helps to eject fear easily. When
Leos wear Garnet, their sexual drive is boosted, in addition to the power of grounding. Garnet cures
dysfunctional romantic relationships as well as your stomach too. Read more on Crystals for
stomach disorders.

 Onyx

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Yet another potent grounding crystal to use, Onyx takes its wearer to become one with the Earth
energies to feel more grounded in your goals. Onyx helps to revitalize its wearer with new energy
and let go of past burdens.

 Zircon
Healing crystals made from Zircon are ideal for emotional or physical balance. Ideal as a daily
meditative stone, Zircon is perfect to attract beauty, wealth and luxury too.

 Peridot

Renowned as the crystal for lightness, Peridot kills negativity and spreads positivity. Wearing Peridot
if you’re a Leo helps in coping with emotional trauma, turmoil and pains too. Peridot is excellent to
lighten a load of stress in people born under the sign of Leo.

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 Labradorite

A joyful healing stone, Labradorite is powerful and famed for its protective vibrations. Labradorite
prevents psychic attacks and imparts powers of divination. Labradorite wearing also boosts chances
of serendipity and sync in Leos too.

How to Program Leo Crystals

Chant the below to program your Leo Crystals adequately-

With the dominion of my will, that of the wrath of Nemean Lion, Hilnaheu, Aryo and the healing
crystal in my hand, I call upon the heavens to come down and make me succeed in ‘mention-your-

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Chapter Nine
Time Period: September 16 – October 30

Strong criticisms are not the only loud trait of Virgos as they are as shy and picky too. Represented
by the Maiden, Virgo is controlled by the element of Earth. Befitting for celebrating motherhood
and womanhood, Virgo born turn into a writer, journalist or artist.

Personality of Virgo
A Caregiver personality amongst all zodiacs, people born under the zodiac of Virgo comprise of
perfectionists too. Giving attention to details is a significant bonus of Virgo born people as they are
highly defensive about their ideologies and choices too.

 Strengths
Observant, Helpful, Trustworthy, Accurate, Analytical, Hard Working, Pragmatic, Independent,
Logical, Sensible, Health-Conscious and Planned;

 Weaknesses
Shy, Naïve, Perfectionist, high Expectations, Overbearing, Dominating, Possessive, Obsessive,
Sentimental, Takes things Personally, Intervention and Workaholic.

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Crystals to Use for Virgo Born
Virgos are naturally rebellious and perpetually judgmental of the people around them. They hate
rude people and like quietness in their life. When Virgos use healing crystals chosen for them, they
develop their hidden strengths such as confidence, self-awareness, respect and love too.

 Chrysocolla

Exclusively hard for Virgos, Chrysocolla helps in radiating energy vibrations that inculcate a change
from within. Activating the heart chakra, Chrysocolla introduces new love energy of empathy among

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 Peridot

The perfect healing stone to bring blessings into your life, Peridot also brings fame, prosperity and
fortune for Virgos. Peridot also builds a connection in Virgos with their spirit guides such that they
attract everything that they desire.

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 Amazonite

A rich and gorgeous healing crystal marked in human history, Amazonite activates the heart chakra
and scrapes off the pain of failures in your love life. It cleans every ounce of negativity from your
mind as well as the radiations of your phone.

 Topaz

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The quintessential healing crystal for every Virgo if you want to stretch your psychic powers, Topaz
also helps in expressing emotions clearly. It cuts off the unnecessary load of excitement towards
work and boosts balance in emotional and career oriented life too.

 Garnet

An excellent healing stone to remove fear completely from your body, Garnet also releases your
genuine feelings. Garnet is a base chakra stone that is excellent to drain excess energy as well as
toxins from your body.

How to Program Virgo Crystals

Chant the below to program your Virgo Crystals adequately-

With the power of my will, the dominion of Great Cosmic Mother and the crystal in my hand, I
bequeath the universe to power my success in-‘mention-your-goal’.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 52

Chapter Ten
Time Period: October 30 – November 23

Representing the element of Air, people born under the star sign of Libra behave akin to their zodiac
symbol of scales. The core truth that drives a Libra is that he or she should always be paired up with
another person for the best results. Crystals help to tap into your hidden potential, surfacing your
hidden talents as well as rewiring your mind as well as an aura.

Personality of Libra
Apart from justice, Libras always find a way to put a stop to a feud in many situations. Libras are
heavily endowed with traits that can surface underlying desires as well as live a peaceful life. It is
true that Libras cannot bear injustice and cheating, but they are gentle too.

 Strengths
Romantic, Tactful, Fair, Diplomatic, Polite, Clever, Intelligent, Adaptive, Sociable, Graceful, Love,
Balanced and Gentle.

 Weaknesses
Injustice, Rudeness, Self-Pity, Guilt, Detached, Unreliable, Superficial, Lazy, Indecisive, Narcissistic,
Dishonest, Discontentment and Bragging;

Crystals to Use for Libra Born

Ruled by the `planet Venus, Libras love all things beautiful. People who work to achieve peace
around, Libras are a good influence for dysfunctional families and relationships. Libras are easily
deceivable and hence, need crystals to protect their interests as well as health.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 53

 Jade

The green color energy of Jade is powerful for Libras as it boosts your blood circulation and heals
heart related disorders. Known as the study stone, Jade boosts your devotion, commitment and
dedication to goals.

 Obsidian

An ideal crystal to clear the negativity from your base and sacral chakra, Obsidian halts psychic
attacks and protects the wearer. Wearing obsidian helps to clear excess negativity from your body
as well as mind and simultaneously ground you.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 54

 Tourmaline

A unique healing crystal, Tourmaline boosts detoxification and dispels stress. Tourmaline aligns with
the same resonance of water and simultaneously enhances blood circulation as well as focus.

 Quartz

Amplification of energy vibrations is a unique effect of clear quartz crystals as these cleanse the
auric field. Known as the stone of light, Quartz is excellent boost trustworthiness amongst Libra born

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 55

 Peridot

Yet another potent green energy, Peridot is a spiritual crystal that activates the heart chakra and
promotes wisdom. Wearing Peridot regularly helps to accept changes effortlessly and sans pain or
conflict too.

How to Program Libra Crystals

Chant the below to program your Libra Crystals adequately-

With the power of my will, goddesses Themis and Atrea as well as the powerful crystal in my hand, I
command positive energies to copulate to grant me justice and success in ‘mention-your-goal’.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 56

Chapter Eleven
Time Period: November 23- November 29

By the new Zodiac Calendar, the days on which the Scorpio constellation shines light less than a
week. Scorpio is represented by the symbol of Scorpion and people born under the same star sign
are addicted to truthfulness and grand ways of showing passion as well as love.

Personality of Scorpio
Scorpions hate snitches and people who gossip as they approve nothing but the facts as well as truth.
Scorpio born people also dislike the company of introverts and quiet people. Scorpions are all about
fun, happiness and success, powered by the element of water.

 Strengths
Courageous, Passionate, Soulful, Honest, Long term relationships, Focused, Stability, Intuitive,
Resourceful, Faithful and Ambitious;

 Weaknesses
Possessive, Jealous, Manipulative, Vague, Shrewd, Adamant, Arrogant, Anger, Mistakes, Pessimism
and Disbelief about everything;

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 57

Crystals to Use for Scorpio Born
Scorpions get a boost of concentration as well as ambition when they use crystals. You can use
crystals to introduce new strengths into your zodiac by doing crystal wand massages too.

Scorpions can easily learn the code of calmth, discipline, humility and acceptance through using the
following crystals

 Ruby

A gemstone that activates many chakras, Ruby stones are exclusively beneficially on the heart and
the root chakra. Wearing Ruby if you’re a Scorpio fuels your passion and focus too. Ruby helps to
clarify thoughts and shield against sadness.

 Labradorite

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 58

An excellent crystal for magic and mystic works, Labradorite turns into magic armor in the hands of
a Scorpion. Labradorite transforms your thinking based on your ambitions and seals your aura
against negativity. Labradorite wearers who are scorpions also recognize their destiny or purpose of
life earlier than ordinary.

 Malachite

A superb growth crystal befitting for Scorpions who suffer from jealousy to obsession, Malachite
alerts you before danger embarks on you. Wearing malachite regularly can help Scorpions to be
protected from psychic attacks as well as circulatory system disorders.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 59

 Turquoise

Considered perfect for Scorpions looking to improve their strength of the throat chakra, Turquoise
heals the etheric body. The gentle vibration of a pure turquoise crystal instills warmth and loving
energy vibrations in addition to introducing clairvoyance.

 Moonstone

A magical gemstone ideal for Scorpio females, Moonstone is highly effective during the mood
swings and pains of your menstrual cycle every month. Read more on crystals for menstrual cramps.
Wearing moonstone connects you deeper with your spirit guide to cultivating divination traits.

How to Program Scorpio Crystals

Chant the below to program your Scorpio Crystals adequately-

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 60

With the power of my will, impetuous vigor of Mars and the crystal in my hand, I enjoin the creations
on earth to make me succeed in ‘mention-your-goal’.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 61

Chapter Twelve
Serpentarius or Ophiuchus
Time Period: November 29 - December 17

The most unique and thirteenth sign of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus or Serpentarius is the only
constellation that aligns with the centre of the Milky Way. Death and sex are the biggest focus of
Serpentarius born people, which is also the lone zodiac with no polarities. Serpentarius is translated
into the Serpent Holder.

Serpentarius marks the start of a new era and is believed to take man to the level of spiritual

Personality of Serpentarius or Ophiuchus

One of the most charismatic people with the highest sex appeal, people born under the star sign of
Serpentarius lives a fanatical life. Moreover, people born as Ophiuchus have a unique ability to
manage stress better than other zodiacs. However, when they lose control of the anger, the same
creates gaps in their relationships.

 Strengths
Charismatic, Responsible, Genuine, Enlightened, Sexy, Expressive, Brave, Intelligent, Constructive,
Creative, High Stamina, Emotional Stability and Captivating;

 Weaknesses
Fanatical, Attention-Seeking, Obsessive, Too Emotional, Temper-Mismanagement, Lack of Self-Care
and too much sexual energy;

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 62

Crystals to Use for Serpentarius or Ophiuchus Born
Serpentarius born people can harness the energy of crystals to transform their weaknesses into
strengths. Combined crystals also tend to beneficially affect the life of an Ophiuchus to keep them
focused and away from distractions.

 Tanzanite

A power stone for Serpentarius, Tanzanite concretes the spiritual connection or call that a
Serpentarius feels deep down. It opens your mind to spiritual visions simultaneously strengthening
your will power. Wearing tanzanite also keeps you protected from evil and psychic attacks.

 Lapis Lazuli

A peace bringing stone that also connects you with the higher realm and your guardian angels, Lapis
Lazuli is excellent to boost your wisdom as well as to dispel confusions. It is often used by a
Serpentarius born shaman to open the portal to other dimensions in ancient astronaut theories.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 63

 Bloodstone

Ideal for Serpentarius suffering from lack of self-love or manipulation from others, Bloodstone clears
your mind and body from negativity too. It boosts the energy of compassion, teaches acceptance
and powers your confidence.

 Aquamarine

A shielding crystal, ideal for Ophiuchus born people suffering from insecurity, guilt and stress,
Aquamarine protects your aura too. It also transforms Serpentarius to do positive and constructive

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 64

 Fluorite

An ideal healing crystal to ground your mind and live in the present, Fluorite is exceptionally
powerful in the hands of a Serpent Holder zodiac. Fluorite works to power up your DNA and clears
the chaotic lifestyle.

How to Program Serpentarius or Ophiuchus Crystals

Chant the below to program your Serpentarius Crystals adequately-

With the power of my will, Might of Isis and the crystals in my hand, I impregnate the cosmos to
deliver success in my ‘mention-your-goal’.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 65

Chapter Thirteen
Time Period: December 18 – January 19

Signifying the end of a year, the zodiac of Sagittarius represents the constellation in the shape of an
archer Symbolized by the centaur and the Archer, Sagittarius born people are akin to their base
element fire. If you’re around a Sagittarian, your good times have started!

Personality of Sagittarius
Down to earth personality is a hallmark of people born under the star sign of Sagittarius. Most
Sagittarius born people are kind, genuine with a dash of lively humor. Vouched by astrologers as the
most impatient, for a Sagittarian, a constant attachment to the world is necessary to avoid feeling

 Strengths
Positive, Fidel, Genuine, Calm, Empathetic, Rebellious, Ambitious, Resourceful, Fast, Thorough, Wise,
Intelligent, Passionate and Kind.

 Weaknesses
Sensitive, Emotional, Sentimental, Promises more than possible, Manipulations, Tactless,
Inconsistent, Delusional and Superficial.

Crystals to Use for Sagittarius Born

As most Sagittarians are big-hearted people, it is easy to fool around. If you’re a Sagittarian, using
the crystals that vibrates with your zodiac sign will open hidden strengths as well as erase your
weaknesses. Sagittarius born people can change their mindset, perspective and health by using the
right crystals.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 66

 Turquoise

A stone used for rigging the truth, in the hand of a Sagittarian, Turquoise radiates an honest aura. It
helps to tune to your spiritual guides effortlessly. Moreover, using turquoise every day in your
healing works will amplify the powers of your crystal and activate the Third Eye Chakra.

 Ruby

For Sagittarians who suffer from jaded feeling or lack of passion, Ruby can rejuvenate you with love
vibrations capable of making you let go of easily. Wearing Ruby boosts your chance of serendipity in
love, personal success and spiritual life too.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 67

 Sodalite

Yet another befitting gemstone for Sagittarians, Sodalite boosts the traits of divination in
Sagittarians. It also makes them clairvoyant as well as spiritually enlightened. Wearing Sodalite every
day boosts your focus and power of will too.

 Topaz

A gorgeous healing stone for Sagittarians, Topaz helps to surface your spiritual destiny. On
Sagittarians, Topaz also brings organization, clarity and discipline. When worn daily, Topaz can also
activate the Crown Chakra.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 68

 Peridot

A healing crystal to multiply your assets, Peridot is renowned for brining abundance, fortune and
prosperity. Peridot also heals many diseases of our body in addition to powering your dedication to

How to Program Sagittarius Crystals

Chant the below to program your Sagittarius Crystals adequately-

With the power of my will, the howl of Zeus and the crystal in my hand, I convoke the hidden powers
of Cosmos to imbue success in my ‘mention-your-goal’.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 69


Zodiac signs do not keep on changing, but our range of acceptance does. Moreover, as we have
ascended to an age of enlightenment, open-mindedness and acceptance are necessary. Knowing
the right value and crystal commandments of each zodiac boost your skill set via physical and mental

We have combined the best crystals to use for each zodiac above to grant any wish for all zodiacs.
Depending on your tastes and needs, pick crystals that you’re naturally attracted to as it will prove
easy to bond after. If you’re a regular crystals user, you need to check shocking and unique ways of
conducting a crystal wand massage as well as cleaning the negativity from your crystals regularly
to make it effective. Moreover, don’t forget to bookmark our blog for intriguing crystal facts every

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If you have any doubts about the All New Crystal Bible from AtPerry’s, waste no time and write to us,
right away!

Stay Powerful

Perry Valentine, AtPerrys.

Your Trustworthy New Crystal Bible for 13 Zodiacs Page 70

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