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Names: Yenifer Carolina Last names: Medina Pérez

Reg. Number: 1-20-3548 Subject: English Expression

Professor: Isaias Santana Section: ING-505-001

Meet my country.
The Dominican Republic is a Caribbean country located in the central part of the
Antilles, whose culture is based on European, African and Taino culture, it has a
population of more than 10 million inhabitants and borders Haiti. It also has the ninth
largest economy in Latin America and the first in Central America and the Caribbean.
Some of its cultural features are the Merengue which is the typical musical genre and
the Habichuelas con dulce which is a typical dish that is made every year at Easter. Is
the only country that has the bible on the coat of arms of its flag and its national anthem
was written by Emilio Prud’homme and Jose Reyes. Its independence day it is
celebrated on February 27th and its currently president is Luis Abinader. The national
flower is bayahibe and the national animal is the cigua palmera. The Dominican
Republic is divided into three major regions: the Southeast region, the North or Cibao
region and the Southwest region and its capital is Santo Domingo. Its official currency is
Dominican Peso. It is a country full of beautiful landscapes and the inhabitants are very
cheerful and love to receive tourists from all over the world. It is important to know your
country, the good things it has, to learn about your ancestors, why we are the way we are
today, why many people of the past fought so that today we can enjoy what we have.

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