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Alexandre Vakareva 301/2

The Happy Man

William Somerset Maugham

The story under the title "The Happy Man" was written by English playwright,
novelist, and short-story writer William Somerset Maugham. The story begins with
the thoughts of the Major character who seeks a solution to a problem of being an
adviser. In indirect or implicit characterization, the author lets us draw our own
conclusions about a character. A writer indicates character to the reader in the
through the character’s statements and thoughts. Somerset creates the Major
character by the perception of another character and conversation between them.
The character is revealed as profound and philosophical person. ‘But this I can tell
you: if you don't want money but are content to earn just enough to keep body and
soul together, then go. For you will lead a wonderful life.' – Quite a good piece of
advice. The character isn’t very drawn in detail. He isn’t dynamic due to the
development of another character creating the contrast, but presented as well-
rounded person. The Major character presented true to life under given
circumstances creating the empathy to him as all of us had this difficulties of
giving right advise not ruin anybody’s life. The reader is encouraged to think on
themes of advice giving, difficulties of choice in our lives and also about
consequences of our choices.
To sum up, the character of this story gives us enough themes to think of. He
presented as well-rounded and deep person not using his description, but through
the conversation.

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