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Assignment - Work and study


Jorge Zarate Cabezas Kissmark Rivas Moreno

Teacher: Rafael Martin, Contreras Poño


Week 14 - Task: Assignment - Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles

My current lifestyle is good for my health. I'm in good shape because I don't enjoy
eating too much junk food or drinking too much caffeine. Also smoking or drinking
alcohol are some addictions that are incredibly bad for staying fit and active. Making a
habit of these unhealthy actions can take us to the doctor more of the time and we may
need medical advice and assistance.

Staying in shape is not only breaking these bad habits but also exercising. I usually do
at least 40 minutes of exercise, 2 to 3 or more times a week. Other physical activities
that I do are soccer and swimming. These exercises don't have to be expensive and I
can do them without joining expensive gyms.

And finally, I always sleep 8 hours a day to take care of my health and prevent

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