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Margarette A.

Jao November 13, 2019

ABM 11-A Oral Communication

“Acceptance is the Key to Happiness”

Being in this world that is flooding with problems and cruelty, we cannot hide the fact
that we feel pain due to these things. It’s hard to forget and accept all the memories caused by
this chaos, its either good memories that is worth to keep or bad memories that gave us pain
despite the lessons we acquired.

When someone made a light mistake towards us, we tend to accept their apology and
forgive them easily right? But when someone made a mistake that brought us too much pain and
despite this pain, we still forgave them, and it is not okay. Even though we forgave them, still our
mind and body cannot forget and sometimes we are confused with the idea that we forgave them
but we cannot accept what happened, which restricts us in being happy. As stated by a famous
quote “Acceptance is the Key” for me, yes acceptance is really the key for our happiness, for us
to feel the joy that is deprive from us because we choose to trap ourselves from the pain. Another
scenario where we can attain happiness through acceptance is achieving self-acceptance. I know
almost most of us is having a hard to accept ourselves due to the fact that some of us is still
figuring out who really are we? Why do I have this flaws while others don’t have it? I will be
honest in this moment, I am telling you that I, myself doesn’t fully accept who really am I. I
cannot accept that I don’t have smooth skin, I’m vertically challenged and I am fat even though
people oppose this idea. Sometimes I am wondering what I should do to stop this negative ideas
that are flowing into my mind. I am not happy about myself and that is because I cannot accept
it. In realization as I am making this speech, now I understood and discovered that I can only feel
the real happiness or joy if I accept myself fully.

Yes, acceptance might be one of the hardest thing to give to people and to ourselves. It
should not be rushed because happiness takes time. Also acceptance gave us freedom to love
ourselves and for us to create the life we want. In order to accept we should forgive, forget and
don’t forget to love and we should always take a step forward in life.

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