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SH: Ema.
W: Liz.
MH: Karla.

SH: As you know all my life I’ve devoted myself to solving cases. I’m SH and I’m going to tell
you one of them. This case took place one cold morning at the beginning of the spring.

(Musica fb)

Watson: We have received your letter and that’s the reason why you are here. Could you
start telling us your worries?

MH: I have been a governess for 5 years, so I have worked with well-known families but this
time I don’t know what I can do.

SH: Tell me everything about it.

MH: I’m running out of money and I have received an offer.

W: That’s good, isn’t it?

MH: What 's weird is the amount of the money and the strange conditions that they asked
me to do.

SH: I have to take notes… go on.

MH: They gave me a payment in advance and Mister Ruscatle said that I need to cut my hair
and sit backwards for a long time wearing clothes that they give me.

W: Where is that house located?

MH: In Hampshire, in a place called Copper Beeches, on the far side of Winchester.

SH: Furthermore, how much they will pay you for being an obedient woman.

MH: I have received a letter that stated that Mrs Ruscatle accepted me and they offered me
30 pounds a quarter or 120 in a year and some extras so I took the offer.

W: So why did you come for a second opinion?

MH: The only thing I need is your support because the work bothers me.
SH: So… you just want my approval ?

MH: Mmmm I think so…

(Música presente)

W: Yes, that was our first meeting.

SH: Next one was in the Black Swan Hotel.

MH: Yes I remember that Ms. Rucastle seems apathetic, the strangest thing was the
employees in the house. There were only two, a woman and a man, married, called Ms and
Mrs Toller. The third day they made me wear a blue dress and the activities started after that.

W: No!!The strangest thing was finding similar hair in the drawer.

SH: And obviously the locked rooms that wake up your curiosity about the whole family.

MH: Specially, that cheerless room that has the hall and a little window where I could see the
shadow from someone and Mr. Rucastle was suddenly outside.

W: And that’s how our adventure began.

SH: The first step, was to verify that Mr. Toller was drunk, The Rucastles were outside and
Ms. Toller was in the locked cellar.

W: Here we have a phenomenon in medicine, that the parents wanted to replace the identity
of Alice Rucastle because of their overprotection, and you were the best woman for that.

MH: I almost fainted when I saw him in the door.

SH: Above everything, the worst part was that she wasn’t in that room.

W: We had to start with the employees because all the secret was with Ms. Toller.

MH: Who would imagine that a father can lock his daughter just because he didn't want her
to marry.

SH: Of course, that 's possible because sharing the heritage of her daughter didn’t suit them.

MH: There is always a happy ending because Alice Rucastle could get married to Mr Fowler
and currently both are really well.

SH: And this is just a typical day in the life of SH.

(Aprox. tiempo: 3:50)


1. This case happened in…

a. Spring.
b. Winter.
c. Summer.
d. Autumn.

2. How Ms. Hunter communicates with Holmes and Watson the first time?
a. Calling them.
b. Texting them.
c. Visiting them.
d. Writing them.

3. How long has Ms. Hunter been a governess?

a. 7 year.
b. She can’t remember.
c. 5 years.
d. She didn't mention.

4. Did she accept the offer because of the money?

a. True
b. False

5. How much was the offer per year?

a. 110
b. 120
c. 130
d. 140

6. The Ruscatles hire Ms Hunter because

a. Her experience.
b. Her knowledge.
c. Her appearance.
d. Her willingness.

7. Why did the Ruscatles lock Alice?

a. She was grounded.
b. She was sick.
c. She wanted to escape.
d. She was hided.


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