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Webinar Reflection: Digital Leadership

Digital leadership is a new management style. Digital leader will recognize that digital

transformation is not about technology but about strategy, structure, culture, capabilities and

understanding the customer or citizen. Digital leaders are leaders who carry out tasks such as

keeping people safe, analyzing the importance of workforce wellbeing, relying on and using

technology more than ever, rebuilding logistics processes, developing new supply chains. Digital

leaders see the pandemic as an opportunity for leaders to define a new future and identify three

critical areas of action: sustainability, digitalization, reliability. 21st century leaders must be

prepared to embrace digital transformation. Organizations are on a continuous journey,

compelled to adapt to new technologies and rethink their business models. This ongoing

evolutionary process affects not only business processes, but also the workforce. Different

departments within a business will require different digital tools to improve their work. Having

an effective digital leader helps to make this happen within your organization giving them the

right tools available to them. It’s crucial for all digital leaders to implement a digital roadmap.

This is a high-level document that outlines the business goals and identifies the digital initiatives

that can help them to get there. Essentially, it’s the blueprint for actions that are all aligned to the

digital strategy.

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