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Group Discussion

1. Good Morning ma’am, today our group is going to initiate a discussion

on the topic Is freedom: A myth?
2. Everyone living in the democratic countries have political rights such as
freedom of speech, freedom to choose their leaders and freedom in
many other aspects of life. But still this freedom has limitations. -vanisha
3. minorities and socially disadvantaged groups are vulnerable -YASH
4. We have more freedom now than our ancestors - Yastika
5. Censorship -Vanisha
6. Women Empowerment (Positives) -Vedant
7. Sometimes a person or a group people are not given the adequate
power...which may in turn benefit the society. for example, in the
Khalistan movement... -YASH
8. Women empowerment and unawareness in people. -Tanmay
1. criminals in every society curtailing our freedom. -Yastika
2. govt. influence on media -Vedant
3. power of wealth -Tanmay
4. Wildlife cruelty for e.g. Leopard skins -Yastika

CONCLUSION: Freedom can be different for everyone as everyone have a

different perspective of the society. Therefore, freedom cannot be considered

as a myth.

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