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Distance Learning

Pandemics in Indonesia are forcing face-to-face learning to stop and replace online
learning. It was implemented on March 9, 2020 by the minister of education and culture
Nadiem Makarim. The program is called Distance Learning. Distance learning is indeed the
right choice during the pandemic to break the chain of spread of Covid-19. Distance learning
can use digital technologies such as google classroom, zoom, video conference, phone and
more. However, various challenges must be faced in distance learning, one of which is the
positive impact and negative impact of distance learning.

The positive impact that can be seen from online learning is one of them is time
saving. Students do not need to take the time to go to school, an activity that is often time
consuming so there are not many activities that can be carried out. You can learn anywhere
and anytime. Because the cost-effective cost is also less. It can be said, with the online
school makes some students can manage time better than before.

In addition, there are also some negative impacts obtained during this pandemic. One
of them is learning online sometimes less effective. Because it may be that students do not
pay attention to the material being explained. Because it may be that students do not pay
attention to the material being explained. In fact, it is not uncommon for them to fall asleep
while the lesson is in progress. That way, they become less understanding of the material
provided by the teacher.

In conclusion, although there are two sides to the implementation of this online
school, we should take the positive benefits, and suppress as much as possible the chances of
negative impacts that will occur. We can get extra time because we do not have to travel to
school, then we can use that extra time to increase study time. In addition, in order for
students to pay attention to the material we must make the material so that it is not boring and
learning can be more effective.

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