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The first line chart illustrates the percentage of households who own washing machines,

refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners whereas the second describes how much time each
week a family spends spent on housework from 1920 to 2019 in a particular country.
Overall, it is clear that all electrical appliances have become more popular, especially
refrigerators and vacuum cleaners. The total time spent on housework has also fallen
steadily and significantly over the past 100 years.
In 1920, the proportion of households that owned refrigerators and vacuum cleaners was
almost 3 percent and 30 percent, respectively. Over the next ten decades, refrigerator data
soared and reached a peak of 100% in 1980, and then stopped growing, while vacuum
cleaners increased rapidly, reaching 100% by 2000 and remained unchanged until the end
of the period. The ownership rate of washing machines was much/ far higher than that of
other equipment at the beginning of the period, at 40%. However, the device has grown
grew more slowly, reaching only 70% from 1920 to 1960, but later dipped slightly by about
5% in 1980 and recovered to about 75% by 2019.
Switching to weekly home hours, this number plummeted from 50 to 15 in the first 60 years
and then slightly declined to (merely) 10 hours in 2019.

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