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How to be a good manager

1. Leadership and assertiveness:

You need to be confident and assertive to make good decisions in difficult times. Making plans carefully and
reasonable work assignments will help your employees finish projects better.

2. Create a positive work environment:

Your employees need to feel comfortable when they come to the office. You should encourage them, motivate
teamwork, and treat everyone equally. Don't skimp on your compliments if they really do well. All of the above
things combined are motivate them to work harder and the members of teams will be closer led to more effective

3. Invest in your employees:

You should know to observe, understand your employees, spend much time guiding and training them. A good
manager will recognize talented employees and take the time to train and develop their skills.

4. Be a role model manager:

Only managers having high expertise, assertiveness, and communication skills are easily respected by employees.
You must take yourself as a role model so that your team wants to move forward, treat everyone equally and
understand employees' suggestions.

5. Appreciate your team’s effort:

In a group, some people stand out more than others. All employees want to be properly evaluated for their abilities
and have a suitable salary. Appreciating their abilities will create more trust and motivate them to complete the task

6. Encourage your employees:

Your achievements are built on the results in the work of your team. Do not forget to show appreciation for their
contributions by proposing the company reward them well and promote them.

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