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Nyeri perut (3)

2. Ascites (33)
3. Nyeri dada (57)

4. Batuk (84)

akut = <3minggu
kronik = >3minggu
Frequent clearing of the throat due to nasal discharge or a history of allergy with rhinitis may
result in post-nasal drip and precipitate coughing
respi tract infection = common cold, pneumonia, pertusis, akut bronkitis,
5. Diare (95)
6. Sesak (109)
7. Hematemesis (182)

8. Hemoptisis(191)
9. Hepatomegaly (215)

10. Hipertensi (228)

11. Jaundice (240)
12. Melena (308)
13. Edema (343)

14. Oliguria (347)

15. Tiredness (438)
16. Muntah (474)
17. Bb turun (483)

18. Anemia (521)

19. Leukositosis (529)
20. Leukopenia

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